This is kind of a late post and should have posted here in this topic when I first started my TRT. Everything is copied and pasted from a different thread so bare with me.

Roughly 5 weeks ago I added Trenbolone Ace to my cycle. It left me open minded and completely curious about what will and can happen while using this compound. I've read many things that would steer your average person away, but I'm your average joe, America's best guinea pig. I am 28, was weighing about 210lbs at 6'2" and 12% BF. As of now I am 225lbs on average give or take some days. And just insanely freakishly stronger then I've ever been.

My first 3 weeks I didn't notice really anything at all, but then roughly at the end of my third week my appetite was starting to grow at an immense rate.

Just want to give a slight update on my Tren Ace cycle. I am currently 4 weeks in and I'm already starting to notice tremendous strength gains. I have not done blood work yet, but I can personally verify it due to some slight sides I have here and there. As of last week the night sweats have kicked in as well as a slight tren cough. The cough was minor and really felt like a gorilla was tugging on the top of my lungs with a burning fist. Everytime I pin you can taste the tren itself. Anyways my cycle is going well. And looking forward to the rest of my cycle.

Finally week 4 was when I started to notice some pretty minor gains in the gym when it came to my reps and weights I was using. On average I was able to put in 3-5 more reps on exercises while just on plain Test. Was also noticing that I was getting zero fatigue/DOMS. I was still playing it smart though and not over exerting myself to reduce injury risk. I was starting to sweat to an extent it would piss me off, granted in live in a southern Louisiana and its a fucking jungle on the bayou and on the ship yards I contract at. My libido is outrageous, I want to fuck anything with legs and if I get a fucking hard on it will not go down after a minute. Sometimes I stay hard for 5 plus minutes or until I have sex or jack off lol. I'm consuming almost 2 gallons of water a day on the days I go to the gym and work. And roughly just under a gallon on my rest days.

As of 3 days ago, I have officially gotten full blown trensomnia. I have zero issue falling asleep, I take 4 benadryl tablets 25mg each, but I am waking up every w hours to piss and come around 6am I cannot go back to sleep at all. All in all I'm getting 0 hours of REM sleep and maybe a good 5 hours of cat napping. Weight wise I haven't put much more on still floating from 220-225 on average. Lethargy is starting to set in. I will finish my 16 weeks no problem but fuck I do not recommend tren to anyone who's a pussy ass bitch. I am solid as a fucking OX used to plow Scandinavian Viking potato fields and I can start to notice my aggression increasing.
