Quote Originally Posted by Gains805 View Post
Help with my cycle please!?

Age 24
Weight 230(last time I checked)
I’d say around 23% BMI
Goal-cut and shred the gains I currently have.

50mg Anavar ED
300mg Test E, Split 150mg twice a week.
TUDCA 500mg
NAC 600mg

25mg Anavar 5am

9am take 250mgTUDCA (been told 4hrs apart is good enough time)

1500(3pm) 25mg Anavar other half.
And gym.

1900(7pm) 25mg TUDCA.

Also taking 250mg Nolvadex to combat sides from test E.

I have also NAC but no clue when to take it, if there needs to be a split between the NAC and Anavar.

Please would love the feedback first cutting cycle! Thanks everyone!

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I'm on the same cycle right now brother just started it. Does not matter when you take the NAC OR Tudca just make sure you get them in every day. You should also throw in some Alpha Lipoic Acid and Milk Thistle on top of that. That's what I'm doing and a lot of other brothers out there will do the same thing. Again, doesn't matter when you take those either just get them in. Don't be too scientific about this it's not that complicated. Too many guys out there make it that way. You CANNOT OVER PROTECT your liver my friend! Just keep doing what you're doing and don't put yourself and or what you're doing under such of a microscope and you'll be just fine young buck. Everything you need to know about AnavarEverything you need to know about AnavarEverything you need to know about Anavar

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