alright guys so my very first cycle about 5 years ago really disappointed me. and i mean i was disappointed by my personal side effects i got from androgen use. this was my first cycle layout just so everyone knows

week1-12 500mg test e split up into 2 injections per week
week1-4 40mg of tbol daily. it may have been 20 or 40mg cant remember
week1-12 12.5mg aromasin eod

i broke out with acne like CRAZYYYYYYYY threw me into a whole tirade of depression. now what i think the problem was that i was using too much aromasin and possibly crashed my estrogen. didnt get bloods like a dumbass ofcourse. anyways it scared me away from using test for a long long time. just recently i tried the "anavar only" cycle just to see how i reacted. was making great gains but ofcourse my test was suppressed so i was like "you know what? fuck it im gonna try to run a low ass dose of test with it to see how i feel" ended up throwing in 250mg test c weekly after like 3 weeks of using anavar. and im extremely happy because NO ACNE!!!!! i havent dosed any arimidex at all and not one pimple and i couldnt be happier!been on the 250mg test c for about 4 weeks now and i am getting bloods done next week as well to see where im at. but anyways does anyone have any recommendations of what else i can throw in on my next cycle? i want to stay vigilant and aware about what could possibly make me break out in the future. so far dht's dont seem to bother it. i think i want to keep the test at 250 weekly. anyone think deca,eq, or tren will make me break out? sorry for the long post any insight is immensely appreciated!