Quote Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
masteron was developed for breast cancer and lowers estrogen. The effective dose for you can vary greatly from other users. Everyone aromatizes differently and has different thresholds of high estrogen/progesterone/prolactin levels. This is something you really need to do experiment with, do bloodwork, and measure changes. 200mg may be doing more than you think, but many seem to like a 1:1 ratio or so with mast & test.

if adding tren, I would drop the deca down, or taper off and replace. 250 deca + 200+\- of tren is a lot of 19 nor for most. I’m at 100mg/wk of deca now and it’s doing well for joints, sex, and I have minimal bloat. I will run tren this fall, if my bloods are ok. 6-8 weeks starting at 125/wk. I love tren, but it’s harsh as fuck on your body and should be rarely and responsibly used in my opinion.
you are correct on tren. I have a couple jugs and they just been collecting dust. I would like to run them but they are so bad for you I keep putting it off. I’m not gonna add tren to this just complete the cycle as planned. I’m only 4 weeks in on the deca test mast-e. I been running NPP 75mg eod for the first 30 days. I did up my mast dose added 75mg mast prop eod to my 200mg mast-e. I have adex on hand but not using it don’t seem to be having any sides really. Blood pressure is being monitored and stable. Eating resting hydration gear. I’m trying to make it happen.