So I usually pin quads, delts, tris. I dont usually do glutes because I had surgery on my right glute which left a 12" scar and 25 staples across my ass cheek. Surgery was under the muscle and was a rather large tumor. And left glute well lets just say its a pain in the ass!

I recently decided to try my right glute and had some moderate inflamation. I let it subside and blew it off to virgin muscle taking 2.5ml of prop/tren. Well im a fool for punishment and did it again in right glute , but this time.......RIGHT GLUTE IS FUCKING SWOLEN AND HURTING LIKE A BITCH.

any of you ever experience something like this where a heavily populated scar tissue area got inflamed?

Im takig some ibprofin and putting heating pad on it when ever I can. Anything ekse you guys can suggest?
