Quote Originally Posted by animal87 View Post
Its not necessarily less potent just takes longer to break down in the body. You still end up getting just as many mgs or more from injecting and it will end up having a crossover into the next day bc of the long half life plus the carrier oil. So you could actually take less mg of the inject and get as much from the oral. It just wont hit you sa hard or give you as good pumps as the oral but, muscle building properties are still the same.
Wouldn't disagree with any of that. The only point I would make is that is was designed for oral use and that is where you get your most bang for your buck. Effectiveness is changed when suspended and you will not receive that great work out pump as you would if you took a pill 45 minutes before workout. Having said that, if you are just looking for it to be part of your stack and not a preworkout booster, Injecting should work fine for you. But if you are injecting there are more potent oils to inject like tren. No disagreement with animal a bit, two sides of a coin. Really depends on what you are going for I think. Either way, results will be there due to its androgenic rating. PLus who am I to argue with a beast like animal? He obviously knows what hes doing, haha.