I for one, will attest to the awesome fat burning properties and strength gains, plus gains held post cycle and beyond. First cycle was with eq and test 500 enth - anavar for 8 weeks at 25 and then started to go up near the end around 50. Fat loss was prominent, 194 to 187 at the end of my cycle, second cycle started at 189 and dropped to 166!!!! I'm all about the lean cut look, and I have a small frame (5' 8). Absolutely love this stuff. I tried to run it at 25mg every day without anything and let me tell you, it WILL shut you down nice an hard at 25mgs. Felt like crap, injected test prop 100 - next day! boom! Energy came right back. BP did get out of control near the end of the cycle at 50mgs every day. Keep monitoring your heart pressure every day.