Pharmaceutical Name: Trestolone, MENT, 7MENT (as acetate)
Chemical structure: 7-alpha-19Nor-androst-4-en-3-one,17b-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Molecular weight of ester: 60.0524 (acetic acid, 2 carbons)

Effective dose: 10-50 mg every day
Average Street-price: Only available through chemical wholesale.
Available Doses: None known. But Schering has been conducting extensive research into use for MENT both as a male contraceptive and as a means of hormonal replacement.


I MENT has always been my favourite steroid, and that's just from reading the studies and looking at the structure of it. Thinking of what MENT can do should make every steroid user drool. This stuff is nearly as strong as its 17-alpha-alkylated counterpart mibolerone (cheque drops) but without the mad liver toxicity. It's a 19Nor substance, a nandrolone derivative. Its very much like nandrolone, except it has a 7-alpha-methyl attachment. This attachment stops it from being 5-alpha-reduced1. Now as you know, 5-alpha-reduction makes nandrolone, otherwise a very potent hormone, much weaker. A nandrolone derivative without 5-alpha-reduction for example is trenbolone (Parabolan/Finaplix), a very strong and potent androgen. But because of trenbolone's triple double bond structure, it also does not aromatize. But MENT on the other hand is still capable of aromatizing2 (which would not be the case with a 4 or 5 methylation), so you still have the benefits of estrogen : extra strength, better glycogen use, upgrading of androgen receptor, increased GH output and more IGF1. Its estrogenic potency may in fact be slightly larger because 7-alpha-methyl-estradiol (the product of MENT aromatization) may show less affinity to binding proteins as well. It is in fact suggested that part of MENT's actions may be the result of this potent estrogen1.