All ,Growth Factors, GH Releasing and Other Peptides, SARMS, SERMS, AAS, prohormone steroids, analogues, Clen, igf-1{all forms} , EPO, prostaglandins, myostatin inhibitor drugs, HGH, other recombinant drugs, with exact amino acid sequences.

*Technology will show the difference from endogenous and exogenous factors.
No excuse will be able to be used.

Genetic sequencing test developed for WADA and IOC for 2020 ready for home test
that can be done with saliva, hair, or urine.
So effective that is can tell exactly what you took and when. Scientist say is is like a map of past and/or current use. Even the most short acting growth factors such as igf-1 des; this test can tell show up even though the athlete took one time, five years ago.

Lab test for: Qualitative/quantitative rHGH , ghrp’s , all ghrh products and its analogues like {mk677/Semorelin}any and all blends of peptides, 191aa, 192aa, in exact amount ppt, ppb, ppm{parts per trillion, billion, million}. Developed for WADA and IOC but is now available for testing UG, Research, Black market drugs obtained online; mainly China. Now you can find out the exact purity of your gh by percentage and total amount. It even differentiates any amino acid sequences are present, so you will know if you bought a bogus product with .02iu rHGH and the rest is a cheap mix to give you good gh serum/igf 1 blood tests.

Isoform Differential Immunoassays

hGH Biomarkers Test

assays for IGF-1 and P-III-NP

N-terminal peptide of procollagen type III (P-III-NP). The measurement of these two hGH markers in serum may serve to uncover the manipulation of the hGH/IGF-I axis independently of the doping substance used, be it recGH or other agents used to increase circulating hGH [for example analogs of GH-releasing hormone (GHRH), hGH secretagogues such as GH-releasing peptides (GHRP) or even hGH gene doping]. The detection and quantification of such biomarkers of hGH activity constitute the rationale of the indirect method for detection of doping with hGH, referred to as the ‘markers approach’.

In serum, hGH exists as a complex combination of different molecular forms (isoforms), including the major 22-kDa form and minor isoforms such as the 20-kDa form.* Furthermore, hGH also exists as aggregates of these isoforms (dimers and oligomers, forming both homo- and heterodimers)

** hGH is stable in serum if frozen

{SPME} coated blade-spray mass spectrometry, the tech is based on coated blade-spray mass spectrometry, the tech is based on solid-phase microextraction
The SPME with more recent advances in analytical instrumentation, antibodies , newly developed reagents and is capable of detecting over 2,200 drugs using a single drop of blood or a few microliters of urine on a coated sample strip. It can analyze samples within just 10 seconds, at a cost of a few dollars per sample.

Paired Ion Electrospray Ionisation (PIESI), the system uses a chemical agent to bind to the minute pieces of steroid, rHGH , peptides(all forms) , sarms, ghrh(all forms),
It can tests parts per trillion, sub-parts per trillion compared to inferior parts per billion tests.
blood, urine, saliva can be used.

Carbon isotope ratio MS (CIRMS) that can distinguish endogenous from exogenous PED’s

This is just a few !! I won’t bore you anymore because this is mainly for Paid Athletes/Athletic Models{contracts}/Championships. It is important to know and had a correlation to some people here.
