My blood pressure and heart rate taken earlier today (I own a machine which lets me get these numbers any time I like) were 167/89 and 102bpm. Contrast this to my last doctor visit before I started taking Proviron, which was 112/76 and 94bpm. They both went up considerably. As a note, if you are going to give blood, be careful. 105bpm and higher will get you denied. I was at 105bpm and told her I had jogged over to get a little exercise in during my workday so she wrote down 104 and let me give blood. It was also a hot day, so she took that into consideration also.

This is from taking 100mg a day, divided into two 50mg doses. I am going to run 50mg a day, divided into two 25mg doses, for a week and test again to see how it changes.