Quote Originally Posted by Somethingclever View Post
It seems everyone responds differently to the stuff. I'm currently on my first run and capped it at 400mg/week. I'm experiencing very little sides besides the occasional trensomnia. Very happy with the results too.

Being wary of the sides, like you, I chose to run ace at a low dose and slowly work my way up. When I was at 60mg ace/day I did notice that my aggression was up a tad, but only when driving. At home I would get annoyed by stupid things, but not enough to where I was being an asshole to my spouse. I swapped over to Enanthate at 400/week (I've used two different sponsors at the same dose for Tren E now) and that aggression and irritability has vanished.

Oh, and for informations sake I'm running 600/wk Sust and 50mg/day Proviron. A lot of the experienced Tren guys all seem to agree that Proviron really helps cool the Tren sides.

I wonder if it is because the acetate dumps the hormone so quickly that is causes a huge spike. Thanks for the info, clever.