Hey bro, take my advice as you will but you don't need all that to get to 180 lb 10% bf unless you are really short. If you are anything over 5'6; 180lb on a very lean physique (sub 10%) is very attainable on minimal anabolics. Remember anabolics are only one part of the matrix; these things work synergistically together. I'd rather see you on a trt dose of test, yes a lil tren a, a lil high quality GH, and maybe something to keep your thyroid high. Before that get some lab work done and see where all your levels are at (liver, thyroid, hormones, etc.) Running like this will definitely get you to that goal and you will feel and be a whole hell of a lot better. That's just too many anabolics brother. A recipe for lots of water retention. Wouldn't you rather see lean hard gains? This is the recipe that will make your muscles "pop" give them the 3D look. I wish someone would have told me that advice years ago!