
Nomenclature: 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one

Synonyms: Max LMG, 13-ethyl-tren, M-LMG

Originally brought to market as Max-LMG by ALRi, this oddity appears structurally similar to some of the undetectable (at the time) steroids used in the BALCO scandal.
Most steroids are androgens, that is to say they have 19 carbon atoms (17 in the carbon rings of the sterane nucleus, plus two methyl groups attached at C10 and C13). Estranes (more commonly referred to as "19-nors") have no methyl group at C10 (meaning no carbon at the 19th position). Gonanes have no methyl attached at C10 or C13. M-LMG falls into the gonane category as it has no methyl groups, instead it has an ethyl group at C13.

Despite the rather odd-looking double bond structure, upon ingestion the unstable enol ether group will be hydrolysed leaving a ketone at C3, and the 5(10) bond isomerised to the more thermodynamically stable delta-4 position - thus producing 18-methyl-19-norandrostenedione.

From there it will be converted into the active 18-methyl-19-nortestosterone, and possibly similar estrogenic metabolites. Some of the metabolites may also be progesterone receptor agonists.

User reports would suggest it's a wet bulker carrying a risk of on-cycle gyno, with effects on libido varying from user to user. I'd suggest 4 - 6 weeks cycles at bottle recommended dosages in users who have no predisposition to gyno.