I run test and Deca a lot and i love Deca. I had shoulder surgery on my right shoulder in 1996 from playing college football and without Deca my shoulder is really sore after lifting especially from bench press. I would describe the soreness as if you threw 50 baseballs hard and you havent thrown a baseball in 20 years. Your shoulder would be hurting like that the next day. When I take Deca I have very little soreness sometimes none at all. I think this stuff is amazing. No other AAS does this for me. Same thing with my knee. I just have some arthritis in my knee, with Deca it doesn't bother me at all.I can jog and do sprints while on it. Without I am limping some days after workouts. I feel it works like an anti inflammotory and with the increased joint lubrication and collagen synthesis . I dont feel like it heals anything because when I come off the drug the aches and pains return after it clears your body.