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    Thread: Injectable sdrol

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      Thank u for the feedback brother, highly appreciated when comes from a vet like yourself

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    4. #12
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      This is an interestign review done by Mike Arnold on the injection Superdrol -


      In preparing for my last arm-wrestling competition I decided to hit some injectable SD the last 4 weeks of prep (in combination with 300 mg of test/week). However, with this being only my 2nd time using injectable SD and using a different source (from this board), I wasn’t sure if my experience would be the same. Since there have been a lot of questions regarding the differences between oral and injectable administration, and now having used two different sources, I can confidently say that my experience was virtually identical.

      For those who didn’t see my last thread on injectable SD, I’ll post my most recent experience here. With that said, I GREATLY prefer injectable SD to the oral version. It is both more effective and has a significantly reduced side effect profile—specifically as it pertains to how one feels (appetite, lethargy, etc.)

      Much of the information presented below was done for the less educated guys, who are not aware of what this compound does. The more educated AAS users may want to skip over this commonly known information.

      Cycle Length: 30 Days

      Dosage: 24 mg/day

      Injection Frequency: Twice daily, with 50% of the listed dose in the a.m. and 50% in the p.m.

      Cosmetic Effects: SD is a dry compound, regardless of the route of administration employed. However, unlike other dry compounds, SD is an all-out mass gainer capable of producing extreme increases in muscle fullness. It’s the ONLY steroid I am aware of that is capable of producing such extreme intramuscular water retention without causing a simultaneous increase in subcutaneous water retention. With most of the more powerful mass gainers, you are going to notice a fair to large degree of subcutaneous water retention, but not with SD. This is one of the biggest, if not the biggest difference between SD and other mass-building AAS. vascularity is through the roof, as well.

      Perhaps the 2nd biggest difference between SD and other mass-building methylated AAS is that it is extremely mild in terms of cosmetic side effects. This is due to its inability to aromatize and extremely weak androgenic nature in multiple tissues. Many people, when attempting to assess a drug’s likelihood of causing androgenic side effects, look at its androgenic rating. This is a mistake, as androgenic ratings only assess androgenic potency in prostate tissue. It does not tell us how likely it is to adversely affect scalp tissue, vocal chords, skin, etc…and don’t think that having a weak androgenic effect in one area means it is more likely to have a weak androgenic effect in general. The truth is that a steroid can display weak androgenicity is one tissue and harsh androgenicity in another. Take Masteron, for instance. Masteron has an androgenic rating of only 40, yet it is known to be rather harsh on the hair line. The same is true for Winstrol. SD is the ONLY steroid currently in production capable of producing profound increases in muscle mass, while possessing a weak androgenic character in multiple, relevant tissues.

      When it comes to estrogenic side effects, they are non-existent, as the drug does not aromatize to any degree. However, it is prone to causing rebound gyno, so you may need to watch out for that. It does not cause any sexual side effects, either in terms of dysfunction or libido, as long as testosterone is employed with it.

      Potency (mass gains): I rate this stuff at the VERY TOP. In my opinion, nothing builds more lean tissue, more quickly, than SD. It is #1 in this area. Nothing will change your body more rapidly.

      Potency (strength gains): Again, I rate SD at the top…for most. I say “for most”, as not everyone is going to respond to every steroid exactly the same. Still, after assessing the experiences of literally 100’s of athletes who have used the drug, the majority claimed that SD added more strength than any other steroid they have ever used.

      Impact on Emotional Wellbeing: While SD does have the propensity for causing lethargy, the injectable version is much less prone to this…at least for most. I have read some accounts where people responded equally negatively to both forms of administration, but the majority have said that the injectable version produced less lethargy than the oral form. Overall, I still feel good on injectable SD. It doesn’t improve mood like some AAS are known to do, but at least it doesn’t destroy one’s mood like some other AAS (oral SD, for instance.

      Impact on Hepatic Function: I didn’t get my liver values tested this time around, but in the past I have found that the injectable version seems to be a little (just a little) less stressful to the liver. Liver values don’t get as high and I feel much better. Still, injectable or not, SD is one of the more liver stressful steroids out there, so keeping your cycle length reasonable is a wise choice.

      Impact on Blood Pressure: This varies from person to person, just as it does with all steroids. Personally, it doesn’t elevate my BP (maybe a few points at the most), but not everyone is as fortunate. Only personal experience can tell you how it will affect you in this area. If it does cause problems for you, there are a handful of safe and effective (both script and non-script) compounds that can help normalize BP. Use them.

      Impact on Appetite and Digestion: . It’s the same with appetite. Personally, injectable SD causes very little appetite suppression—to the point where it is often unnoticeable. In contrast, oral SD causes a very dramatic decrease in appetite. With oral SD my appetite is already significantly blunted at one week in…and within 2 weeks it is shot. Injectable SD is much more forgiving in this regard. I consider his to be one of the biggest benefits of injectable SD over the oral version. After all, if you can’t eat, you can’t grow.

      Overall, I had a great experience with this product. If any of you haven't tried it, it's one of those things you need to try at leats once. As always, I recommend that methylated AAS be used infrequently, but when trying to break through plateaus (size or strength) or maximize size/strength development, this is the best drug out there.

    5. Thanks thebear, jrock645, Judgeno1, AverageJoe thanked for this post
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    7. #13
      is Low test lots of primo
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sachie View Post
      Put it this way. You get some good SDrol or MTren and do 1cc of either 1hr before you lift and your FUCKING HE-MAN! Litterally! SDrol you can do 5 days a week fo 4-6 weeks. I did like 8 lol As for the MTren I mentioned you can only do that twice a week for 4 weeks or so. Its thee most anabolic super steriod on the planet. When you go to the gym on it you'll see why
      8 weeks of sdrol god damn man that's a lot of sdrol for the mtren it for me has more to do with the amount your taking not the frequency

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      Quote Originally Posted by Sachie View Post
      Put it this way. You get some good SDrol or MTren and do 1cc of either 1hr before you lift and your FUCKING HE-MAN! Litterally! SDrol you can do 5 days a week fo 4-6 weeks. I did like 8 lol As for the MTren I mentioned you can only do that twice a week for 4 weeks or so. Its thee most anabolic super steriod on the planet. When you go to the gym on it you'll see why
      For Sachie to take something only 2x a wk and talk about it in this way, you know it’s strong. I got some in my stash, elaborate more on the mtren...or PM me so we don’t hijack this thread.

      I am a part time Proctologist and full time Gynecologist Injectable sdrol

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      Quote Originally Posted by thebear View Post
      For Sachie to take something only 2x a wk and talk about it in this way, you know it’s strong. I got some in my stash, elaborate more on the mtren...or PM me so we don’t hijack this thread.

      I am a part time Proctologist and full time Gynecologist Injectable sdrol
      As for Methyl-Tren you may check out this a comprehensive and interesting review from Mike Arnold (404 error - sciroxxonline.com) -

      OK, guys. I am finally ready to give my review. My apologies for the delay. I got sick multiple times, had urgent and unexpected business matters that I needed to prioritize, I had to go out of town twice, and then the holidays came around.

      With that said, I have broken my review up into multiple categories. If there is anything I left out that you want to know, just post it and I will respond to you.

      Cycle Length: 21 Days


      Days 1-5: 2 mg/day.
      Days 6-13: 3 mg/day.
      Days 14-21: 5 mg/day

      Injection Frequency: Twice daily, with 50% of the listed dose in the a.m. and 50% in the p.m.

      Cosmetic Effects: M-Tren was a dry compound...similar to Superdrol in effect, although perhaps not as much of a skin thinning effect. I definitely did not hold any sub-q water on it, however. It provided pronounced muscle fullness that came on immediately (I noticed within 48 hours or less) and was on par with other methylated AAS known for providing this effect. I would say it was comparable to Anadrol in this regard, but maybe slightly less potent than SD. Still, I was very impressed with how big and full it made me look in such a short period of time...and these effects only improved as the dosage went up.

      Given the fact that this steroid is so androgenic, I am sure that all the common androgenic side effects, such as hair loss, oily skin, etc., will apply to the typical user (assuming they are prone to these androgenic side effects). However, being that I have already lost most of my hair and always have a health supply of androgens running through my bloodstream, I did not notice a worsening of any of these side effects. Things simply remained as they were. But...like I mentioned above, I do believe that if someone wasn't accustomed to chronic androgen use, they would most certainly experience at least some androgenic side effects, with one's genetic propensity determining both their occurrence and severity.

      I did not notice any gyno, but then again, I was a using raloxifene; my SERM of choice for on-cycle gyno prevention, especially when using 19-nor based drugs.

      Potency (mass gains): I rate this stuff at near the top. I put on about 10 lbs...and could've gained more if I had pushed the calories higher (note: I only increased my calories about 300 above maintenance, which isn't much for me)

      Potency (strength gains): Again, I ate M-tren near the top. Strength gains were excellent and for me, they were comparable to SD or Anadrol.

      Impact on Emotional Wellbeing: Because of M-Tren's close association to trenbolone, many people likely assume that M-Tren is going to provide similar effects on the mind and mood. Contrary to this generally accepted belief, it was not that way for me at all...and in my experience, this is here the product really shines. In short, I felt awesome on M-Tren. I didn’t feel irritable or short-fused. Rather, I felt energized and invigorated. In short, I just felt good when using it. This was one of the stand-outs of this particular steroid.

      Impact on Hepatic Function: My AST and ALT ended up at 71 and 74, respectively, which isn't too bad considering how toxic it was claimed to be.
      Now, don't get me wrong, I most certainly do think this steroid could cause definite harm if used at a dosage comparable to other methyls, but fortunately, we do not need to use anywhere near those doses to see great results. If I had to estimate its toxicity based on my liver readings, I would say 5 mg of M-Tren is comparable to 30 mg SD. Note: I was using TUDCA at 250 mg/day and NAC at 300 mg/day.

      Impact on Blood Pressure: If anything, my BP increased a few points at the most, so it basically had no effect in this area--for me. I say "for me" because AAS in general don't seem to have much of an impact on my BP. Therefore, I wouldn't assume you are going to respond the same way I did. I am fortunate when it comes to AAS and their effect son my BP. Most people are not.

      Impact on Appetite & Digestion: This had no impact on my appetite at all. This surprised me, as I was fully expecting to have my appetite shutdown by the end of week two. This isn't just a "benefit" for me, it is absolutely essential, as any methyl which prevents me from eating has no place in my program. So, the fact that I still wanted to eat by the end of the cycle and could easily get in all my calories was a big load lifted off my shoulders and made the entire experience more fun.

      For years we were told that M-Tren is so liver toxic, that even doses of 500 mcg/day could potentially cause liver injury...and most of the people who talked about this (none of whom had any actual experience with the drug) recommended a maximum dose of 1-2 mg/day. Most recommendations fell in the 250 mcg to 1 mg range. This dosing scheme is sub-optimal and in my experience, completely unnecessary from a hepatic functioning standpoint.

      Personally, I consider 500 mcg to be a ridiculous dose and not worth running. Just as we wouldn't run 5 mg of Anadrol daily, neither should we be running M-Tren at 500 mcg daily. As strong as this stuff is, 500 mcg/day just isn't enough, at least if you're using it as a mass-builder. I believe the optimal dosing range for this drug, without exposing oneself to unnecessary risk, is between 3-5 mg/day. Maybe 2 mg/day on the low end.

      I will definitely be using this AAS again. It's not something I would run frequently, but it does have its place among the mass-building methyls. Aside from everything I mentioned above, I will also admit that I was excited to try it because of its reputation (previous versions I've tried were bunk). It just seemed like such a bad-ass steroid...and it is. When you start using it and realize you are seeing changes in your body after using just a handful of mg's, you start to appreciate how powerful it really is.

    13. Thanks thebear, chadmack282, Judgeno1, AverageJoe thanked for this post
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      Quote Originally Posted by Pharmaca View Post
      As for Methyl-Tren you may check out this a comprehensive and interesting review from Mike Arnold (404 error - sciroxxonline.com) -

      OK, guys. I am finally ready to give my review. My apologies for the delay. I got sick multiple times, had urgent and unexpected business matters that I needed to prioritize, I had to go out of town twice, and then the holidays came around.

      With that said, I have broken my review up into multiple categories. If there is anything I left out that you want to know, just post it and I will respond to you.

      Cycle Length: 21 Days


      Days 1-5: 2 mg/day.
      Days 6-13: 3 mg/day.
      Days 14-21: 5 mg/day

      Injection Frequency: Twice daily, with 50% of the listed dose in the a.m. and 50% in the p.m.

      Cosmetic Effects: M-Tren was a dry compound...similar to Superdrol in effect, although perhaps not as much of a skin thinning effect. I definitely did not hold any sub-q water on it, however. It provided pronounced muscle fullness that came on immediately (I noticed within 48 hours or less) and was on par with other methylated AAS known for providing this effect. I would say it was comparable to Anadrol in this regard, but maybe slightly less potent than SD. Still, I was very impressed with how big and full it made me look in such a short period of time...and these effects only improved as the dosage went up.

      Given the fact that this steroid is so androgenic, I am sure that all the common androgenic side effects, such as hair loss, oily skin, etc., will apply to the typical user (assuming they are prone to these androgenic side effects). However, being that I have already lost most of my hair and always have a health supply of androgens running through my bloodstream, I did not notice a worsening of any of these side effects. Things simply remained as they were. But...like I mentioned above, I do believe that if someone wasn't accustomed to chronic androgen use, they would most certainly experience at least some androgenic side effects, with one's genetic propensity determining both their occurrence and severity.

      I did not notice any gyno, but then again, I was a using raloxifene; my SERM of choice for on-cycle gyno prevention, especially when using 19-nor based drugs.

      Potency (mass gains): I rate this stuff at near the top. I put on about 10 lbs...and could've gained more if I had pushed the calories higher (note: I only increased my calories about 300 above maintenance, which isn't much for me)

      Potency (strength gains): Again, I ate M-tren near the top. Strength gains were excellent and for me, they were comparable to SD or Anadrol.

      Impact on Emotional Wellbeing: Because of M-Tren's close association to trenbolone, many people likely assume that M-Tren is going to provide similar effects on the mind and mood. Contrary to this generally accepted belief, it was not that way for me at all...and in my experience, this is here the product really shines. In short, I felt awesome on M-Tren. I didn’t feel irritable or short-fused. Rather, I felt energized and invigorated. In short, I just felt good when using it. This was one of the stand-outs of this particular steroid.

      Impact on Hepatic Function: My AST and ALT ended up at 71 and 74, respectively, which isn't too bad considering how toxic it was claimed to be.
      Now, don't get me wrong, I most certainly do think this steroid could cause definite harm if used at a dosage comparable to other methyls, but fortunately, we do not need to use anywhere near those doses to see great results. If I had to estimate its toxicity based on my liver readings, I would say 5 mg of M-Tren is comparable to 30 mg SD. Note: I was using TUDCA at 250 mg/day and NAC at 300 mg/day.

      Impact on Blood Pressure: If anything, my BP increased a few points at the most, so it basically had no effect in this area--for me. I say "for me" because AAS in general don't seem to have much of an impact on my BP. Therefore, I wouldn't assume you are going to respond the same way I did. I am fortunate when it comes to AAS and their effect son my BP. Most people are not.

      Impact on Appetite & Digestion: This had no impact on my appetite at all. This surprised me, as I was fully expecting to have my appetite shutdown by the end of week two. This isn't just a "benefit" for me, it is absolutely essential, as any methyl which prevents me from eating has no place in my program. So, the fact that I still wanted to eat by the end of the cycle and could easily get in all my calories was a big load lifted off my shoulders and made the entire experience more fun.

      For years we were told that M-Tren is so liver toxic, that even doses of 500 mcg/day could potentially cause liver injury...and most of the people who talked about this (none of whom had any actual experience with the drug) recommended a maximum dose of 1-2 mg/day. Most recommendations fell in the 250 mcg to 1 mg range. This dosing scheme is sub-optimal and in my experience, completely unnecessary from a hepatic functioning standpoint.

      Personally, I consider 500 mcg to be a ridiculous dose and not worth running. Just as we wouldn't run 5 mg of Anadrol daily, neither should we be running M-Tren at 500 mcg daily. As strong as this stuff is, 500 mcg/day just isn't enough, at least if you're using it as a mass-builder. I believe the optimal dosing range for this drug, without exposing oneself to unnecessary risk, is between 3-5 mg/day. Maybe 2 mg/day on the low end.

      I will definitely be using this AAS again. It's not something I would run frequently, but it does have its place among the mass-building methyls. Aside from everything I mentioned above, I will also admit that I was excited to try it because of its reputation (previous versions I've tried were bunk). It just seemed like such a bad-ass steroid...and it is. When you start using it and realize you are seeing changes in your body after using just a handful of mg's, you start to appreciate how powerful it really is.
      Solid Injectable sdrol

    16. Thanks Pharmaca, chadmack282 thanked for this post
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