Quote Originally Posted by Ironmind83 View Post
I was just reading about this. I'm using dutasteride instead though as I've read it's more powerful. Something to add to this would be injectable L-Carnitine as it's been shown to increase the amount/sensitivity of androgen receptors. I was going to post about it actually. If I can find and link one of the studies that showed this rather definitively. I wonder if this is why a lot of people seem to prefer NPP to deca. The total amount of mg per injection is less and frequency of injection is greater thus giving more stable blood levels and possibly less total conversion to it's less anabolic metabolites.
In general, lower mg more frequent injections, better mimic our bodies natural pulse and doing so can yield lower risk of a negative chain reaction among other hormones.

Been in this game for a minute and IMO Deca vs NPP comes down to what it's being stacked with and the users specific goals.

I experience different sides on Deca vs NPP. NPP I run hot, have night sweats, vivid dreams and mild insomnia like Tren. Deca I wet up and get the Chipmunk face.

The big difference is that with NPP I usually run Test P and either Mast P or DHB and Var or Sdrol for an oral.

With Deca I usually run Sus and Dbol or Abombs. In this protocol everything is geared towards adding significant strength and building as much muscle as possible. For example I allow estradiol to climb, my joints don't bother me as much during the bulk phase of heavier lifting, and typically the more bodyweight I carry the more weight I can move.