MHN is a Nandrolone derivative however the 4-OH group inhibits conversion to DHT or dihydronandrolone making this mildly androgenic and highly anabolic. There is also no progesterone conversion. This makes it great for cutting.
MHN will give increases in lean mass and moderate strength gains. Nitrogen retention is also a plus. There is CNS stimulation but not in a shakey clen like way. You'll be able to sleep less and feel refreshed come the next morning. For most no decrease in sex drive is noted. Vascularity will be increased as well. Some claim it helps with joint pain but I've yet to see it. A standard cycle length of 6 to 8 weeks is advisable but could be taken further. First time users will generally take 10 to 20mg a day. Androgenic effects are always something to look out for of course.