I’m like you Jaxz! I eat like a horse. I wonder if that has to do with what it was originally for lmao
I shave my head and hear all the time I look like the rock. I choose jacked every time. Just like when my balls get tiny after a long period. I don’t give a fuck because my dick is still big. I was concerned one time and my girlfriend said “I’m not fucking your balls” stay big mother fucker. I said ok baby.
I ran EQ for 25 weeks before. It takes like 7-9 weeks to even start working, at least on me. But Fuck I ran Tren for 25 weeks before as well because I’m a fucking nutt-job and I’m the conductor on the Tren Train babe-ee. But I also watch all my shit with my doctor.
Three things I’d take year round. HGH, Anavar and EQ.
What I am concerned about is estrogen and lumps. I keep Arimidex and Letro on hand and check myself weekly. I recommend doing the same as well.
Quote Originally Posted by Jaxz View Post
I'd say eq is really for bulking it makes me hungry as hell.

If ur worried about your hair I'd say put down aas all together. It's doesn't cause it to fall out it just speeds up the process . Question to be jacked or have hair . I'd say shave it and be jacked but that's me lol.
Eq needs to ran at higher does to really shine and ran for 20 weeks in my opinion . Now for I think running test lower should be a problem as long as u don't run into dick issues.