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View Full Version : Over 50 and needs ideas on how to Bulk

07-21-2013, 02:05 AM
Ok guys. I have a buddy at my gym that needs some more ideas on how to bulk up. The thing is....is that he is lactose intolerant and he feels like he has no energy to do his work-out. He tries to eat boiled eggs, fish, chicken, ect... The man is not gaining nothing. He was around 190 and dropped down to 160. I've tried to think up stuff to help him and gave him some ideas, but if any of one has some advice for me to pass on...it sure would appreciated.

07-21-2013, 03:00 AM
He needs to eat some red meat and bring his complex carbs up IMO. Have you had him try to dirty bulk throw in some cheeseburgers or stuff like that to get the calories higher. I do shows and I've always had a tough time bulking so thats what I need to do. Also does he know where his test levels are and his iron? I'm no expert by any means just something I might try in the same situation.

07-23-2013, 02:12 AM
First man.. Thanks for info/advice. I will pass the info to him. He was taking Test Cypionate from doctor for low levels of Testosterone and I'll ask him about his iron levels as well. I'll post what I find out and go from there.

07-23-2013, 02:19 AM
How the hell did he drop 30 lbs? And in what time frame did that happen? If he is not opposed to self administer some test, then I would def bring up his test dose a bit higher then just a trt dose.
But he has to eat good quality whole foods. IMO, lactose intol aint gunna play that big of a deal in what he can eat to get some mass.

07-23-2013, 02:33 AM
Yeah... what JM said and Braw too. Isolated protein should be ok for him. I never met anybody who cant gain weight. Fact.

He need to eat 1200 cals 2 hours pre WO and 1400 PWO and 2x more meals @ 800cals a day + snacks.

07-23-2013, 02:36 AM
I'd be getting some lab work done if he hasn't. Make sure his body is up to par...

03-13-2014, 11:24 AM
Bottom line is the most anabolic substance on the planet FOOD

Dont wanna be old
03-13-2014, 12:46 PM
I would be speculating to say a person weighing X and dropping to Y without changing diet is health related .
When turning 50 several changed in group I know .
1) One guy developed peanut allergies unexplained
2) One has a serious issue to gluten . Any amount = very sick .
3) Lactose issues as you stated .
4) Sleep apnea several guys .
5) Low test .

I would add tablespoon here and there of safflower oil . That is good fat & calories .
You can add to oatmeal , dip meats in it and drizzle over veggies. . Little taste to it
I would check for IBS and colitis & crons with doctor . Hopefully at 50 he has insurance for colan check .
Eating is one thing , utilizing the calories is concern .

Keep us posted of anything .

03-13-2014, 10:56 PM
Red meat and potatoes along with some lactose free weight gainers.

08-07-2014, 04:17 AM
All good advice, but things start to change a bit as we get older so some of the typical standard ideas just don't work. I'm 52 and a competitive bodybuilder so I know the challenges an older gentleman goes through. First I would definitely have some blood work if not already done. You haven't mentioned anything about TRT or juicing so I'm assuming he's natural. If blood works hasn't been done yet, I'm just gonna guess he has low test levels judging by his age and your description. So make sure his test level are where they should be, if not get TRT one way or the other. That is where I would start.

08-10-2014, 03:51 PM
I'm 58 and gained 100lbs in the last 4 years. I did it by eating a lot of clean food, but by adding in good fats and trying to eat calorie dense foods. Also as far as supplementation when you hit a sticking point add 8 weeks of an oral like t-bol, then come off the oral and go to peps, ghrp6, ghrp2, ipam, or hex, my preference is the ghrp2&6 along with cjc1295 dac.
I cut my training regimen way back to a power lifters routine where I do only compound movements. Flat bench, squats, deads, military press, bent over rows, curls and tricep extensions. I warm up thoroughly since I'm really old, then do only 5 working sets of the movement I'm on for that day. Now legs I will add in leg presses, extensions and curls, but only according to how I feel that day because 32" quads need a lot of maintenance. For example on arm day I superset curls and lying tricep extensions. I warm up to 135 or 155 depending on my elbows, then do 5 sets. I don't worry about the tricep being too light I just rep it 15-20 reps because I get plenty of tricep work doing bench press, with a working weight of 10 reps at 455-475. I had gotten up to 495 for 10 reps 3 sets, but then had a neck injury. And keep everything in thet 10-12 rep range unless blowing it out with super drop sets. But at my age I have to do these on rare occassions when I actually have that much energy.
I hope that helps some.
Also one BIG thing I forgot to mention is lay off the protein shakes. Use real food!!!! I cannot stress that enough.

08-29-2014, 09:37 AM
Good advice Buff, couldnt agree more bro!

11-18-2014, 10:22 PM
Whats wrong with protein shakes ?

11-18-2014, 11:44 PM
Nothing is wrong with protein shakes if used properly. To many try to use them as meal replacements and if it is all you have at the moment okay but don't build your intake around shakes.

12-12-2014, 10:56 PM
Sweet potatos, Coco nut oil , Sardines , Beef maybe uni-liver ,Alvacados , Wallnuts ,banannas ect. 600mg test-c lol

12-12-2014, 11:08 PM
Have a friend that is 75 and still going strong, dude has done it all from crab fishing in Alaska to being a Mendocino hot shot . He eats canned fish , blue berries and all fresh fruits. Drinks a lot of grapefruit juice as well as cherry juice , Practices Yoga daily and is a life long runner. he has his vices from drugs and alcohol to what ever. But he always gets holy and drys up and takes care of his body. he will probably live to be a hundred. I think he parties a little less these days

02-17-2015, 03:46 AM
In addition to what everyone else has said (especially blood work) your friend needs to load up on quality carbs as well as protein and fats. Hard to build muscle and gain weight without them. I just turned 50 and have been in this game most of my life. I no longer tolerate carbs well if I'm trying to stay lean but if he's losing weight I'll say to pack in the oat meal, sweet potatoes, and brown rice.

02-17-2015, 09:03 PM
Ok guys. I have a buddy at my gym that needs some more ideas on how to bulk up. The thing is....is that he is lactose intolerant and he feels like he has no energy to do his work-out. He tries to eat boiled eggs, fish, chicken, ect... The man is not gaining nothing. He was around 190 and dropped down to 160. I've tried to think up stuff to help him and gave him some ideas, but if any of one has some advice for me to pass on...it sure would appreciated.
1st off get blood work, have thyroid checked. if all is good.
tell him to google "calorie dense food" and start adding them into daily intake. and get iso-whey or iso rice protein powder.
and google "dc training" its decent

12-13-2015, 11:50 PM
I agree with above post. I'm also 52 did 1st national shows this year. 3rd in nationals 2nd in North American. Hormone levels are low I'd see a men health clinic and see about trt and blood work for thyroid etc..

10-03-2016, 02:13 AM
Bulking can be tricky some times. Everyone has a different body response. But he should decide what weight he is shooting for and set up his nutrition for that weight. Not going by his current weight. So if he wants to way 190 he should eat all his macros for a man that ways 190. I would recommend 5-6 meals a day 220-300 protein,300-350 carbs and maybe somewhere around 80-100 fats. That does seem to work for alot of hard gainers.

10-03-2016, 08:49 AM
He he doesn't already have one,a Fitbit is a good tool to have. I had one before it it finally went bad. It will tell him his daily calorie burn rate. That would help with getting the calories and macros in the nutrition plan just the right levels to stay ahead of his metabolism. Also when bulking the one thing we take out of our routine is cardio.Shorten the workouts,keep them simple,just the basics with plenty of rest time.Hopefully that plus the right compounds he will start moving up in size and strength.

04-08-2017, 04:17 AM
300 test prop week 3 iu gh ed and 50iu igf training days. Eat every 3hrs, you'll grow and stay fairly lean

06-07-2017, 12:24 PM
I agree get back on the red meat