View Full Version : Lean bulker

08-03-2013, 12:19 AM
Greetings mates!

I used to hang at Genxxl & then Musclepitt but have been busy with life and haven't been around recently..

I have been out of the game for about 7 months recovering from surgery... I have lost a quite a bit of mass and want to kick the fall off with a lean bulker... I have some Adol & Dbol on hand.. want to run Cyp and am debating what to stack with it... Thinking maybe EQ or Mast... maybe even Tren... I love EQ but when I end the cycle I get horrible cramping in the muscles when I exercise as my lactic acid tolerance bottoms out.. it usually takes a good month after I finish the EQ to get back to normal... Deca makes me a fat fuck so steering clear of that...

T Cyp 500mg/wk wks 1-14 (will bump up to 750/wk if feel necessary)
Tren E 300mg/wk or Mast E 300mg/wk wks 1-12
Adol 25mg/day wk 1-6 or dbol 30mg/day

Last cycle was fall 2011 Sust 750mg/wk with mast p 400mg/wk 14 weeks + Dbol wk 1-6 30mg day
Figure since it has been awhile don't need to go crazy with the doses... want to start moderate and then ramp up if I think I need more...

I am back in training now and will have at least a month to get myself back in condition before I start the cycle... I am going back to Wendlers 5/3/1 after a week or two of 8-10 rep work to get my muscle memory back on track...

50 y/o 5'5" 145lbs BF 12%? may get back into competing in Powerlifting if I can get my numbers back up... have used Tren A, E & Hex, Deca (both esters), Adol, Dbol, Test C & P, Mast P & Sust...

Since I am a bit rusty .. looking for some feedback...

ps... didn't forget about HCT or AIs... got that covered so left it out.....


08-03-2013, 12:30 AM
I would go with what has worked for u in the past. Sounds like u have been around the block bro so go wit what u know.....

08-03-2013, 12:50 AM
eq would be great to assist in recovery since its a great collagen synthesizer, but NPP or Decas perfect too

08-04-2013, 04:54 AM
Yeah... forgot about my tendonitis flares... and that EQ 500 is calling me... might be better starting off with 500 Cyp & 400 EQ... since EQ is a little slower maybe run cycle for 16 weeks... Tren would also be a nice addition but don't feel like messing with Cabaser and T3... might be overkill anyway since I have been off so long...