View Full Version : Can AAS trigger early menopause?

02-17-2014, 05:44 AM
My wife and I had talked about letting her try some low dose anavar or winstrol at some point.

Long story short a friend tells me he and his wife are looking at IVF b/ c his wife is hormonally hitting menopause early (39 yrs old) and they can't conceive normally now.

My wife and I are both 37, and that has me wondering if she messes with low dose AAS if there is enough time to recover so as not to fuck her up if we want to have another kid. Or even worse can it fuck up her eggs and potentially mess up the kid?

It's amazing how short life is that I'm already thinking about my wife and menopause WTF. :(

02-17-2014, 10:34 AM
Sounds like you and your wife need to do some hard research. Good luck with your decision brother!

02-17-2014, 03:25 PM
Once you've left your 30's, you've already left your prime years for conception, and every year you wait increases the risk of developmental abnormalities. That being said, the chances your wife is gonna hit menopause now are pretty slim. This is definitely a question for a specialist.