View Full Version : Long term t3 use

02-24-2014, 02:50 AM
I know most only use t3 for competitions to keep the ol metabolism from slowing down due to lack of calories. but what about the bulking season? it would stand to reason that a faster metabolism would get everything where it need to go faster, and thus speeding up anabolism. what do you guys think about it? im sure the pros, looking to every conceivable edge will do this but im wondering if any of you have? and if so how did it affect you appetite and gains wise?

02-24-2014, 03:03 AM
This is some information I found about T3 and clen, I found the information very helpful. If anyone has better ideas please let me know!!
T3 and CLEN

T3 in Bulking Cycles (http://www.brotherhoodofpain.com)
I briefly touched on using T3 in bulking cycles and many members seemed confused as to how a fat burner could help with a bulking cycle. T3 is a drug mainly known for raising one’s metabolism and burning fat, and possibly muscle tissue, when used at higher dosages (> 75-100 mcg/day for men, >50mcg/day for women), but at lower dosages (12.5-25mcg/day for men, ½ that for women) it causes a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It’s the increased conversion and absorption of nutrients that increases the results of your bulking cycle when you use it with a bulking cycle. When you run abulking cycle you do so in conjunction with a higher protein/higher caloriediet because we know in order to grow muscle we need to feed the bodynutrients, so there are plenty of nutrients to be converted, thus the bulkingcycle gets a “push” if you will yielding better results. I can tell that literally every single person who has taken my advice and tried using a smallamount of T3 daily with their bulking cycle has reported better gains than they usually get without it. I’ve even had success using 25mcg/day every other daywith a bulking cycle. When you consider the low cost of T3 at such small a dosage it’s definitely a cheap insurance to better gains.

Dosage Timing
T3 has a ½ life that doesn’t necessitate multiple daily dosing, so taking yourentire daily dose at once is usually recommended. That said if your cyclerequires you to take 100mcg/day or more I usually recommend splitting thedosage in ½ and taking it twice per day just to insure if you are sensitive tothe drugs possible side effects you limit the exposure. Again I would suggesttaking it in the morning, then around dinner time if a 2nd dose is necessary. Iknow that for myself, certain brands cause an upset stomach if I take more than 50mcg at a time, so at 75-100mcg/day I’d split it into 50mcg in the morning andthe balance at nighttime.

Rebound Weight Gain
Rebound weight gain is inevitable when using T3, the best you can hope for isto minimize it. A good start is to make sure you use at least a small amount ofa steroid with the cycle, this will help you to hold on to the muscle mass you already have. The best thing you can do is to take a post cycle over the counter fat loss product such as ECA stack, Gugglesterones or some othersimilar product. What your looking for here is the continuance of the fat loss while your system returns to your normal thyroid output. This should occur within2-3 weeks, so during that time continue to eat clean, do cardio, drink plenty of water and take the over the counter fat loss product. You’ll know when your thyroid has returned to normal when your body temp returns to normal. Women are especially warned to be very vigilant here, most people are eager to eat more when their cycle ends but this is not the time when using T3, you need to make sure your metabolism has been restored before splurging a bit.

Try to remember the dosages I suggest here may seem low to some of you but this article is directed toward the recreational athlete not the elite athlete, elite athletes generally take more of everything and although I don't personally think T3 (http://www.brotherhoodofpain.com) needs to be one of those drugs used at higher dosages others will disagree with me there.

Here's a very relevant article in one of the BOP forums for this question. I am using T3 during my bulk at 25mcg/day atm. I just started it two days ago, and have no positives or negatives to say about it.