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View Full Version : Killer morning habit: Drink 16oz of water, right after you wake up

04-26-2014, 01:51 AM
Health (http://ayearofproductivity.com/category/health/)
Posted by Chris Bailey (http://ayearofproductivity.com/author/chris/) × November 28, 2013

Imagine not drinking any water, tea, or any other liquids for the next eight hours.

Well, that’s essentially what you do while you sleep. While you sleep, your body slowly becomes dehydrated because it needs fluid to operate. Naturally, you don’t drink water while you sleep because, well, you’re sleeping!

I’m reducing my body fat from 17% to 10% for a productivity experiment (http://ayearofproductivity.com/body-composition-experiment-introduction/), and drinking a huge glass of water right after I wake up is something both my personal trainer and dietician recommended to reduce my body fat. Especially this week, when I’m being a complete slob in the name of productivity (http://ayearofproductivity.com/slob-experiment-introduction/), it’s helping my energy levels a ton.

Most sources I’ve read recommend drinking 16oz of water right after you wake up, and I’d recommend even more (depending on your weight; I drink 1-2L every morning and weigh 173 pounds). Here are five solid reasons to drink a big glass of water right when you wake up.

It fires up your metabolism. Drinking a large, cool glass of water after you wake up has been shown to fire up your metabolism by a whopping 24% for 90 minutes!1 (http://ayearofproductivity.com/killer-morning-habit-drink-water-right-after-you-wake-up/#fn1-5573)
You’re dehydrated when you wake up. You just went 7-8 hours without drinking any water! Even if your body isn’t telling you that it’s thirsty, it probably is.
Water helps your body flush out toxins. “Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate”, according to Kenneth Ellner, an Atlanta-based dermatologist. Getting fluids into your body right after your wake up will help your body flush out toxins first thing in the morning.2 (http://ayearofproductivity.com/killer-morning-habit-drink-water-right-after-you-wake-up/#fn2-5573)
Your brain tissue is 75% water. When you’re not properly hydrated, your brain operates on less fuel, and you can feel drained, or experience fatigue or mood fluctuations.3 (http://ayearofproductivity.com/killer-morning-habit-drink-water-right-after-you-wake-up/#fn3-5573)
You’ll eat less. One study showed that people who drink a glass of water before every meal lost 4.5 pounds over a three-month period, because “it fills up the stomach with a substance that has zero calories”, and people “feel full as a result”.4 (http://ayearofproductivity.com/killer-morning-habit-drink-water-right-after-you-wake-up/#fn4-5573) Especially after I’ve eaten a big breakfast, drinking a lot of water in the morning has also helped me avoid the temptation of snacking before lunch.

Your body is 72% water, and you don’t have enough water in you when you wake up. Drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning is a great way to rehydrate, and start kicking ass from the moment you wake up.

04-26-2014, 02:24 AM
Great post bro.

This is something I do religiously.

04-26-2014, 02:27 AM
Good stuff BL. Nothing beats a tall glass of water in the morning. Oh, maybe coffee....

Dont wanna be old
04-26-2014, 02:45 AM
Good post .
I stopped drinking coffee .
Water to the rescue .

04-26-2014, 07:07 AM
Gotta love the good ole water, does wonders. -if I'm 72% water and 17% bf does that mean only 11% of my total weight is for bones, muscles and all the non fat or water weight.

04-26-2014, 10:02 AM
Good post .
I stopped drinking coffee .
Water to the rescue .

I drink black tea with milk and sugar, but I always drink a bottle water before bed and not a whole glass but drink some in morning when I take my vitamin etc also. I really like my cup of tea but I'll try to phase it out!

Good post

04-26-2014, 12:46 PM
As a part of her diet, my wife starts her day off with 16oz of water with fresh squeezed lemon.

04-26-2014, 04:29 PM
Great post. Thanks