View Full Version : Tren cycle gone bad

05-04-2014, 12:47 PM
I've been debating starting this thread, cause many of you I've talked with through the forum. I figured I should, maybe it'll help someone else see the warning signs. First off, I wanna say I love the tren, I got great results from it and I plan on running another cycle in the fall. I started out the cycle on the PEP supercuts blend for two weeks, but I was having issues with the mast causing swelling and pain, so I went to PEP tren e for about two weeks, then I upped the game and went to the motherload PEP Tritren, which is awesome! I ran that 7 1/2 weeks. Well about three weeks before I stopped the cycle I started having concentration issues, and one of the guys at work commented on how heavy I was breathing, just kinda shrugged it off, I had noticed that I had gained weight, but, I could see the muscle building, so I continued. About two weeks before I stopped the cycle I started noticing shortness of breath, labored breathing, figured it was my allergies, blew it off, then everyone started complaining about me snoring very loud, guys at work recorded it from two rooms away. The concentration issues were getting worse and I was starting to have trouble remembering stuff, started loosing interest in going to the gym. Started sleeping all the time (in naps) dozing off in classes at work, could not do cardio cause I couldn't catch my breath, hr was steady around 105 bp was 155/90 then the final straw was waking up feeling like I was being smothered, I'd have to get outta bed and walk around to get my breath back, this would happen several times a night. I ended up at the dr because of the sleeping thing, I still didn't do the math....... I've been off cycle for two weeks, everything is returning to normal, well almost, about a week after I stopped the cycle I started dropping weight, went from 236-209 in a week, so back to the dr and she ran a shitload of tests that I am still going through, but the catscan and I think it was a MRI where they give you the radiation and watch organ function to make sure they are working properly both came back good. The last thing I will say is don't do AAS, I've gotten great results from it, what I will say is watch for the warning signs so you can get out before it's too late!

05-04-2014, 01:02 PM
Tren is strong and comes with sides. Glad to gear you are feeling better brother!!

05-04-2014, 01:06 PM
My next cycle I'm gonna run 7-8 weeks, keep it short enough to keep the sides down

05-04-2014, 02:18 PM
As much as i loved tren i had to say good bye to it for those same reasons.I miss her so much.
Nothing like a good old deca,sust,tne drol cycle.

05-04-2014, 02:45 PM
Yeah, I walk all day long for a living and I'm huffing and puffing all day. I think from now on I will keep the tren low like 200mg - 400mg a week. But I hate the unhealthy feeling! So I might just stay away from it all together???? I'm glad to hear you were honest with yourself and listened to your body!

05-04-2014, 03:11 PM
I think tren is the one that all the aas myths came from, roid rage etc.... If I take too much it does really make me act different.

bionic redneck
05-04-2014, 03:14 PM
i just get anxiety from it sometimes but i always go to my doc for check ups, i also take cranberry pills for liver, garlic and fish oil for bp which works wonders for me even at doses of 600mg/tren ace a week... and multi vitamins... insomnia is something i have had my whole life.. so my doctor helps when i go in for checkups... i always have bloodwork and a checkup every cycle.... just to be careful and safe...

my point being proper precautions can prevent or makes sides more bareable....at least in my experience ...... everyone is differant..

frank is right listen too ur body... and when u do cycle tren again ... id get some garlic, cranberry and fish oil ......it may help u as well....

i mean no offense its just my experience and what i do when i use tren

05-04-2014, 03:18 PM
BR is exactly right, that goes for any cycle tho. I stay on several support supps. year around, my blood work always comes back good. Tren is just a mind f*** for me, like its physically impossible to smile or laugh on it.

05-04-2014, 04:11 PM
Everyone made great points and Animal hit it on the head....all the negative AAS myths came from tren I believe. My friend tried and after third or forth week couldn't take it, he would cry randomly, not sleep more than 2 hours at a time and then when he quit crying he was ready to murder someone. He started so many fights in a 2 week period I ended up with I think 6 different boxer fractures at once. I fought someone with a soft cast on, be cause he lost his shit for no reason driving and we followed some car and ended up fighting 4 guys, which ended up them all sprinting away as my friend seemed a few fries short of a happy meal. Its funny now, but he started talking about suicide and just not him. Tren is not for everybody that's for sure. I always encourage people to start with tren a and start low and creep up first couple times. To make sure you see the signs:/

05-04-2014, 04:15 PM
Yeah I gave tren a go about 8 months back and my body didn't react well to it at all. About a month into it I felt like a 400lb fat bastard because I would out of breath just walking around the gym. My wife would make comments on how heavy I was breathing all the time and I would could really really bad tren cough right after injection. To the point that I was on the floor and couldn't breathe.

05-04-2014, 04:16 PM
would get* really really bad tren cough

05-04-2014, 04:39 PM
I stand by my theory. Tren is actually the devil's piss in a vial, not a actual hormone.

05-04-2014, 04:41 PM
I compare tren to recreational drugs. The first time you try something you're blown away! Then every time after that you are chasing that experience (but it never comes) so you try doing more and more. The best result I had from tren was the very first time at 200mgs a week. And I just went up and up from there chasing those results! It sucks you in.....lol

05-04-2014, 07:09 PM
I definately have to say since I dropped all the bloat I'm even more impressed with the results I had from it, I am lookin forward to a few months of no shots, pip etc. I know it sounds funny, but, it feels good to feel good again! It is some wicked shit, I love the "devils piss" comment, that's great. I don't think your far off

05-05-2014, 12:30 AM
I'll never touch that shit again. It put me in a depression almost, if lay in bed at night and get upset at dumb shit, to the point I would almost cry. Also nothing has ever made me break out like that. My chest, back and shoulders looked like hell. There's other aas that work great and don't do that to me, fuck you tren you hateful bitch.

05-05-2014, 08:46 AM
I stand by my theory. Tren is actually the devil's piss in a vial, not a actual hormone.

LOL your close id say!

05-05-2014, 07:40 PM
TREN...... I love tren, when I'm not on tren I dream about tren. When on Tren I walk around feeling like a GOLDEN GOD that eats women and small children and shits thunder. I would rather get a free vial of tren than a free keg of beer.

I am currently staying away from Tren so that I can have sex. My only complaint about tren, I can fuck all i want but not get off, makes for good cardio but is extremely frustrating.

I am currently trying to knock up my wife. not because I want a kid but so i can run all the tren I want. My favorite stack Test E./Tren E. with proviron.

05-05-2014, 08:48 PM
I dont know how you TRENaManiac's do it.Ive stayed away from that stuff for ^THOSE^ very reasons.If i want to turn into a asshole,ill get drunk,the only side to that is a headache.Stuff aint for everyone.

05-05-2014, 08:49 PM
I'll never touch that shit again. It put me in a depression almost, if lay in bed at night and get upset at dumb shit, to the point I would almost cry. Also nothing has ever made me break out like that. My chest, back and shoulders looked like hell. There's other aas that work great and don't do that to me, fuck you tren you hateful bitch.

Love your post wks

05-07-2014, 05:13 AM
I am doing a cutting cycle this aug. Tren/winstrol/Var/Clen
Gonna go a little higher then trt dose and around 200mg tren, maybe bump it up if I dont freak out, this thread worries me now. Gotta try it.

Clark Kent
05-07-2014, 02:01 PM
I am doing a cutting cycle this aug. Tren/winstrol/Var/Clen
Gonna go a little higher then trt dose and around 200mg tren, maybe bump it up if I dont freak out, this thread worries me now. Gotta try it.
Dont forget to add a little test bro. will really make a difference

05-07-2014, 03:06 PM
I always say the same thing... "I hate this shit! I'll never do this again!" And then every time I open my safe, the Tren A from my stash whispers to me, "Wook, I'm here for you Wook!" in a really sexy, seductive voice that I can't resist... Tren I fucking hate you... Wait, I didn't mean it... I really love you!

05-09-2014, 12:09 AM
It can definitely be toxic. Its always a good idea to cycle off.