View Full Version : Injection question

05-11-2014, 05:24 PM
Here's a random question. I've noticed that sometimes after a glute shot ,whichever side I pin on I will get a some lower back pain. It's no close to injection site but just on same side( they maybe be 10 inches or so apart. Usually right where hip and spine/tailbone meet. It's not a bad pain , I just notice a little discomfort. Especially if I bend all the way over. And the few times I have dealt with bad pip in my current cycle, that pain that I noticed in lower back was more noticeable. That would lead me tog believe it's a swelling issue and it pressing on nerves. Maybe I'm developing some scar tissue? I only inject glutes. Twice a week , rotate sides so the same spot gets hit once weekly. Curious to hear what relation there may be between the injection and lower back pain.

I know I probably need to incorporate my delts into the rotation. I plan to start experimenting with those soon. Just a little nervous about size and depth. With glute you can just bury that 11/2 in there but shoulders seem more tricky. I don't want big lumps on my shoulders or go too deep. I imagine I will try a 25g 1inch and maybe go 3/4 of way in of slightly more

05-11-2014, 07:33 PM
I'm not an expert on this, so I wish I could, but I have definitely had the same experience on my last cycle. I had swelling some times that seemed to reach to my lower back or if no swelling, I would have some discomfort. I'm thinking it has to do with hitting a nerve or like you said the nerve is being pushed on by swelling.

05-11-2014, 07:40 PM
Nerves are funny, even being near them can set off a sensation in a complete different part of the body, as it is connected all the way up the spinal cord. You will notice scar tissue build up when you feel like you have to push a little harder to get the pin in. I also rotate glutes only, but I try to hit 4 different spots (top outer/top inner quadrants) on the glutes.

I recall reading that scar tissue build up may put pressure on the sciatic nerve. You may benefit from rotating spots more often, atleast give it a try and see if it reduces discomfort in your lower back. That kind of discomfort is usually due to some kind of inflammation in the local area.

05-11-2014, 08:20 PM
I've had the same thing happen with glute shots. If you go a little lower on the glute i found that didn't happen, but, then I would sit on the spot and that sucked, so no matter what it's a pain in the ass, literally

05-11-2014, 10:32 PM
Lucky for me i trashed the gear I was using that have horrible pip and switched to Normas. Those hurt a tad at first just cuz the oil is so thick, but after that, it's pure beauty! That clear oil is so damn sweet. Man I love it-NEVER any pip at all.

05-11-2014, 11:24 PM
I get this too. I believe it is due to the swelling of the muscle. You have to realize that the glute muscle ties into many other muscles and we inject high. The swelling is most definitely going to affect other muscles in the area, especially lower back. I just chalk it up to the muscles being a little pissed off from shoving a needle in them and injecting. I really don't think it's anything to worry about. Also, inject delts with a 1 inch 25g and go all the way in. If you go too shallow you will definitely be getting swelling and a bump, trust me the muscle goes deeper than you think it does. Why are you not injecting quads??

05-11-2014, 11:48 PM
I get this too. I believe it is due to the swelling of the muscle. You have to realize that the glute muscle ties into many other muscles and we inject high. The swelling is most definitely going to affect other muscles in the area, especially lower back. I just chalk it up to the muscles being a little pissed off from shoving a needle in them and injecting. I really don't think it's anything to worry about. Also, inject delts with a 1 inch 25g and go all the way in. If you go too shallow you will definitely be getting swelling and a bump, trust me the muscle goes deeper than you think it does. Why are you not injecting quads??

Hell I don't know. The gear I was using initially was really awful. It made one of my legs swell one time half way down the side with that edema crap. Where you can mash on it and it'll stick in. Major lumps the size of softballs. It was def the gear doing it. It just scared me off I guess. I would prefer quads just due to the ease of it. But the thought of that pain in my shoulders or quads is awful. That and I wouldn't be able to work which would be very bad for me. Now that I've got the normas and know that this gear is perfect no matter what I'm getting my balls back. Although not really:)