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View Full Version : new to peptides

05-19-2014, 06:02 AM
im a little interested in peptides, can anyone recommend a peptide i should research in particular? Theres so many, i wouldn't know where to start exactly..
ive been using AAS for a decade now, but just want to experiment.. whats the best one for a beginner? once i know that ill do my research..

05-20-2014, 04:19 AM
Do some research on ghrp and cjc. These are alot of peoples go to when it comes to Peps.

Dont wanna be old
05-20-2014, 12:07 PM
It depends on what your looking for friend .
Weight loss , strength , recovery , endurance , pinning frequently or cost .

05-20-2014, 03:25 PM
Yea cjc with no/dac and ghrp. All of them have some purpose tho.

05-20-2014, 04:41 PM
Agree with pain, they are the go to peptides for beginners and are effective but need to be run for a good 6 months at dosage of 100mcg 3x daily each... I think the other peptides such as igf and all that should be more experienced before you use it to get the full potential of it.. just my opinion....

05-22-2014, 12:31 AM
New to peps to going to get a tan first with mt2
kinda scared to F**k with so many if i just had
to choose one right now hgh all the rest got to do alot of research

05-26-2014, 05:11 AM
What is your goal?

basic beginner cycle would be;
100/100mcg GHRP and GHRH (6 or 2, modgrf 1 or cjc with DAC - my preference)
IGF lr3 would be another option
mgf or peg MGF again, another option.

05-26-2014, 03:26 PM
What is your goal?

basic beginner cycle would be;
100/100mcg GHRP and GHRH (6 or 2, modgrf 1 or cjc with DAC - my preference)
IGF lr3 would be another option
mgf or peg MGF again, another option.

what would the length of a cycle be would i get more benefits with peps on cycle or off and side effects
i dont even know where to begin

06-02-2014, 12:58 AM
what would the length of a cycle be would i get more benefits with peps on cycle or off and side effects
i dont even know where to begin

unlike designers/prohormones and AAS, peptides are a long term deal. There's no instant gratification. Well, you sleep improves immensely after first injecting.

your looking at 6 months shortest as a cycle.

Beginners- id stick with

stick with modgrf 1-29 and GHRP 2 (you can swap out the 2 for ghrp 6- does have a slightly larger gh pulse, but a increase in appetite as well) pin 100mcg modgrf 1-29 and 100mcg ghrp2 in the morning, post workout and pre bed. *DONT PIN WITHING 4 HOURS OF EACH OTHER. pituitary takes atleast 4 hours to fill back up.
*Carbs and protein around the shot doesn't matter, keep fat minimal as it suppresses the GH release.

06-23-2014, 03:46 AM
If it were me I'd hit

2-4 mgs a week Cjc with dac
100 mcg ghrp-2 3x day
200 mcg Huperzine a 3 x day
Igf - lr3 20-40 mcg day to avoid receptor site saturation

07-01-2014, 06:22 PM
The hup-a and EGCG is not a "have" to. Can be beneficial in suppression of somastatin to let more growth go.