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View Full Version : To cruise or not to cruise!!!???

cowboy up
07-09-2014, 02:04 AM
Looking for some older brothers advice or some that may be on TRT. I'm in my 40's and are in week 4 of my current cycle and have started to consider cruising after this cycle vs PCT. In talking with a pro at my gym, he stated that at my age once I begin to cruise there's a good chance I'll never come off. Not sure that's exactly what I want but in the same sense as I get older it gets harder and harder to recover and keep the gains as well as keep up the energy, strength, endurance, sex drive, etc.

I know this comes down to more or less a personal decision but did want to hear what other brothers thoughts were. Not knew to the game, just not sure which direction to start preparing for in the future. Comments, thoughts, advice would be appreciated!

07-09-2014, 02:52 AM
Im about the same age, I have cruised about a year now, with some ups cycles but always back to the 200mg Test week and hcg... I dont want to go back to feeling the way I was so I have mad it a life choice, even got a percripiton so I am leagle. Last year has been the best I can remeber since I was 28

07-09-2014, 02:56 AM
At your age cruise

07-09-2014, 04:34 AM
You could cruise but have you run labs off cycle to see were your testosterone levels are at? Deciding to stay on is a pretty big decision

cowboy up
07-09-2014, 10:59 AM
Haven't run labs lately. Should have before beginning this run. What was suggested to me was to run cycle out and then cruise for around 8 weeks and then get labs done to see where I'm at and go from there.

07-09-2014, 05:14 PM
This is some good info.I am 50 and have been curious about cruising I think for me I will need time off to heal and get levels with pct.Sure would like to feel 28 yrs old though.

07-09-2014, 05:16 PM
Haven't run labs lately. Should have before beginning this run. What was suggested to me was to run cycle out and then cruise for around 8 weeks and then get labs done to see where I'm at and go from there.

Labs are not going to tell you if your able to recover your natty testosterone if you cruise. You will be able to tell if your other levels are falling back in line or not though. Once you decide to cruise you may be making the decision to stay on forever. If you make the choice to cruise i strongly suggest using hcg to maintain testicular function just in case you decide to come off at some point down the road.

cowboy up
07-09-2014, 05:34 PM
^^^What would you recommend for hcg dosing while cruising? Same as full cycle? With such a low dose during cruise do you think an AI be needed? Haven't made my decision yet but trying to weigh out all of the pros and cons. Still have 3 months or so before having to make that decision one way or another. I like the fact of not being on that rollercoaster and keeping most of the gains easier plus feeling 28 while in your 40's is always a good feeling.

07-09-2014, 05:52 PM
^^^What would you recommend for hcg dosing while cruising? Same as full cycle? With such a low dose during cruise do you think an AI be needed? Haven't made my decision yet but trying to weigh out all of the pros and cons. Still have 3 months or so before having to make that decision one way or another. I like the fact of not being on that rollercoaster and keeping most of the gains easier plus feeling 28 while in your 40's is always a good feeling.

With the addition of hcg yes you will probably need a low dose ai. Run the hcg at 250 iu 2xew and either adex at .25 mg eod or aromasin at 10-12.5 mg ed. That should keep your estrogen in range and maintain testicular function

07-09-2014, 06:24 PM
You are in good hands with Kubes.I cannot, count the times he has helped me.

cowboy up
07-09-2014, 06:31 PM
I agree...He gives strong advice throughout the board. Was gonna just PM him directly but wanted to get brothers from across the hood input. Especially those that are either cruising or on TRT and aren't 19 LOL.

10-11-2014, 12:15 AM
I've been on a cruise cycle for two years. Just recently stopped as I was getting flu symptoms for 3 days following each weekly shot. Was painful and I couldn't even workout 3 days a week, I tried to push through it but it was too much. Don't know why it happened but anyhow; loved being on, wrinkles were less, drive was normally good...

10-28-2014, 05:57 PM
The choice is really up to you. If you know what you're getting into, and how to do it properly, and willing to commit for life, then you can make the decision. I would recommend getting a prescription for trt so you have a steady, quality supply. If not, make sure your source is legit and consistently available. You don't want to run out and have your source be dry or get some underdosed test from a bad ugl. PSL's gear is always accurately dosed which is why i rely on them for my blasting and cruising.