View Full Version : Fat Gripz

07-11-2014, 10:01 PM
Fat Gripz – Thick bar trainingTuesday, January 24, 2012

http://www.fitsational.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Fat-Gripz-300x172.jpg (http://www.fitsational.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Fat-Gripz.jpg)It is true to say that your body is only as strong as its weakest link. This is certainly true when it comes to strength sports or weightlifting where explosive power requires a multitude of different muscle groups to ensure you perform at your maximum. Fat Gripz (http://www.fatgripz.com/354.html) explain that more often than not it is an individual’s grip strength which is the weakest point of the body and as such, this weak grip holds back the rest of the body’s progression when weight lifting for strength gains, leading to training plateau’s. The reason being that most dumbbell and barbell bars are designed to be picked up easily and comfortably. The problem with this is that your grip strength fails to develop at the same rate as your other muscle groups so your hands and forearms become weak points compared to the other developing muscle groups in your body. Fat Gripz (http://www.fatgripz.com/354.html) help counteract this and make thick bar training cheap and achievable. Fat Gripz (http://www.fatgripz.com/354.html) lock onto any barbell or dumbbell, changing the diameter of your training bars to activate your grip strength while you lift. Many elite athletes state that by only adding Fat Gripz (http://www.fatgripz.com/354.html) to your normal weight lifting schedule you will dramatically increase grip strength and see gains in the rest of your body. The predominant benefits of training with Fat Gripz are that when weight training you will spread the weight more evenly across your body, helping you to lift more and become stronger. What’s more, you will eliminate imbalances, increase muscle activation and add muscle to your forearms. Check out why elite athletes from the NFL, NHL, pro weight lifting communities and more are using Fat Gripz to improve their grip strength and smash training plateaus at the Fat Gripz website (http://www.fatgripz.com/354.html). Fat Gripz retail at $39.

07-11-2014, 10:03 PM
I have been using these for about a hitch now and can feel a difference even in the target muscle. Anybody else tried them??

07-11-2014, 10:20 PM
Have a set of these in my gym bag of tricks. And use them often, difrent type of burn..

07-11-2014, 11:20 PM
I have never used them but have always wondered if they really helped anything... might buy some.

07-11-2014, 11:50 PM
Sounds interesting.

07-12-2014, 11:46 AM
Forearms were always my weakest body part so I use these as much as possible to strengthen them and my grip. I can really tell a difference since I have been using them.

The strongmen use a huge thick ass bar and let me tell you if you lift 200lbs on an Olympic bar and then do 200lbs on the thick bar like the strongmen use you will know the difference real quick.

07-12-2014, 11:52 AM
Here's a pick of some of the fat bars



07-12-2014, 01:39 PM
No chance of bending that bad boy!!

08-22-2014, 01:17 AM
I got myself a pair, first time use and the forearm pump was like no other along with the target group. good product worth having.

08-22-2014, 03:13 AM
I have been using these for about a hitch now and can feel a difference even in the target muscle. Anybody else tried them??
How long is a hitch bro? LOL

10-16-2017, 07:12 PM
Bought some today. Let's see how they work. I know it's a old thread but I used the search bar and this thread popped up so I dodnt want to make a new one