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View Full Version : 42 and cholesterol through the roof

09-06-2014, 01:00 AM
Ok, so I'm fairly new to lifting (11 months continuous). I bulked up on deployment (in the Navy...eating whatever we can get). I went from 210 to 240 "dirty bulking" and using 600mg test e for 10 weeks and 30 mg D-bol for 5 weeks. The cycle was last Dec - Feb. I've had my bloodwork done last week and the results aren't too great. I don't remember all the numbers but my triglycerides were over 200, HDL was 10 (yep...just 10) and my LDL was high too (don't remember the level). I was going to start another cycle but figured I need to wait until I get my levels normalized. Currently on lipitor, 1k mg Niacin, fish oil and low strength aspirin (all prescription). I have a bottle of tren, sustanon 250 and lots of left over d-bol. Do those affect cholesterol badly? I loved my first cycle and thought I would try something new but with the results from the bloodwork that was rather eye-opening. Anyway...I still want to continue using gear once or twice a year but am still a newbie to it. Also wondering if I should keep up with the meds while on gear. I stopped the lipitor during deployment because it also has liver toxicity capabilities.

09-06-2014, 01:02 AM
All steroids will effect your cholesterol. Eating a clean diet will help but yes 10 for the good number your hdl is to low and you want your LDL to be below 100

09-06-2014, 01:07 AM
I was put on 20 mg Lipitor a few months back . My LDL was down right atrocious and I was basically lead into the doctors office by my ear by my wife .She was furious at me for letting
It get that out of whack! I'll be retested shortly .

09-06-2014, 08:06 PM
Hope the results are good for you man!! I'll get retested next month probably. In the meantime...changing more carbs to slowburning and fibrous vegetables. Laying off the mass gainer and monitoring calories more so I can try to keep the gains. Did you change your eating at all?

09-06-2014, 08:42 PM
Hope the results are good for you man!! I'll get retested next month probably. In the meantime...changing more carbs to slowburning and fibrous vegetables. Laying off the mass gainer and monitoring calories more so I can try to keep the gains. Did you change your eating at all?

I'm not eating nearly as much red meat . I've cut in half actually .
I'll say this because I'm as guilty as anyone and I know better but our wives , girlfriends or family members for the most part accept that we are into this crazy obsessive sport (hobby) and we all owe it to them to keep ourselves as healthy as possible . I know exactly why my LDL was so fucked and it was 100% my fault .
On the positive side my liver function was spot on normal ;) I was actually worried about that .
I also have my BP under control and normal . My ear is still sore from my wife dragging me by it . Lol

09-07-2014, 06:20 PM
Hmmm. Yeah, my wife knows I did d-bol and test e on deployment. I thought about not telling her but figured I better. The rest of the family doesn't know. It will be a few years before I get to the size where they know for sure. (Hopefully sooner than later). I've been reading where red yeast rice supplements help lower overall and LDL cholesterol. I'll look more into it. But I was think that once I get my levels normalize and we have our semi-annual PRT (in November). I'll finish my sustonon, tren d-bol cycle for 5 weeks and go on red yeast rice while on it. Also, do you know if prohormones also f*k up cholesterol levels. On a side note, is that you in the avatar? If so, that's an awesome sized arm in comparison to your neck...or at least that's what the pic shows.

09-09-2014, 08:47 PM
I've never done pro-hormones but I've read horrible things about how they affect the liver etc... Once you get back to normal with meds, eat really clean and for cholesterol eat some organic oatmeal at least 5 times a week, really keeps my levels in great shape. Hope you get back to nornal soon guy.

09-09-2014, 11:45 PM
Thanks Irishoak. I work on it a few months, plan to do a mini bulk in November...but will make sure everything is good to go.

09-10-2014, 02:18 PM
your're looking pretty bulked already! LOL! best wishes brother.

09-23-2014, 11:49 PM
Taking Aromasin for the AI is also supposed to help with cholesterol and BP. I was recently tested at 26 HDL and 220 LDL but my triglyserides was only 96 (very good). High cholesterol runs in my family so I'm not too concerned with it as long as my triglycerides are good. I think the main thing is the tryglicerides to watch for.

09-24-2014, 03:08 AM
high fibre, 1-3g of a niacin, regular cardio, dropping red meat in place of chicken and fish, lots of veggies, limiting time on orals and keeping my e2 in check have all helped me keep my lipids in check even with a decent dose of gear. Obviously im a lot younger then you but even so, these things should definitely help. I think cardio is vastly underrated for health benefits

09-26-2014, 01:01 PM
Spot on with with that Dbolish, not likin the niacin end of it, the rest of it is great, watch out for the lipitor had my creatnine levels at 9000 ! almost trashed my kidneys, crestor is nasty as well .

09-27-2014, 06:38 AM
niacin can help, but yeh i think diet and cardio can sort out most issues. Also getting lean before you start a cycle helps a lot with no just cholesterol, but overall health markers in general

02-23-2015, 09:44 AM
For me tren is notorious for mucking up my lipids and diet is key to ensure a good base BEFORE I cycle. I am currently very lean and just did a cycle, I was very surprised when I had my BP tested recently and I was at the higher end of the normal range - in the past it has been very high while on cycle.

02-23-2015, 10:15 AM
Yeah, I'd say you got re-tested too early. 12 weeks after a cycle might be a good marker. That stuff wreaks havoc on lipid and triglyceride levels. (Mostly temporary if you cycle properly).
Then there's those like me, who naturally is very high (liver produces way too much) as a skinny 18 year old I tested at over 320 total. (Father died at age 47 of heart disease 30 years ago) so Dr. always monitored me.
Of course they just watched it for 22 years, and put my on Simvastatin at age 40 (8 years ago). Everythings good now, lowest dose works fine, I come in right under 200,my HDL is always very high, and more importantly, triglycerides are under the limit. (Used to be almost double).

02-23-2015, 02:29 PM
you may want to look into beta sitosterol, plant sterols. that's a natural cholesterol decreaser. a lot of positive reviews.

03-08-2015, 02:35 AM
I had high chol. and i have a family history. My CH was 262.

I started on a protocol of Fish Oil, Red Yeast Rice and this product called Cholestoff (wasnt cheap)

After I finished 2 months of this, my CH dropped to 190.

07-30-2015, 11:05 AM
Flaxseed oil..Coconut oil..Small servings of nuts and Avocado..Celery, garlic, apple, carrot and beetroot..Pro Active margarine..Ursofalk for medication(keeps all my numbers in check)..Water then water then after that more water..Got to keep your liver healthy too bro..Eat for the liver..