View Full Version : Progestogenic sides

09-19-2014, 09:42 AM
I'm on NPP and Prop atm. Not on any ancillaries as I prefer to use them only if issues arise.

Just read PAiN's excellent sticky on gyno reduction and reversal.

I'm wondering about prolactin related gyno. I assume the sides are increased areola size and lactation. Lactation will be very apparent but I can't imagine detecting an increase in the size of my areolas.

So If I develop gyno related symptoms, do I just jump on the letro? Should I use prami/caber and if so, how do I use it along side letro? What if I am uncertain if there is prolactin related gyno (no apparent increase in areola size and no lactation)?

Also, what is the general consensus on prami vs caber?

Thanks guys!

09-19-2014, 04:00 PM
I'm on NPP and Prop atm. Not on any ancillaries as I prefer to use them only if issues arise.

Just read PAiN's excellent sticky on gyno reduction and reversal.

I'm wondering about prolactin related gyno. I assume the sides are increased areola size and lactation. Lactation will be very apparent but I can't imagine detecting an increase in the size of my areolas.

So If I develop gyno related symptoms, do I just jump on the letro? Should I use prami/caber and if so, how do I use it along side letro? What if I am uncertain if there is prolactin related gyno (no apparent increase in areola size and no lactation)?

Also, what is the general consensus on prami vs caber?

Thanks guys!

I'm pretty lucky because I don't seem to get prolactin related sides. From what I understand prami is a cheaper alternative to caber, and caber is really only worth while if it's pharm grade. Also prami is more stable in liquid as opposed to caber which only has like a 2-3 week shelf life in liquid

09-19-2014, 04:37 PM
You should at least be on an AI brother, you need to manage your E2, estrogen is indirectly related to prolcatin. controlling your E2 you will have a very minimal chance of any type of gyno related issues.

High E can cause many other issues as well.

Keep caber or prami on hand but in general, manage your E buddy!

( i know some people may give me crap for this but E is what it always comes back too )

09-19-2014, 05:29 PM
NPP on people tend to get less prolat. sides just bc people use it for a shorter time than deca. But I think you should always be on a ai and have caber or prami on hand with 19nor's. If you get gyno and arent already on an ai then letro should take care of it, and if you still need it you can add caber with the letro. If you are already on a ai and get gyno keep taking the ai with the letro for several days to let the letro build up in your system don't just stop your ai for the letro.

Other than that theres not much you can do about gyno except surgery. Once you have it, its there. Thats oe of the many reasons its so important to get blood work and manage your body.

09-19-2014, 05:36 PM
Yes! and the surgery is no fun let me tell ya

09-19-2014, 05:43 PM
Once your nipples get really puffy and sensitive, then you know you are on your way to areola enlargement. This is speaking from experience my friend.

09-19-2014, 06:11 PM
You have no info about your cycle other than your using test prop & npp.As you know,Testosterone aromatize into Estrogen.,npp is a progestin steroid,which doesn't aromatize into estrogen but instead attaches to the progesterone receptor in the breast.Estrogen takes up the Estrogen receptors also in the breast.NOW.,heres where the lactating and puffy nips come in.,Estrogen increase's the Prolatin,and with your use of npp,it increase's more causing this side effect.This could all have been avoided by blunting the effects with a Aromatose Inhibitor like letro at the start.Start taking caber & Letro and after your cycle take your novadex.If you want to decrease the problem,lower whatever dose NPP your taking.Thats your culprit bro

09-20-2014, 08:17 AM
This is my 6th cycle and I have never had gyno issues.

But point taken guys. I'm gonna start letro @ 0.25mg ED to be safe.

As I understand it, I should only take prami if I notice lactation and areola enlargement. But if it is just a soreness/sensitivity and a hard lump forming then just up the letro following the gyno reversal protocol.

09-20-2014, 12:10 PM
i always use pharm caber with nandrolone. tren i can get away without it

09-20-2014, 12:17 PM
Why are you running letro for your ai? Aromasin or arimidex are much milder. I know some people just prefer letro but you said you have not suffered any Gyno symptoms in the past right?

09-20-2014, 12:29 PM
Yea I'm considering adex instead.

My rationale for the letro is that it is what was recommended in PAiN's sticky. Also, if gyno issues arise I can just continue with an increased dose of letro without worrying about trying to acquire another AI. Trying to keep it simple.

But I can see the issue with it being too harsh.

09-20-2014, 12:34 PM
You can keep it simple either way. If you choose arimidex start at .25 mg eod. Like a said letro is fine but its strong

09-20-2014, 03:58 PM
For some odd reason, adex doesn't seem to work for me. Every time I use it, no matter the dosages, I seem to get a little sensitive nip and end up with a small lump starting. At this time I'll hit the letro for a week at high dosage until the lump and sensitivity is gone, then drop it. Now I'm running 6mg ed of aromasin and it seems to be keeping the estro at bay. I also have some caber pills on standby but haven't seen any prolactin issues using tren for years. Only thing is, this is the first time I've used aromasin and I have been having severe aches in my left bicep tendon and left wrist pain (could just be a flare up from a previous snowboarding accident where I broke the wrist years back). May or may not be the aromasin but what do you guys think? I've also started using N2guard for organ health for the first time and am wondering if this is the cause. They call for 7 pills a day of the N2, but I split it at 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening. I'm dropping the N2 for a bit to see if the tendon/muscle pain subsides in the left arm and if not, it may be the aromasin. Aromasin is supposed to be really hard to crash estro though from what I've heard, if it's that that is happening but hopefully not and I'm only running 6mg a day. Which I would think is a pretty low dose.

09-20-2014, 04:53 PM
I run my aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed just FYI 6 is probably a little low

09-20-2014, 05:19 PM
I'll try upping to 12.5 mg a day and see what that does. Do you think it's good to run the N2guard while running Test e (250mg wk)/tren a (~400mg wk) or is organ support more for oral gear? Not too sure if I should continue with it or if it's a waste. It's pretty expensive stuff.

09-20-2014, 05:23 PM
I'll try upping to 12.5 mg a day and see what that does. Do you think it's good to run the N2guard while running Test e (250mg wk)/tren a (~400mg wk) or is organ support more for oral gear? Not too sure if I should continue with it or if it's a waste. It's pretty expensive stuff.

I am not familiar with that product. I run nac

09-20-2014, 05:52 PM
Never heard of nac. What is it?

09-20-2014, 05:54 PM
Liver support brother