View Full Version : Simply everything you need to know on injections

10-26-2010, 11:20 PM
For many of you, this is common knowledge, but I'm sure that some of you still have a few questions about this subject. If you are new to steroids, this FAQ should answer your injection questions. We will start from the very beginning.......

1cc = 1ml

Gauge: The smaller the gauge, the thicker the needle. An 18g is much thicker than a 22g.

Length: Generally 1.5" or 1" for our purposes.

And yes, you can mix water and oil-based steroids in the same syringe.

now we can proceed.......

What is an intramuscular (IM) injection?
A technique to deliver a medication into muscle tissue for it's eventual absorption into the systemic circulation. Steroids, both oil and water-based, are administered this way.

What is a subcutaneous (sub-q) injection?
A technique to deliver a medication into the soft tissue (fat) immediately underlying the skin. Insulin, HCG, and HGH are typically administered this way.

What is aspiration?
To aspirate is to withdraw fluid with a syringe. More specifically, after inserting the needle, pulling back on the plunger of the syringe for a few seconds to see if the needle is in a blood vessel. Rarely, this will be the case and a bit of blood will fill the syringe. If this happens the needle should be removed, replaced with a new one, and another injection site should be used. And yes, if there is a little blood in your syringe, it is ok to inject it along with your steroid once you have found a different spot..........it's your own blood isn't it?

When aspirating, nothing should come back into the syringe if you are in the right spot. Pulling back on the plunger will create a vacuum in your syringe. The oil cannot expand to fill that space, but any air bubbles in your syringe will. You may notice the tiny bubbles getting bigger and bigger as you pull back. They will return to normal size as you release the plunger. If the air bubbles do not disappear upon releasing the plunger, you have an air leak most likely caused by the needle not being screwed onto the syringe tightly enough, although on very rare occassions, the syringe or needle itself can be defective. Either way, purge the air bubbles out, put a new needle on and try it again.

Do I really need to aspirate?
Those who inject without aspirating are taking unnecessary chances. Sweating, nausea, dizziness, severe coughing, breathing difficulties, anaphylactic shock, coma or death can all result from not aspirating. Most of the time, steroid users experience dizziness and coughing fits when they inject into a blood vessel. But you need to be aware of the dangers of neglecting this simple technique that should take about 3-5 seconds of your time.

What exactly is an abscess?
Abscesses occur when an area of tissue becomes infected and the body is able to "wall off" the infection and keep it from spreading. White blood cells migrate through the walls of the blood vessels into the area of the infection and collect within the damaged tissue. During this process, pus forms (an accumulation of fluid, living and dead white blood cells, dead tissue, and bacteria or other foreign invaders or materials).

Abscesses can form in almost every part of the body and may be caused by bacteria, parasites, or foreign materials. Most of the time, it is caused by unsanitary injection techniques. On very rare occassions, it can be caused by foreign particles your gear (a greater chance of this occurs when using/making a homebrew). The abscesses that we are concerned about are usually reddish, raised, and painful.

How do they treat an abscess?
Antibiotics are often given to aid the cure of an abscess but the real cure is generally surgical. A doctor wouud open the thing up and allow the pus to drain, then the body would take care of the infection. Some have even gone so far as to "drain" their own abscesses by inserting a needle/syringe into the abscessed area and drawing out the accumulated pus, although this is not recommended.

Can I reuse the same needle?
Yes, but only if you are an idiot or cannot obtain anymore needles. There really is no need to explain why you shouldn't re-use a needle. Common sense should kick in here, but the bottom line of re-using needles is an INCREASED CHANCE OF INFECTION. If you have trouble obtaining needles in your area, try finding a different way of getting them. The hassle of finding a source is negligible compared to the hassle of the abscess in your ass that would most-likely require a doctor and a scalpel. There are methods to "sterilize" a needle for re-use, but I will not delve into them. If you are still considering re-using a needle, re-read the above two questions.

Can I inject with the same needle I draw with?
Yes, but it is preferrable to switch the needle out with a new one. The needle dulls significantly when pushed into the rubber stopper of your vial or scraped along the bottom of your amp. You may not notice the difference if you inject into your glute, but try injecting into an area that has more nerve endings such as a delt or bicep and you will notice immediately.

Does it matter if I push the needle in fast or slow?
I would recommend slowly, but this is personal preference. A lot of people will tell you to jab the needle in quickly. These people usually stop that practice after the first time they hit a nerve going in at full speed (usually quad shots). By going in slowly, you'll have more time to react if you hit a nerve.

Where exactly do I inject?
A picture is worth a thousand words.
target=_blank>www.spotinjections.com (http://www.spotinjections.com/)

What gauge needles should I use?
for drawing - 20g, 21g

18g needles are too big and they will eat up your stoppers in a hurry. A bigger hole means an increased chance of letting some little nasties into your sterile vial. Sometimes, the 18g will take out little chunks of rubber that fall nicely into your vial. That is not something you want. Imagine injecting that tiny piece of rubber into your muscle. I'll bet the doctor would have lots of fun digging into your rmuscle trying to find it and mutilating your muscle in the process.....

for injecting - 22g, 23g, 25g - for oil-based steroids, 27g, 29g - for insulin, HCG, HGH, and some water-based steroids. 21g-25g for some lower quality types of winny or suspension, higher quality versions can use a smaller needle generally.

22g and 23g are fine for glutes and quads. 25g is preferred for the smaller muscles such as delts, biceps, triceps, etc.

What length needles should I use?
Most people can get by with a 1" needle, but if you have a higher percentage of bodyfat or are just plain big you should use a 1.5" needle to insure that you get deep into the muscle. You should only use a 1.5" needle for glutes, or if you have huge quads. For smaller muscle groups, 1" is the most common, although some people like to use a 5/8".

How many ccs can I shoot in one place?
It depends on how big you are. A general guideline is 1cc for delts, 2cc for quads, and up to 3ccs for glutes. Some do more, some do less......it all depends. After a cycle or two, you will know what your body can handle. If you are injecting into other muscles such as biceps, triceps, or calves, it's best to start off with a small volume and work your way up.

Can I pre-load my syringes?
If at all possible, leave it in the vial or amp. If you need to pre-load, just keep in mind that the syringe must be stored safely. Nothing sucks more than having the plunger pushed in accidentally and losing some of your gear.

Which is the best brand of needle?
Terumo, B-D, and Monoject are the primary manufacturers of needles/syringes. Both Terumo and B-D have an ultra-thin wall design (the wall of the needle is thinner, so more fluid can pass through the same gauge of needle). From personal experience as well as opinions from many other steroid users, Terumo seems to be the sharpest.


I can't get all the tiny air bubbles out of my syringe....
As long as you tap it and get most of the air out, you will be fine. A little air intramusculary won't hurt you. According to the USH2 by Dan Ducaine, it supposedly takes about 10ccs of air injected into a blood vessel to kill you. I wonder how the hell they figured that one out.

I saw blood in the syringe after I pulled out....
You passed through a blood vessel and a little bit of blood entered the syringe on the way out. No biggie.

I pulled the needle out and blood dripped/squirted out....
You passed through a blood vessel. Apply a little pressure with your alcohol swab. You'll live.

I pulled the needle out and oil was dribbling out....
You injected too much in one place or you didn't inject deep enough. No biggie. Try injecting slower or leaving the needle in you for 30 seconds after you have injected it all. This should give the oil some time to dissipate so very little, if any, should dribble out.

I injected into my quad, and my leg was twitching....
You grazed a nerve. Usually it's a good idea to pull out and try another spot.

I don't think I injected deep enough....
If you think you injected into a layer of fat, don't worry. It will just take longer for the steroid to dissipate than it would if you had injected into the muscle. Eventually it will be absorbed. Don't let anyone tell you that you wasted it because that is not true.

10-26-2010, 11:30 PM
I gotta ask this. After over 20 years of shots , every now and then I get kinda nervous bout take'n a shot. It's so weird and I always think what a puss .Sometimes I wonder does this ever happen to anyone else. I've had some issues with scar tissue and have gott'n that under control so it's not that even.

Peace and Love

10-27-2010, 02:03 AM
bro, I am scared on every shot ahahaha. I have to pump myself up mentally.

I think this should be a sticky....it is very informative and I think noobs will benefit.

10-27-2010, 02:07 AM
Agreed. Sticky it is Homey

Peace and Love

10-29-2010, 02:57 AM
This is one of the best write ups i have seen on injections. very informative but kept Simple and to the point

10-29-2010, 03:20 AM
Great sticky. You did a great write up.

10-30-2010, 07:08 PM
Very nice. I remember being very nervous all those years ago before my first shot. Great info.

10-30-2010, 09:08 PM
This is a great Sticky

10-30-2010, 11:18 PM
no, i dont get nervous, i plan for the upcoming event. but i used to but not in 5 yrs even with scar tissue. as really theres nothing that will happen. unless u dont aspirate and if u cough uncontrollablly for minutes. but coughing at times is nothing. its scary but wont hurt ya.hope that helped.

11-02-2010, 11:41 PM
i always get worried right before i inject and end up talking to myself in the mirror...my wife thinks im crazy. she might be right.

11-03-2010, 01:58 PM
Very good article and as was said well written. I think a lot of us get a little nervous before we inject. For me it's no problem. I dont get sweat on my forehead or a pounding heart rate. But the fact is I really dont like needles so I try to make it as quick and painless as possible. Once technique is perfected it's really not a big deal but I often think to myself. Dang....the things we go through all in hopes of that physique we all desire.

11-03-2010, 09:27 PM

11-03-2010, 11:27 PM
spot injections is a great site

11-13-2010, 07:50 PM
i think if u have scar tissue by my expierience use a 21g x 1.5 inch nail to slam the bitch home. if u use a 25 g on scar tissue in your ass cheeks and u throw that dart and she bends in mid flight uh oooo. she breaks off in your already scarred ass cheeks and u have to have someone with no how to dig it out. my wife got mine out with no further damage. but shes a nurse practioner and got all the equipment i needed but i had to wait for 2 hrs for her to go to hospital and get it. it was bleeding with ozzing because the needle broke and it left a open end for leakage. nothing serious but it was a pain in the ass no pun intented. if it goes to far go to the hospital and be straight with them as it can give tremendous more scaring. and they cut it out if its uncrabable by locking scissors or the big, no u get the picture. grabbing scissors with teeth on them. but i think, as i never seen it my wife has in school but they cut a cicle around the needle punture and they remove as much dermis now not epidermis, as needed to get the grasp on the needle and pull it out and they soo u up, and it leaves a lump or nodule under the skin for good. and when it heals it really scars bad so no more injecting there unless u go in the middle i would think. but who can throw a dart looking in a mirrior and hit the middle of a chunck of ass to pin point accuracy lol. lmfao lol. and i wear glasses and its getting harder not to hit the bone at the hip as i throw that bitch. 21 yrs practice makes perfect, iam a great dart thrower.

ps: sorry guys i got carried away lol.

Kirk B
11-18-2010, 11:37 AM
i love doing shots, I love tatts, piercings, and pinging juice i love i tell you the only time i was scared was my first time then it was a cake walk

12-25-2010, 02:09 AM
can I ask if you've knowledge of this sort of thing:

syringe for mesotherapy:

(an almost classical syringe but with several small needles attached instead of one).

It allows you to cover a larger fat area with a single injection. The fat loss drugs are more evenly spread on the "to be destroyed" area. I say drugs as on top of the Clen, it is nice to do another shot with theophylline and/or caffeine

I've read some about this spot reduction, but would love to hear more of this type of injection. Could you touch on this type of injection?

12-26-2010, 12:41 AM
Lot of solid info in the post. Great job!

01-20-2012, 01:12 PM
The biggest problem i have is i can pin my rightside of glutes,but for some reason i cant pin my leftside it piss me off.

01-20-2012, 02:19 PM
i think if u have scar tissue by my expierience use a 21g x 1.5 inch nail to slam the bitch home. if u use a 25 g on scar tissue in your ass cheeks and u throw that dart and she bends in mid flight uh oooo. she breaks off in your already scarred ass cheeks and u have to have someone with no how to dig it out. my wife got mine out with no further damage. but shes a nurse practioner and got all the equipment i needed but i had to wait for 2 hrs for her to go to hospital and get it. it was bleeding with ozzing because the needle broke and it left a open end for leakage. nothing serious but it was a pain in the ass no pun intented. if it goes to far go to the hospital and be straight with them as it can give tremendous more scaring. and they cut it out if its uncrabable by locking scissors or the big, no u get the picture. grabbing scissors with teeth on them. but i think, as i never seen it my wife has in school but they cut a cicle around the needle punture and they remove as much dermis now not epidermis, as needed to get the grasp on the needle and pull it out and they soo u up, and it leaves a lump or nodule under the skin for good. and when it heals it really scars bad so no more injecting there unless u go in the middle i would think. but who can throw a dart looking in a mirrior and hit the middle of a chunck of ass to pin point accuracy lol. lmfao lol. and i wear glasses and its getting harder not to hit the bone at the hip as i throw that bitch. 21 yrs practice makes perfect, iam a great dart thrower.

ps: sorry guys i got carried away lol.

Lmao!! Excellent read Unclem!!

08-20-2012, 03:56 PM
This is some of the best info that i've found in awhile Spocket. Thanks man! All newbies should read!!

02-09-2013, 10:28 AM
i have a lot a tat customers that like the pain. not my thing. like doing shots thow

05-03-2013, 07:56 PM
I'm glad I came across this. Definitely a must read for first timers like myself.

05-04-2013, 07:35 PM
Great info

02-04-2014, 07:26 AM
Good sticky man!

once upon a time I was jamming myself in the quad at my bros place. I started getting nervous all of a sudden (I've pinned 100's of times np) midway through. I then started to see stars and my whole body went numb as I collapsed to the floor, I woke up thinking this was the end and I was totally relaxed and was just like fucking take me if this is how it's ganna be. But my body started to regain sensation and I slowly started to collect myself. I then grabbed the juice box ,switched the pin and finished that mother fucking job becuase that's how winning is done.

02-04-2014, 10:26 AM
^^^^^damn bro. Hard core!

02-06-2014, 03:26 AM
^^^^^damn bro. Hard core!

It sucked balls brother but that's adversity for ya.
for the new guys if you feel any sort of anxiety or flashes just pull that fucking thing out and calm yourself and start over. Pretty sure I was hitting a nerve.
i tried to push through it, lesson learned!

04-22-2014, 08:07 AM
thanks for your post,

11-21-2014, 11:12 PM
I think I'm going to switch to orals after reading some of these injecting nightmares.

11-22-2014, 01:35 AM
I used this thread every time I pinned for my first cycle. Like it says a picture is worth a thousand words!

01-30-2015, 02:04 PM
that was one good write up, excellent. hit all the things that i have encountered or thought about when injecting.

02-09-2015, 12:33 AM
Thanks for the info...hopefully I will soon need it.

04-28-2015, 11:47 PM
The CDC now advises against aspirating for IM injections. This is pretty recent info.

http://www.nnpnetwork.org/Uploads/EBP%20aspiration%20poster%209%2025%2012%20for%20io wa%20.pdf

05-06-2015, 09:30 PM
my first cycle I didn't know any better and used 18 g 2 inch core drillers now I have a hard time with the 28 g pinning . wish I would have known better but I didn't have anyone to teach me .my pct would have been better to

05-22-2015, 01:30 AM
Excellent post very informative. Thanks for the information brother.

05-23-2015, 05:46 PM
excellent post brother! thanks a lot for this information.

08-26-2016, 02:14 PM
Thanks very much for this post...This was a subject I was embarrassed to ask about being a noob ma goob. Thats why I love the BOP. Knowledge for anyone on anything.

08-30-2016, 05:50 PM
Great info! Anyone concerned with air in the syringe during IM injections need not be. Drawing 0.1-0.3cc of air into the syringe is actually a technique used in hospitals. It not only clears all the med from the syringe/needle but also blocks the injection site from leaking any of the medication. It's known as an air-lock. The Z-track method also prevents any seepage from the site. Just pull the skin slightly next to your injection site before you insert the needle, remove the needle, then release traction. Once the muscle/skin returns to its normal position it will essentially cover the pocket of medication and prevent any of it from seeping out!

09-08-2016, 04:42 AM
awesome post, i am the nubiest of noobs!!anyone have a good site i can buy needles and pins off?

09-08-2016, 05:12 AM
Good Post Best i ever Read Good Job Brother

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10-11-2016, 02:16 AM
I gotta ask this. After over 20 years of shots , every now and then I get kinda nervous bout take'n a shot. It's so weird and I always think what a puss .Sometimes I wonder does this ever happen to anyone else. I've had some issues with scar tissue and have gott'n that under control so it's not that even.

Peace and Love

Wow! Thought I was the only one. After all these years, I still get nervous taking a shot. Make's me feel like a whore in church!LOL

10-12-2016, 04:24 PM
awesome post, i am the nubiest of noobs!!anyone have a good site i can buy needles and pins off?
Medlabgear is the best.

06-15-2017, 12:27 PM

06-15-2017, 12:35 PM
I personally draw with a 22 and then backload insulin syringes with oil. I then inject in my delt or ventroglute, as they are the leanest areas on my body to just get that small needle right into muscle. Painless, simple, no jamming fucking harpoons into my muscles.

Slin Pins have been working really well for me.

big tom
08-14-2017, 03:24 AM
me too, when do injection, i am afraid. Good post.

08-16-2017, 01:07 PM
No matter how long ive been injecting.. its funny how i never not get nervous before a jab... Always nervous, but i guess thats just how us humans are haha

08-22-2017, 02:40 PM
Pull with 18g harpoon shoot with 28g-31g depending on the viscosity

08-22-2017, 03:05 PM
I've started pulling with 23s cuz I don't like being able to see through the hole I punch in my caps. :)

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08-27-2017, 11:08 PM
Great post for the Newbs! Thanks

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08-27-2017, 11:21 PM
I was so nervous for my first shot, I had to watch some porn and jerk off, then I just shoved the needle in my quad when I was nice and distracted by a nice pussy scene

08-28-2017, 12:11 AM
I was so nervous for my first shot, I had to watch some porn and jerk off, then I just shoved the needle in my quad when I was nice and distracted by a nice pussy scene


I stated pinning quads after watching an instructional video a few months ago, never pinned anywhere else. I really wasn't nervous for some reason.

Medlabgear sent me a box of 1/2" 27g pins by mistake, so I just grew the nuts to try pinning my delts a couple days ago so I could work 'em in. It's crazy how anxious I was to try a new spot, but I had no PIP at all. I love delts.

Now to work up the courage to pin V. Glutes and I'll be G2G. :)

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08-28-2017, 12:52 AM

I stated pinning quads after watching an instructional video a few months ago, never pinned anywhere else. I really wasn't nervous for some reason.

Medlabgear sent me a box of 1/2" 27g pins by mistake, so I just grew the nuts to try pinning my delts a couple days ago so I could work 'em in. It's crazy how anxious I was to try a new spot, but I had no PIP at all. I love delts.

Now to work up the courage to pin V. Glutes and I'll be G2G. :)

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VG is my favorite spot! Never any pip or anything, holds a lot of oil too

11-29-2017, 06:38 AM
good read, Thanks a lot

03-08-2018, 01:53 AM
This helped me!

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03-19-2018, 06:28 PM
I started a year ago and had to self learn this information. Always wished someone had told me some basics. Good stuff to know

03-20-2018, 02:11 AM
I didn't really know where to put this but it seemed very fitting to post it here. First, thank you for the info. Secondly, I have been on trt for about a year and a half and have done numerous cycles. I have been browsing the boards for a little bit now and have looked into a lot of the ventral gluteal injection posts. I have done delts and quad injections previously and was pretty much ok with those spots(even though for some reason, I feel like I don't really absorb enough of the hormone when I do quads compared to delts but I guess that is a different thread.). Anyway, I was pretty nervous every about the ventral glute injection site and administration. It just seemed like it would be incredibly painful or that I would hit bone. I did my first ventro glute injection today on my right side with a 25 gauge 1 inch pin. It was painless and as smooth as butter. I was pleasantly surprised. I only pinned half cc so I guess we will see about the PIP but I don't think I will get any. I will do the left side on Thursday. I needed more injection locations due to my first short ester run of tren ace soon and am happy I have another location so far to add into the rotation.

Dam that seems pretty long. To summarize, ventrogluteal injection site is f-ing fantastic.

05-03-2018, 12:38 PM
i love doing shots, I love tatts, piercings, and pinging juice i love i tell you the only time i was scared was my first time then it was a cake walk

Hell ya bro, this right here. I love it! No tats cause, recognizable marking and such but piercings and pinnin I LOVE!

05-03-2018, 12:44 PM
Great right up and sorry if I missed this in all the replies but, what about drawing from the vial... push air into vial to allow for easier draw into pin or stick it and suck slow? I figure, the less contaminated air pushed into the vial, the better... what’s everybody’s opinion on that one?

07-14-2018, 06:37 AM
Thank you OP. This was a great guide and I learned a lot.
I was wondering though if intramuscular injections are a must? I understand you said at end that if injected into fat it takes longer to dissipate. I want to try a cycle for the first time and more then likely it will be something small like 200 to 300mg of test a week. Not sure on the type yet. Still have a lot of reading to do. For my first cycle could I do glute shots and it still be effective?

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk

juice man
07-18-2018, 06:51 PM
good advice...

07-18-2018, 11:33 PM
Great read

07-20-2018, 11:32 PM
I had a friend do my very first injection in my delt because I was so fucking nervous. After that I was like oh shit I’m still alive [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] and did them without a problem each and every time after that. Told some forum buddies I’ll update them on my first inject in 30 minutes . It took me 3 hours to work myself up to inject that first time. They all thought something happened to me lol [emoji23]

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08-01-2018, 04:10 PM
Lol. Yeah u definitely need to do allot more research before thinking about doing a cycle.

200mg to 250mg are trt/hrt doses of test. I do that much when im off cycle lol.

Ur not gonna get anything from that dosage. What are your stats, goals, what's your nutrition look like, what's your training age, etc etc.

Yes it is possible to do subq injections of an gear but thats more of an advanced way of pinning.

In the beginning its best to stick to the basics imo.
Thank you OP. This was a great guide and I learned a lot.
I was wondering though if intramuscular injections are a must? I understand you said at end that if injected into fat it takes longer to dissipate. I want to try a cycle for the first time and more then likely it will be something small like 200 to 300mg of test a week. Not sure on the type yet. Still have a lot of reading to do. For my first cycle could I do glute shots and it still be effective?

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08-01-2018, 04:19 PM
Great post.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

09-08-2018, 01:18 AM
The biggest problem i have is i can pin my rightside of glutes,but for some reason i cant pin my leftside it piss me off.Same.. But I'm right handed so I'm just not as handy using left. I'm always a little sore when I but left side of buttocks.

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09-08-2018, 04:21 AM
You can also apply ice or an over-the-counter topical numbing cream to the injection site before cleaning it with the alcohol pad for avoid sore.

09-08-2018, 05:00 AM
You can also apply ice or an over-the-counter topical numbing cream to the injection site before cleaning it with the alcohol pad for avoid sore.Rarely that sore. Just a small discomfort. Been years since it was so bad I couldn't walk.

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02-25-2019, 11:03 PM
I jammed my left side this morning (glute) for only the second time. I didn't like the mild "stinging" sensation so I pulled, capped, cleaned the right side then injected with the same needle. Rookie move I know. I inject at 4am so I wasn't as sharp that early but i was wondering... No pip in right side over 12hrs later. Any cause for concern there other then don't do it again?

06-30-2020, 03:49 AM
Im injecting my tren ace with a 29g 1/2" in my delts half cc some oil dribbles out when i pull the pin out am I not deep enough or wasting oil?

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07-10-2020, 06:03 PM
For you guys doing Tren Ace or Test P and pinning ED or EOD, what sites are you using? I have test e successfully several times and simply do 2 injections a week; one in each glute. I like this method obviously because it is easy and simply. I want to try Tren, but consensus seems to be I should start with Ace and NOT E because of possible horrible sides (although I dose extremely low so I question whether this will be a consideration for me). If I go the Tren A route, I"m just trying to map out my injection sites as I already do Test e in the 2 glutes weekly. i know on some days I could load the Tren A in in to my Test e shot and double up, but that really only works out about 1 x per week. I would still have on aerage 4 other shots weekly to administer. Was considering using Delts, but after that, wasn't sure if I should try Thighs or what the majority did that was easiest. Thanks. . .

07-10-2020, 06:22 PM
I jab it all in glutes

07-10-2020, 07:17 PM
I have read you need to have 7 days between injections in to one particular site. Not true? You go r cheek, left cheek, then right cheek again on day 5? And you have no issues like this? thanks.

07-11-2020, 03:04 AM
I pin all my test into glutes and all my tren ace into delts daily just swapping sides they've gotten use to all the pinning.

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07-11-2020, 05:44 AM
For you guys doing Tren Ace or Test P and pinning ED or EOD, what sites are you using? I have test e successfully several times and simply do 2 injections a week; one in each glute. I like this method obviously because it is easy and simply. I want to try Tren, but consensus seems to be I should start with Ace and NOT E because of possible horrible sides (although I dose extremely low so I question whether this will be a consideration for me). If I go the Tren A route, I"m just trying to map out my injection sites as I already do Test e in the 2 glutes weekly. i know on some days I could load the Tren A in in to my Test e shot and double up, but that really only works out about 1 x per week. I would still have on aerage 4 other shots weekly to administer. Was considering using Delts, but after that, wasn't sure if I should try Thighs or what the majority did that was easiest. Thanks. . .

Side delts

Don’t overcomplicate it bud. Yea research has its place and seeing what others say and do. But when u have ur ducks in a row just pin where u feel comfortable. Shoulders are easy and I can reach them easy. Smaller needles shorter needles. Great for low volume injections like u will have with Tren Ace. Don’t get too psyched out [emoji123]

07-11-2020, 06:31 PM
Thanks. Yeah, I tend to be a bit of a planner. I never want unexpected or planned for sides so I try to have it all mapped out before I get started. Never one to rush in to stuff like this. I am probably just going to do 150mg test e fro 12 weeks in glutes on M and T and then 25mg Tren Ace eod in delts for 8 weeks, with 60-80 Var for 8 weeks. Thanks for info!

07-16-2020, 03:11 AM
Honestly I just started my first cycle and was terrified, but I just went for it and afterwards I was wondering why I was being such a bitch about it haha. No pain at all except a few hours later it was a little sore (glutes) but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone on the scared boat haha

07-16-2020, 08:52 AM
Honestly I just started my first cycle and was terrified, but I just went for it and afterwards I was wondering why I was being such a bitch about it haha. No pain at all except a few hours later it was a little sore (glutes) but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone on the scared boat haha

Bro I completely understand where you are coming from I used to be the same way! But when I would pin I legit would get so nervous I couldn’t even keep a steady hand it would shake uncontrollably lol for no reason! I eventually got over it I was just new and just uneasy at first! But I must say I like using 1.5 in the glutes just feel like it goes all the way in the muscle I’m a pretty lean dude but I mean an inch works too but just peace of mind with 1.5! Goodluck bro you will be good

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07-16-2020, 09:38 AM
i do shoulders, gluteus maximus (lol) and lats, sometimes legs

08-27-2020, 05:37 PM
so I was doing Tren A 25 mg every other day just to start and have bumped that up to daily now. Twice a week I pin with TEst in my rump, but the other days I've been doing shoulders. Except this week I swapped a few days for abdominal injections. Kind of like a insulin injection. Fine the day of, but now a few days later I have a sore knot on each side of my stomach from the two injections. Is this normal? Will this go away in a few days? Thanks.

08-30-2020, 01:05 AM
This was very informative for sure as a Newbie. I get nervous sometimes doing a shot so I listen to a old school song called “Keep on moving” by Soul 2 Soul. This helps while I prep and inject. I get a good rhythm and it helps a lot. Or I just let my girl do it [emoji23][emoji23]. It’s my way of vibing and enjoying this amazing journey.

09-01-2020, 12:36 PM
With all the tattoos I have its hard to be nervous about a pin, but I will say during my first cycle it took some getting used to. Nothing like standing in front of a mirror with a pin sticking out of your ass! This post is very well written and should put some at ease....

09-03-2020, 02:53 AM
With all the tattoos I have its hard to be nervous about a pin, but I will say during my first cycle it took some getting used to. Nothing like standing in front of a mirror with a pin sticking out of your ass! This post is very well written and should put some at ease....

[emoji23] Hell Yeah ! I had to get my girl to do the 1st few shots.

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