View Full Version : Ideal Body Fat % Before Cycle?

11-10-2014, 07:04 PM
Looking for some advice on prep for my first cycle:

Would I be better off cutting NOW, (pre-cycle) to offset my on cycle fat gains, rather that in PCT, when I should be focused on keeping the muscle?

I'm considering a quick 2 week carb cycling HIIT fest to drop the last few pounds before I start my run. Having just lost a good deal of weight, I'm concerned about fat gain through the next 12 weeks running Test-e and Dbol. (I know it's going to happen, just trying to get a head start on dealing with it) What I DON'T want to have happen is come out fluffy in 12 weeks, or not get the most out of the cycle due to under eating to maintain physique.

Currently 7-8%, 220 lbs.

Thanks guys!


11-10-2014, 07:45 PM
7-8% you are already a monster! If you do this right you can make great gains with putting on hardly any fat I any

11-10-2014, 08:20 PM
Why do you want to cut any more? Contest? If not, that's already low brother... I'd focus on building lean muscle and get huuuuge! I've tried getting that low before but I just don't have it in me, because I feel weak and small below 10% Just getting to 10% is work enough for an old guy like me! I say focus on getting HUUUUUGE! LOL

11-10-2014, 08:27 PM
Thanks Kubes! I was hoping the resident diet guru would chime in!

I plan on keeping it clean and just upping the volume per meal to get up in the high 3000 calorie range until I get a feel for how my body reacts to everything... Maybe work in some of that fancy carb cycling you are a proponent of if I start to puff up.

11-10-2014, 08:33 PM
I'll play devil's advocate. First, you're ready to go @ 8%. Second, I think bf% and when its best for a cycle is a very individual thing. 15% generally the most common # you'll hear, but imoh, some can cycle at higher %, some can't. That's why it pays to be very familiar with how your body response to various substances, and take things nice and slow.

11-10-2014, 08:33 PM
wook - I'm happy where I am, just don't want to gain back what I've been kicking my ass for months to lose. My thinking would be to cut now, get lean lean, and then end up back in the 9-10% range, and not have to cut at the end when losing the muscle gains is a concern. Either that or put my big boy pants on, quit worrying about a few % points, eat like a horse and lift like a man... I think I'm going to go with option 2!

11-10-2014, 08:38 PM
Heben - Very sage advice, thank you.

11-10-2014, 11:08 PM
Thanks Kubes! I was hoping the resident diet guru would chime in!

I plan on keeping it clean and just upping the volume per meal to get up in the high 3000 calorie range until I get a feel for how my body reacts to everything... Maybe work in some of that fancy carb cycling you are a proponent of if I start to puff up.

What does your nutrition plan look like now?

11-11-2014, 12:22 AM
Very clean. No processed foods. Macros at 50/30/20. Split into six meals. 2300 calories total. Lots of greens, minimal carbs after evening workouts. Has worked very well for a recomp build muscle / lose fat program I've been working on.

11-11-2014, 03:59 AM
Very clean. No processed foods. Macros at 50/30/20. Split into six meals. 2300 calories total. Lots of greens, minimal carbs after evening workouts. Has worked very well for a recomp build muscle / lose fat program I've been working on.

Looks good brother. Keep the food clean during your cycle and you are gonna grow like a weed! :)

11-11-2014, 04:10 PM
I think you'll do just fine, assuming you're actually at 7-8%. Even a "not so clean" bulk wouldn't kill you at that bf%. Worst case scenario you get up to 12%.....12% still looks good and it would not be terribly hard to diet back down from there. Don't be afraid to put on a little fat, it's necessary to make the big gains.

Also don't be frightened by the extra water you may carry around from the test/dbol. Some get scared and mistake it for fat accumulation and stop eating enough in fear they are getting fat. Just gotta remind yourself it's only water and it will go away after the cycle.

Best of luck brother.

11-11-2014, 04:23 PM
Joz - Pretty sure on the 7-8% number. Been tracking it for a while, using the 7 site skin fold caliper method. (Got that OCD numbers guy thing going on.) I've been thinking of keeping a log on this first cycle, if I decide to do a write up, I'll find a bod pod / total immersion weighing place and get an exact number before cycle, after dbol, after cycle, and after PCT.

Thanks again for the advice and encouragement, you guys rock.

11-11-2014, 04:27 PM
Logs are a great way to keep track of your progress

11-11-2014, 04:37 PM
Joz - Pretty sure on the 7-8% number. Been tracking it for a while, using the 7 site skin fold caliper method. (Got that OCD numbers guy thing going on.) I've been thinking of keeping a log on this first cycle, if I decide to do a write up, I'll find a bod pod / total immersion weighing place and get an exact number before cycle, after dbol, after cycle, and after PCT.

Thanks again for the advice and encouragement, you guys rock.
The log would be great. I LOVE first cycle logs. Watchin the excitement of the first timers when they blow up is great. I'll keep an eye out for it if you decide to do one!

11-11-2014, 07:29 PM
im just saying.. i wouldn't even be here is i was 7%-8% at 220. I would be to busy installing mirrors on my most commonly walked paths during the day to be able to check out my awesomeness............

lol im 188 and eating at 3600 and slowly gaining. If i was eating 2300 I would be in full cut mode..

Its so crazy to see the difference in all of us and how and what works for everyone.

Good job brother either way it all ends up being your goals. 7-8% you can go either way. Do what fits you. You are so close to show ready but yet tons of room to grow if need be. Do what you feel is best brother

11-11-2014, 08:01 PM
check out my awesomeness............

HAHAHA. Not quite all that. I'm looking to add mass, and stay lean. "show" is not something I am interested in, I just want to see where I can take this thing, and really just love seeing the progress as I continue to learn and grow.

Just started a log thread, I would appreciate a follow, and any advice you could give along the way.


11-11-2014, 08:03 PM
HAHAHA. Not quite all that. I'm looking to add mass, and stay lean. "show" is not something I am interested in, I just want to see where I can take this thing, and really just love seeing the progress as I continue to learn and grow.

Just started a log thread, I would appreciate a follow, and any advice you could give along the way.


I will be following along

11-11-2014, 08:18 PM
HAHAHA. Not quite all that. I'm looking to add mass, and stay lean. "show" is not something I am interested in, I just want to see where I can take this thing, and really just love seeing the progress as I continue to learn and grow.

Just started a log thread, I would appreciate a follow, and any advice you could give along the way.


LOL I am the same way man. I will do a full competition diet come march and hope to hit 6%-7% . I am in full bulk mode at the moment and I hate it! I prefer the cut vascular look.

I also have no real interest in doing a show but i as well just want to see where i can push myself to.

With the diet gurus here we can def help you with some fancy carb cycles and refeeds and what not. I have tried quite a few methods.

As far as the test and dbol I would not concern yourself with fat gain as your type of weight will all come down to what goes in.

If you are trying to dry out and stay lean out you may want to skip the dbol. test only should do wonders if you have never cycled before, maybe tbol instead?

get on a good AI to keep that water off and keep your foods like you been doing and youll be good.

Now in all honesty the best way to hit a bulk cycle on what you call is " pre cycle cut" i think the correct term would be " cycle prime" this is usually a longer duration objective and the slower you do it the greater your gains usually are.

The idea is very similar to a show prep diet.

Do you have anyone to be able to walk you through this or are you going to try on do it on your own?

I know some very high end IFBB pros would charge very very little to nothing just for contest prep diets ( again i know your not doing a contest but it would pertain to your primeing section before your blast)

if youd like I can shoot you their contacts? unless youd like to do this on your own and a little help from us is cool too!

11-11-2014, 08:53 PM
Larger - I would certainly be interested in any and all info and guidance I can get. Just being involved with a group of guys with this kind of knowledge, or someone with IFBB pros numbers in their back pocket is pretty amazing. Some serious firepower on this board!

I DO want to get the most out of this first cycle, but I certainly have the long term, steady progression and growth in mind through all of this. Really, that is the reason for coming here in the first place, to utilize that collective knowledge to make sure I don't make any mistakes that would lead to steps backwards.

11-11-2014, 08:59 PM
Your in good hands here man! Also check you PM for the diet info

11-11-2014, 09:02 PM
Got it!
Thank you sir!

11-11-2014, 09:50 PM
Looking forward to following along. Sounds like we have some of the same ideas about how to approach this stuff. Just finished my first cycle, so I'm looking forward to seeing how you do on yours, and gearing up for round 2.

11-11-2014, 11:39 PM
Get some Tren A in your cycle and you won't need to worry about gaining fat. You'll actually or more than likely drop some more fat while on it. I typically drop a few % BF while on and I pack in the calories pretty good but fairly clean too.

Largerthannormal, can you also supply me with this diet plan. Might be something I need for my next cycle to get better gains.

11-12-2014, 12:01 AM
Wow, 7-8% at 220lbs. Already great numbers. How tall are you? I would just run the Dbol and test cycle, as long as your diet is on point you shouldn't gain fat. You will definitely be holding water... but this is not fat and will go away at the end of the cycle and reveal all the new muscle.

11-12-2014, 12:07 AM
I'm 6'2. I'm going to stick with dbol and test, maybe something thrown in towards the end if I hit a late cycle plateau like I'm seeing on a few of the logs here.