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View Full Version : Fat Burner Diet

12-01-2014, 07:44 AM
Which diet is best to burn fat fast?

12-01-2014, 09:01 AM
I find they all are pretty similar given the same calories
though low carb seem to drop water weight fast and look thinner fast and intermetint fasting can be good if you have troublr over eating found i enjoyed the larger meals and got used to not eating during the fasted time as long as u timed it for when ur busy.
Though im sure other people have alot more knowlage in this area.
Just pick something you enjoy and can stick to

12-01-2014, 09:51 AM
How much do you need to lose and how long have you got?

Just pick something you enjoy and can stick to

This is the main thing.

IMO if you're above 8-10% there's no need to completely cut out food groups.

12-01-2014, 10:38 AM
a calorie deficit

12-01-2014, 12:40 PM
a calorie deficit

Agreed with this^^^ Doesn't really matter how you get there. I'd place my carbs around workout tho

12-14-2014, 07:32 AM
Weight loss energy in must be less than energy out, but the goal is good quality fuel

12-14-2014, 04:41 PM
I find when I'm higher in bf% a low carb or or carb cycling works best but when I'm lower in bf let's say 12% and lower I do low fat diet... it helps me keep energy and have a nice pump

12-15-2014, 04:15 PM
Its all about calorie in and calories out.

12-15-2014, 07:54 PM
Caloric deficit Start off with -500 kcal deficit a day off of your maint. do this for two weeks and weigh yourself everyday in the morning right after your first urination for 7 days and then average your weight if you are losing 1-2 lbs a week then keep going until you do not lose any weight then deduct about 200 a day also add cardio to your training protocol depending on your activity level. I would start with 3 days of a week of MISS and 1 day of HIIT and see how that works. Patience is key when it comes to fat loss. You can add Intermittent Fasting as a toll which is helpful but keep in mind the IF alone will not make you lose fat fast.