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View Full Version : Altering progression of psoriasis

12-17-2014, 09:57 AM
Psoriasis therapy is a topic that has been under research for several years as the disease was considered to be incurable and it is difficult to pin-point the exact causative factors. With the advent of extensive research techniques it is discovered that the symptoms can be suppressed with medications but Ayurveda goes a step ahead in altering the progression of the disease. On early diagnosis, sometimes the disease can be completely cured and therefore it is essential to seek medical help as soon as the symptoms are identified. Moreover, since the impurities accumulated in the blood are associated with this condition it is essential to have an extensive internal purification process to be performed. Therefore, Panchakarma treatment is done as a prelude to other treatment methods. A natural treatment method that works for a person may have no effect on another and therefore it is essential that the treatment must be customized accordingly and identifying the factors that aggravate the symptoms. The diet also plays an important role in psoriasis treatment and therefore easily digestible foods like boiled vegetables, curd, fruits, bitter gourd are all good psoriasis diet. It is beneficial to avoid fats, eggs, meat and meat products which are not considered good for a psoriasis patient. If the skin is broken due to excessive dryness then cod liver oil, lecithin oil, and avocado oil all fasten the healing process. Mild sunlight exposure is effective in healing the skin irritated areas and so is exposing the affected area to sea water.