View Full Version : Shelf life

01-02-2015, 11:11 PM
Whats the shelf life on powders?

01-02-2015, 11:31 PM
My understanding is petty much indefinitely, as long as you keep it in the freezer. Indefinitely being, 2-3 years at least.

01-02-2015, 11:31 PM
This is a quote taken from the BLOG on QR's web site. (Our sponsor QR) They monitor their board like we do so no BS info would be left on it. Hope this helps.

I was a supervisor at a phama company who's name is well known to the BB community. I can tell you per FDA requirements we kept both powder and finished product (Testosterone & Nandrolone Deca) samples per lot# for somewhere around 10+ years before destroying, I don't remember the exact FDA time frame requirements anymore. Accorrding to engineering even at 10+ years the finished product still retained 85% potency! More then once I had to watch as "good" product was shipped to the incinerator to be destroyed! No chance to get your hands on any product as everything required three seperate authorized signatures no matter what you were doing with the product, counting, shipping, moving raw powder to manufacturing or destroying, etc. (I was one of those with signature authorization). Based on this real world experience I have had no apprehension using years old gear if it has been stored properly. Of course with QR around this should longer be a concern!