View Full Version : Second cycle advice

01-26-2015, 07:34 PM
Age: 21
BF%: 13-14
Years of Training experience: 3 ish
# of previous cycles: 1
Diet Plan: IIFYM, calculated out and meal prepping for five times a day
Cycle Goals: put on more lean mass

Hey guys, new to this forum, just had a simple but yet complex question. I was wondering what's a good route to take for my next cycle. I took a cycle of 500mg of sust pinning 250 a week, lasting for 12 weeks. Came off and took clomid and nolva for a month(should have taken HCG). Wasn't the brightest idea, I have heard that sust is not the best test to start off with. I got my gear from a local friend and he didn't explain much about sust, just told me what to do and I did it. Not to mention I was only 20, not the best idea. I started at about 180lbs and peaked at 206 lbs, when I came off I leveled out at about 198lbs, body fat was probably around 18-19%. My diet was definitely not perfect. Since coming off the cycle I have been focusing on leaning out and gaining strength and size, and mostly fixing my diet. I have now dialed in my diet and have leaned out quite a bit. It's been about 6 months and I'm just wondering what's a good path for a next cycle. Or maybe take even more time off. I am active duty military, so I do need to keep my cardio up and bodyweight strength, so from what I have heard tren is not an option. Overall I just want some feedback and tips on how to go about this correctly, and safely, while improving.

My current routine in a six day split.
Monday: chest
Sunday off

01-26-2015, 09:13 PM
Test/ Eq/ /Var for slow, steady, lean gains. This will definately assist you cardio wise. This would need to be ran 16-20 weeks with 20 being optimal.
Test/Deca/Var will add more strength and weight. I like to also run this 16 weeks maybe 20 if every thing is going well.

The var would be used at the first/end of the cyle. I've also considered when I run Eq next I'll use T-Bol as a kickstart to compliment the lean gains. Also proviron is a nice addition to any cycle.

01-26-2015, 10:10 PM
20 weeks is a long time isn't it? Wouldn't that be hard on my natty test, even with pcts?

01-26-2015, 10:15 PM
20 weeks is a long time isn't it? Wouldn't that be hard on my natty test, even with pcts?

Yes 20 weeks is a long cycle. You definitely want to run hcg and or hmg alongside to help prevent testicular disfunction

01-26-2015, 11:28 PM
So would bumping the test up from 500 to 750, and running dball not be a good idea?

01-26-2015, 11:30 PM
So would bumping the test up from 500 to 750, and running dball not be a good idea?

What do you mean? Are you going to shorten the cycle and add hcg, Hmg?

01-27-2015, 01:02 AM
So would bumping the test up from 500 to 750, and running dball not be a good idea?

Not for cardio it won't be.

01-27-2015, 02:36 AM
Because of the dball? Or the increase in test? And what I mean was in regards to my first cycle, increasing the test and adding dbol.

01-27-2015, 03:15 AM
Because of the dball? Or the increase in test? And what I mean was in regards to my first cycle, increasing the test and adding dbol.

Both. My cardio goes down pretty significantly on any higher doses of test, and with dbol the pains in the lower back and shins is enough to stop you from doing cardio for too long.

01-27-2015, 02:04 PM
20 weeks is a long time isn't it? Wouldn't that be hard on my natty test, even with pcts?

Yes it is rather long but due to the ester length of Eq it really makes it shine. I however I have only used bold undecylenate, I would suspect one could use a different ester such as cyp or prop to shorten the cycle with favorable results.