View Full Version : stacking var and dbol for kickstart

01-29-2015, 04:47 AM
Hey im fairly new to the game and am about to start 3rd cycle now ive had dbol in my previous and boy talk about moonface but i loved how i felt the pumps were awesome and big stregth increase
now i have read alot of threads with dif cycles ect and i came across one that sounded interesting in the way that its claimed to minimise bloat/moonface ect by stacking half dosage of each dbol and anavar for example 30 mg dbl 50 var
So has anyone else stacked these two for kickstart or do you think its a bad idea? cheers
Cycle 650 test, 400 deca,4-500 mast,and the kickstart

01-29-2015, 05:25 AM
I've never heard of this combo used. I wouldn't recommend it. Bloat will be managed with nutritional intake moreso than a dose of var.

If anything, throw in the anavar at the latter part of your cycle.

01-30-2015, 09:10 AM
Think i'll just run t'bol like i first thought
Stacking the var and dbol did sound interesting though

01-30-2015, 09:55 AM
Think i'll just run t'bol like i first thought
Stacking the var and dbol did sound interesting though

I cannot argue with switching up synergies. However, I would never run two orals at once. I dont see the value in it with the trade off. Too toxic for my lifestyle.

What does your complete potential cycle look like?

01-30-2015, 10:11 AM
I listed in it in my first post no pct just trt/cruise dose at 100x2 pw test e and probably going with tbol 60 mgs 1-5

01-30-2015, 10:14 AM
I listed in it in my first post no pct just trt/cruise dose at 100x2 pw test e

My apologies. Been awake for a spell.

01-30-2015, 10:19 AM
My apologies. Been awake for a spell.

All good mate