View Full Version : Tren Dreams

02-25-2015, 09:39 PM
I am not a tren guy. The sides are so high for me. However, masteron (my favorite secondary) has been beating the shit out of my hairline and I have walked away. So, tren ace (300mg ew) has been put back on my plate with reluctance. Sweating comes on with a switch (nights, after I eat, when I train).

The dreaming? Holy shit.

I wake up and feel like I just put a entire day in. Dreams are so high energy, intense, vivid and vibrant. It's exhausting. I think my tolerance is quite low right now because I have not touched the stuff in a spell.

02-25-2015, 09:51 PM
Does me exact same way... But not forever it gets better after the first cpl weeks. I did get some good advice from brothers here that told me to try and run my tren at a higher mg than the test and it did help. I didn't actually up the tren, just lowered my test.

02-25-2015, 10:00 PM
Does me exact same way... But not forever it gets better after the first cpl weeks. I did get some good advice from brothers here that told me to try and run my tren at a higher mg than the test and it did help. I didn't actually up the tren, just lowered my test.

Thank you for the input.

It never went away for me in the past. It's why I stopped.

I would never run less test than tren. Test is my platform, foundation and base.

Ill never veer away from that premise.

The low doses I run compared to the fellows around here would not make a difference with a tweek.

Luckily I do not need a lot of product to get a response. I'm fortunate that way. I believe in checking the fridge and my meal table before upping doses.

Clark Kent
02-25-2015, 10:24 PM
Try anavar.

Tren is crude as hell!!!!

02-25-2015, 10:41 PM
Trens a 2 faced bitch! It fucks with you hard but damn, I got great results from it! Dancing with the Devil!

02-25-2015, 10:56 PM
Trens a 2 faced bitch! It fucks with you hard but damn, I got great results from it! Dancing with the Devil!

Yeah bro, I see changes in the mirror within days. It's nuts.

02-25-2015, 10:59 PM
Try anavar.

Tren is crude as hell!!!!

I have my radar on for a good store. High reluctance in legitimacy with it and I wont drop a dime unless I am certain.

02-25-2015, 11:16 PM
When I am on tren if feels like I close my eyes at night and immediately wake up in the morning with no rest at all.. Always wake up atleast 2 or 3 times soakin wet.. cant say I ever have crazy weird dreams but my dreams are very vivid.. but I love the stuff works wonders on me!

02-25-2015, 11:19 PM
Tren is one of my demons! I love to hate it and hate to love it. I just got rid of a shitload because of how it effects me but I still have a shitload left. I will run it again no matter what I gained a lot of strength last time I ran it for 8 weeks. Dreams, nausea ,heart burn, sweats, fatigue and I even lose motivation to hit the gym. The heart burn is the worst of all but I found a way that helps a lot with it. I will be running tren a, eq, test c and hgh on my next cycle, I will stop the tren at 8 weeks.

02-25-2015, 11:24 PM
When I am on tren if feels like I close my eyes at night and immediately wake up in the morning with no rest at all.. Always wake up atleast 2 or 3 times soakin wet.. cant say I ever have crazy weird dreams but my dreams are very vivid.. but I love the stuff works wonders on me!

2 or 3 t-shirts a night, bro.

Fan on high pointed right at me.

And they say bitches go through shit to look good.

02-25-2015, 11:31 PM
2 or 3 t-shirts a night, bro.

Fan on high pointed right at me.

And they say bitches go through shit to look good.

The worst part is when im at work and during a procedure when have to gown up and wear gloves and hair covers and im the only one in the room pouring sweat... Literally was dripping sweat on a patient one day... I was giving pressure on the patients stomach and my crna was having to wipe the sweat off of my forehead once he noticed what was goin on lol...

02-26-2015, 01:14 AM
2 or 3 t-shirts a night, bro.

Fan on high pointed right at me.

And they say bitches go through shit to look good.

LOL! So true---but don't let them know it!!

02-26-2015, 01:35 AM
Glad I don't get the sweats. But my dreams get wild a lot.

02-26-2015, 01:43 AM
I'm running 630mg of tren A a week (pinning 90mg daily) and 580mg test E a week (pinning 250 mg e3d) and I still haven't had any real bad sides from the tren except the occassional acid reflux. I don't seem to have the bad night sweats but I do sweat a tad more while sleeping; nothing like a soaked shirt though. No noticeable dreams either but I do wake up more often and don't seem to sleep as sound. I will say this though, my gains have been the best ever so far running like I am now. 6 weeks in and I've put on a good 12 lbs of lean muscle and dropped back down to just under 8% bf and the gains are still going strong.

02-26-2015, 04:09 AM
I envy you Brothers that do not have tren sides, I would be taking 1000mg's a week if I did not have sides.

02-26-2015, 12:46 PM
Yeah, I guess some of us are pretty lucky. You can tell that things like hunger and sleep patterns do tend to change as I up it. I'd suspect that I would probably start to see some sides I couldn't bare with if I went much over 100mg a day but who knows. I doubt I'll ever go that high.

I do have a theory on the whole hunger and eating thing while on tren though. As most know, tren seems to utilize all the nutrients in everything we eat. Like for instance, if you are not running and eat a meal, your body may only utilize about 70% of that food and the rest is wasted. But when on tren, that meals nutrients will be greatly utilized to say 95% and only maybe 5% being wasted. This is just my theory but it makes since being that you just don't seem to get hungry as often while on tren. I think the food in your stomach is just taking longer to digest because you are utilizing every last nutrient and your body is just telling you that it just doesn't need any extra food at that time.

Clark Kent
02-26-2015, 02:02 PM
I have my radar on for a good store. High reluctance in legitimacy with it and I wont drop a dime unless I am certain.

We are never really certain!?! That's the game we play

02-26-2015, 02:51 PM
Man I've had some crazy vivid dreams on this shit.. yet I tend to forget about my dreams half hour after I wake up. Anyone else get this??

02-26-2015, 10:11 PM
Forgetful dreams happens often for me. But like another brother said I lay down and open my eyes like I didn't even sleep. Sleeping sucks while on. The sweat isn't too big of a deal. Wear colors that don't show :p Tren is defiantly a double edged sword. But dam I love that stuff.

Edit: What I find annoying though is the heavy chest feeling. Feels like my heart is about to give out lol made me a lil paranoid about my heart.

02-26-2015, 10:16 PM
Man I've had some crazy vivid dreams on this shit.. yet I tend to forget about my dreams half hour after I wake up. Anyone else get this??

I'm old, bro. I can't remember if I washed my hair after I get out of the shower.

05-21-2015, 02:58 AM
Well, the dreams are still elaborate these days but night sweats have been not as bad as in the past. I've been sleeping like a baby when I can due to work so insomnia has not been in the equation.

In the mirror? Wow. At around the 3.5 week mark I looked totally different. My core area is more dry and detailed than I have ever encountered in the past. Pumps at the gym feel full and stronger.

What a drug.

05-21-2015, 03:13 AM
I love tren. I get some kickass dreams but never had sweats.