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View Full Version : Anyone else blessed with almost no sides?

03-06-2015, 12:59 PM
Ive ran about 6 cycles now. The first 3 were test only. The 4th was 750 mg organon Sustanon, with 600 mg of organon decca for 10 weeks. Absolutely no side effects, and I took no AI's. My 5th was a little crazier. 1000 mg test, 600 mg Tren E for 16 weeks, with 8 weeks of dianabol @ 50 mgs and the last 4 weeks was oral winstroll @ 50 mg a day. I finished my last 2-3 weeks with 350 mg test prop (replacing the longer esters) to slow the crashing test levels. I finished this baby up with 2 weeks of HCG ED, and kept 90% of my gains. The only sides were insomnia, and night sweats. No nipple puff, no gyno. Im currently 8 weeks deep into 1250 mg of test, 600 msg of decca and 400 msg of EQ. Im also running 20 mg of dianabol with 50 mg of anadrol ED. Still no itchy or puffy nips, just insomnia and night sweats. Slightly dull appetite from the orals. Ive got nova and clomid on hand, and plan on using them as PCT.

Maybe I'm just not prone to Gyno, or maybe my tapering off with Test Propionate helps. Maybe its because Im a classic ectomorph and can lose weight by simply sleeping later or sitting on the couch (Stupid Fast Metabolism), Im still not sure. My question to you guys is, Is anyone else lucky like this? Im saying that I've been really irresponsible with past cycles, and I almost feel like I deserve Gyno in a way. I have buddies with gyno that ran perfect PCT regimens every time.

03-06-2015, 01:07 PM
You really should be running an ai. Sides are not the only reason to manage elevated estrogen. Some get sides and some don't but on the cycle you are on your estrogen is elevated

03-06-2015, 02:24 PM
You really should be running an ai. Sides are not the only reason to manage elevated estrogen. Some get sides and some don't but on the cycle you are on your estrogen is elevated

^^ This.

OP, you say you don't have sides. Are you making this statement based on your physical appearance and how you feel or based on quantifiable data obtained via blood work? I can almost guarantee that you are experiencing "sides" regardless of whether or not your are seeing/feeling a physical manifestation. Its no different than someone with high blood pressure. Why do you think they call it the "silent killer?" No sides. The vast majority of people, when they find out via a blood pressure check, had no clue that their BP was elevated because there are generally/typically no physical manifestations or any real feelings to clue you in to the fact that your BP is elevated. Often times this game is played the same way. That's why blood work is preached so heavily here. Imho, I highly encourage you to go get BW.

04-16-2015, 08:23 PM
I watch my blood work closely, but as far as sides you feel, a bit of anxiety at most.

04-17-2015, 12:37 AM
Same very lucky with visible sides... That being said i still take AI ,blood work and PCT like a mother ..... Kubes is right bro its a necessary part of cycling... Be smart