View Full Version : idiotic or logical

03-21-2015, 10:09 PM
I am 8wks in nothing heavy 250@2ew testE had a little kick start with oral. I have been very happy and labs say its legit...but my inpatients is killing i want gains ,gains and more gains ....so i thought to try something different in my training. And need a little feed back ...... So this is what i came up with. 3days a week i will do the best compound lits i know of. Incline bench\dead lift\squats \shoulder press. Say monday Wednesday Friday..... 2days a week i would hit arms so Tuesday Thursday.....on the compound lifts one day i would do heavy say 3reps x 10 to 12 sets. The next would be more traditional 5 to 6 sets of 10 to 12 reps and a high volume day with drops and rest pause.... Is this enough for my chest back legs and shoulders ? I would do this over say 10 weeks and during PCT and recovery i will go back to a more regular approach well there it is let me have it ?

Loose Cannon
03-21-2015, 11:54 PM
hey bro. so i dont know your experience with lifting or juicing but i suffer from severe impatience as well lol and this is what worked for me....first, you are making it wayyy to complicated on yourself. thinking wayy to far into the lifts and sets etc. also even if this is your first cycle if your 8 weeks in and yo have no sides why not just bump the test up a little. (keep in mind im just talking about beating our impatience problem so i dont wanna hear shit from anyone else lol) add about 200 mg a week imo. and as far as the lifts, you lost me halfway thru bc i was like wtf this guy is killing himself lol. keep it simple. train 4-6 days a week. pick a body part to train that day and train it. keep your sets and reps high at first to get the blood flowing and build some size. try 5 sets and keep your reps at about 15-20. if you like training more than one body part i wouldnt do much more than combining back and bis or chest and tris. im not a fan of doing tris and bis together. id bench on chest day, squat on leg day, etc. keep it simple. dont worry about compound movements and so on. pick a body part, and train it. once you build some size, increase weight and decrease reps. but keep about 5 sets. hope this helps. it has worked for me greatly.

Loose Cannon
03-21-2015, 11:56 PM
p.s. as far as exercises i pick a body part and literally do every fuckin exercise i know of for that body part lol. should take you about 90 minutes.

03-22-2015, 01:11 AM
4th cycle... I am and have aways over thinker ... I am what some call an "overtrainer" i would only do the "big lifts" on monday wendsday friday .... So bench and squat deads shoulder press only on those days - arms on the other. I do between 6 to 10 sets now like you said i pick one body part and go it for an hour or more just trying to change things up

08-08-2015, 05:28 PM
In this game patience is key bro. Alot of people fall victim to overtraining. Just remember you aren't gaining or growing when you are in the gym.

How did this wind up working out for you?

08-09-2015, 06:33 AM
All I'm going to say is that's a lot of compound lifts to go heavy on in one day.