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View Full Version : After cycle cut

04-16-2015, 04:46 PM
I posted this in bodybuilding section but after not getting any replies I realize it should probably be in here.

I am currently on a "bulking" cycle 30 days of Super DMZ 2.0, I am eating 3k calories a day with 250 protein and about the same for carbs, I am 44 years old and I took 5 years off from the gym before I started this cycle. No reason for the break other than being a lazy fuck, drank a lot of beer so I got some love handles, my body fat was in the 15-18% range at cycle start. I am 2 weeks into cycle and have gone from 183 to 190, I have two weeks left and then on to PCT.

For PCT I will be taking Nolva, eradicate and gear support for 4 weeks while maintaining calorie, carb and protein intake at what it was on cycle to minimize mass loss. I have never really taken anything for a "cutting cycle" mainly because last time I played with PH type stuff I was late 20's and my metabolism was still destroying whatever I ate. Boy did that shit stoop when I hit 40 haha, anyway what are some recommendations for products to take for cutting? I know I will lose some bulk im sure but what I want is a dry hard lean cut so I can see striations in my muscles. I understand I will need to change my diet during the cut to be under maintenance so any advice in that area is greatly appreciated too.

One side note I forgot above I am also taking 30mg of Raloxifene on cycle now to battle mild gyno on my left pec.

Thanks in advance for any and all help

04-28-2015, 09:28 AM
I don't know if anyone has any experience with products that reduce cortisol but I've used then I the past as part of pct and they were very effective as far as helping to maintain my muscle gained during the cycle as well as getting rid of fat in the trunk area. I dont know if they still make product like that any longer.

I believe I used something called lean fx