View Full Version : Steady dosed HCG vs blasts

07-01-2015, 03:12 PM
This question is being asked assuming you are ON cycle...

I always ran HCG after week 4, and ran it 2x a week or every 3 to 4th day depending.
Usually 250-500iu sub-Q every 4th day, or 2x a week.
I always used HCG up until I started my PCT meds and ceased its use.

After posting on other boards and reading around, there are varying opinions on HCG and its use.
-Some say, do 2500-5000iu in 1 shot mid cycle, and then another at the end of the cycle.
-Some day do 1000iu a 1x a week.
-Some say run it DURING and until the END of PCT as well.
-Some say running it the way I do is ideal.

Need some suggestions, want to do what is best for deez nutz :p

07-01-2015, 07:14 PM
All I can say is Ive been running it like you and my nutz aint atrophied so I will continue to run it this way.

07-01-2015, 07:19 PM
250iu to 500iu twice a week up until Post Cycle Therapy is what I do. I would never run it during PCT.

07-01-2015, 07:30 PM
OK good, thats what i figured since i always recovered well and my nuts never shrank.

I forgot to post 2 situations though,

1) run up to PCT, right before you start, do a blast of 1000+ HCG after last AAS shot but before PCT to get them really going
2) Last cycle I actually ran 500iu EVERY 5th DAY out of ease, and this seemed to not differ from running 250iu 2x week.

I will either run it 500iu e5d or 250iu 2x week.

thanks fellas

07-01-2015, 11:06 PM
I am on TRT, so I run it year round. I do 250IU twice a week.

Apex Peptides
07-02-2015, 03:45 AM
I'd say that you'd benefit from hCG using virtually any protocol. There is such a wide range of protocols used by very knowledgeable people it's hard to say, what the BEST it. Some do low doses ED, EOD, and some blast multiple times a week.

Here's how I structure mine on a simple 500mg Test E cycle

Sunday Morning-HCG 250iu
Monday Morning-Test E 250mg
Tuesday-Arimidex .25mg
Wednesday Night-HCG 250iu
Thursday Night-Test 250mg
Friday-Arimidex .25mg


I'm not saying this the golden standard...it's just how I do it.

King Nela
07-02-2015, 05:43 AM
Yeah i agree with your setup bro. Ive got a test e +dbol cycle coming up and ill be running 250iu twice a week starting from week 2 or 3 and finishing a week before pct starts. I figured its better to keep your balls active the whole way through instead of letting them be dormant during cycle and blast the shit out of them a week or two before pct. Also hcg during pct makes no sense to me, i would not recommend that.

07-02-2015, 03:58 PM
Too much HCG does harm as well ... I guess the bottom line is I have NEVER had Hypogonadism and always recovered well doing 250iu 2x weekly or 500iu E5D
so i'll continue to run it that way. Also HCG can get expensive running it some often. Plus its a pain if you live with people