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07-09-2015, 03:03 AM
DAY 1- 7/7/2015

Who am I? well you don't get to know my name, however I would love to share that information with you. This will be my daily update and logs with my training and experience on my first steroid cycle running Test E by BNSF parm @ 500mg per week.

190.2 lbs
10% body fat

GOALS---reach 200 lbs.

metabolic age around 12 yrs old.
I do not have high blood pressure.

I have been lifting for almost 2 years this august and I have had many tell me that I should wait because I don't know what I am doing.. that is correct I did not know what I was doing but from advice and guidance from my real life friends and you brothers I believed I was ready for this... And I was, but that doesn't mean I haven't run into any problems.

BNSF was the best for me personally when ordering my gear, everything about them was 100% professional..

I had loaded the needle, and prepared to give my first shot in the ass at 8:30 am yesterday. Under the pressure and nerves I got the needle into my right ass check and that's when panic kicks in and, due note ( No one tells you about this) everything is different when the needle is in front of you because ordering and reading online about your product only builds excitement, but once it is in your hands a new feeling kicks in and it becomes extremely real. well, for me I hate to sound like a puss but I actually passed out from hyper-ventilating and twisting my abs in order to see the needle in my ass. (brothers--- This is a huge mistake-- STAY CALM and TRUST THE REVIEWS AND PRODUCT)

After this experience I was freaked out because there is a lot of things that can go wrong with this type of stuff. So after proceeding to work and getting off that afternoon I loaded up a new sterile needle, stared straight into the mirror, manned up, reminded me why I was doing it, and gave myself 2 ml of 250/ml test E... It felt great this time because I focused on my goals and I was proud of myself.

I went a crushed a shoulder workout that consisted of :
4 Sets of Smith Machine Military Presses of 10-12 reps4 Sets of Dumbbell Front Raises of 10-12 reps4 Sets of Upright Rows of 10-12 reps7 Sets of Dumbbell Lateral Raises of 10-12 reps4 Sets of Dumbbell Shrugs of 12 reps4 Sets of Barbell Shrugs of 12 reps
It Felt amazing, probably the best workout I have ever had, Due note I am not giving credit to the Test E due to the longer esters:) but there was a big bump in myself motivation.

Diet: My diet did suffer due to nerves throughout the day, but I did round out the night with a big meal and hit my protein for the day.

If there is anything else I can add to this daily journal that you guys would like to hear about I will defiantly add it into the daily update. (sorry for all spelling mistakes.)

07-09-2015, 03:16 AM
I would like to know if you have anything to deal with estrogen if it becomes a problem like and I think always have letro on hand. Have you planned out any pct? Your first run at this is always exciting. I also would inject twice a week you will keep your blood levels more stable and get better results. Make sure you ask questions and read that's why we are here I like to hear and help someone who has done research before starting and who wants to do it right. Good luck

07-09-2015, 04:34 AM
ok question 1. I don't want to go above 500mg per week so would you do 250, every 3,4 days? yes I have an estrogen blocker, its a pill and I forget the name.. ill let you know and any suggestions for pct. I was going to order stuff for that at week 4. I know its not recommended. I just started a new job and didn't have the funds for that. again interested in the info. Thanks. I know it sounds like I don't have my ducks in a row, but I am exhausted atm and don't feel like thinking. ill pm you in the am brother.

07-09-2015, 04:38 AM

Loose Cannon
07-09-2015, 04:39 AM
dude that first inject story was funny as shit lol. if your going to do your own injections i recommend delts, pecs, and quads.

07-09-2015, 05:01 AM
delts hurt?

07-09-2015, 06:12 AM
When I first started pinning delts and quads were easiest for me. After I built my confidence I was able to start sticking it in my ass. LoL. Make sure you research your AI and you know what your taking as they do vary in dosages, and pray your PCT comes through. It would suck to see all those gains disappear as fast as they came. Also, you may want to throw in 250iu of Hcg every 4 days. This will help with recovery. This is also a pretty standard PCT, Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50, that is mg per day for 4 weeks. With this you should bounce back quickly since your only running test.

07-12-2015, 03:25 AM
delts hurt?
Ur muscles r still virgins so to speak to using gear so,yea usually anyspot u pin its gona hurt a bit after....well it did to me...heres a little help...

delts hurt?
Ur muscles r still virgins so to speak to using gear so,yea usually anyspot u pin its gona hurt a bit the next day or 2....well it did to me...heres a little help...www.spotinjections.com dont forget to aspirate

07-12-2015, 07:25 AM
Try to stay away from quad injections, there are a ton of nerves and veins there and it is the most painful spot for most people. Look up Ventragluteal injections and do those. I promise you'll thank me for telling you about them. You should be using Aromasin as your AI. It not only helps control estrogen, it also frees up the bound test so your body can use it. It does you no good to have 3000 total test if very little of it is free and able to be used. Especially since this is your first cycle make sure you're getting all you can from it by doing this.

07-12-2015, 08:15 AM
Delts were great for me. I haven't done glutes but I'm damn sure about to give it a shot. I've pinned most of my only two cycles in my quads and for the most part it was pain free but recently the pip has been intense. I'm
concerned about scar tissue anyway and rotating is much better.

07-12-2015, 03:08 PM
Try to stay away from quad injections, there are a ton of nerves and veins there and it is the most painful spot for most people. Look up Ventragluteal injections and do those. I promise you'll thank me for telling you about them. You should be using Aromasin as your AI. It not only helps control estrogen, it also frees up the bound test so your body can use it. It does you no good to have 3000 total test if very little of it is free and able to be used. Especially since this is your first cycle make sure you're getting all you can from it by doing this.

Loose Cannon
07-12-2015, 07:30 PM
delts hurt?
delts seem to hurt the least out of all injection sites, in my opinion

Loose Cannon
07-12-2015, 07:33 PM
i read a post on here from kubes explaining the quad sweet spot, stand up and flex ur leg. in the upper outer quadrant, there is a "pocket" or a small "hole, or "dip". you want to hit the injection right there. i also use 5/8" needles there. before i was having trouble because i wasnt hitting the pocket, and it would hurt for days. this will guarantee minimal post injection pain.

07-13-2015, 01:39 AM
I'm a puss with tiny shoulders I've never pinned delts lmao - going for it this cycle though.
Placebo spot injections with prop and TNE :)