View Full Version : Good Cycle??

08-26-2015, 06:10 AM
I was wanting some info on a good cycle. More of a basic one. I have only done three cycles in the past. One was DMZ only, one was Dbol only, and my last one was a Test Prop cycle only.
Here are my stats:

190 lbs
10% BF
3 light Cycles

i know this all is laugh able, bu im here to learn so teach me lol.

08-26-2015, 06:26 AM
A basic Test E cycle at 500 mg's per week split in two doses (250 mg Sunday/ 250 mg Thursday) for 12 weeks is a great start. This will allow you to get a feel of what a long ester Testosterone will do for you. I wouldn't add anything to it except an AI, like Adrimidex at .5 mg's e3d or aromasin at 12.5 mg/day to control any potential sides. You will also need to get some PCT drugs for yourself after you are finished with this cycle (assuming you are not on TRT). There are many threads on here to describe what drugs to take for that. Just do a little research on here and ask if you have any questions... Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions as there are many folks on here with great advice and experience. Good luck brother!

08-26-2015, 06:27 AM
I know you don't want to hear this but at 6ft1 and 190lbs after doing 3 "cycles" you don't need gear, you need to learn how to eat propperly!!!!!!!!

You can take all the juice in the world but if your not taking in ENOUGH of the RIGHT calories you won't grow. Again, at your size you're no where near your genetic potential naturally.

I'm giving you the same advice I'd give my little brother - hold off on the juice, really LEARN about nutrition and increase your caloric content and over the next 12 months STUDY and really LEARN as much as you can about AAS and at the end of that 12 months assess where you're at physically/mentally/emotionally and reassess if you're ready to do a cycle then.

08-26-2015, 06:42 AM
I know you don't want to hear this but at 6ft1 and 190lbs after doing 3 "cycles" you don't need gear, you need to learn how to eat propperly!!!!!!!!

You can take all the juice in the world but if your not taking in ENOUGH of the RIGHT calories you won't grow. Again, at your size you're no where near your genetic potential naturally.

I'm giving you the same advice I'd give my little brother - hold off on the juice, really LEARN about nutrition and increase your caloric content and over the next 12 months STUDY and really LEARN as much as you can about AAS and at the end of that 12 months assess where you're at physically/mentally/emotionally and reassess if you're ready to do a cycle then.

No offense, but I hate when dudes preach that shit! This is a steroid community on here and everyone on here uses or intends to use... Your not going to talk a dude out of using AAS if they're on here, especially if they have already done some cycles in the past. I get what your saying and it does have validity to some of the shit you are saying, I just dpn't feel that this is the place for it. IMHO, I think we should just give the best advice regarding proper use for the individual by answering their questions and try to point them in the right direction. I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just how I feel. You are right in saying that diet is crucial to get big, but that's not what he asked or wants to hear.

08-26-2015, 07:48 AM
thanks all who have answered so far. i like to hear everyones honest opinion. i have my diet down pretty well considering i am usually 11% BF and under at all times. i take in about 4500 calories a day and that basically to stay were i am without growth. I have a freakish metabilism.
But as said above, i am looking to do another cycle, genetic potential or not, i wanna grow lol. But i truely do respect all that has been said so far.
I think i will go with a simple cycle like the 500mg week. i have read this is the basic cycle for most to start on.

08-26-2015, 07:52 AM
Im fairly new to game also bud. my current cycle is 500 test ew and npp 150 eod ,adex 0.25eod I went back to basics on this cycle and am loving it after trying a way too heavy cycle for my third one ..which didnt go too well

08-26-2015, 07:55 AM
And on another side note to take into consideration. I AM on HRT. I do two 200mg Test Cyp, self administered shots a month. Basically every two weeks. they started me on a gel but i was concerned after reading that my wife could be affected by it so i talk to my HRT doctor and he switched me to injections. He did them at first then i was allowed to do them at home.
How will this affect blood tests and my cycle?? i have bloods don every 4 months unless concern arises.

08-26-2015, 07:56 AM
Im fairly new to game also bud. my current cycle is 500 test ew and npp 150 eod ,adex 0.25eod I went back to basics on this cycle and am loving it after trying a way too heavy cycle for my third one ..which didnt go too well

Glad to know im not the only new guy lol. does NPP really help joint as i have read?? im not gonna use it anytime soon just curious.

08-26-2015, 08:01 AM
Yeah bud does wonders for my shoulder.. im thinking of running 100 of deca ew after this cycle alongside my trt/cruise dose

08-26-2015, 08:07 AM
sounds nice!

08-26-2015, 09:59 AM
And on another side note to take into consideration. I AM on HRT. I do two 200mg Test Cyp, self administered shots a month. Basically every two weeks. they started me on a gel but i was concerned after reading that my wife could be affected by it so i talk to my HRT doctor and he switched me to injections. He did them at first then i was allowed to do them at home.
How will this affect blood tests and my cycle?? i have bloods don every 4 months unless concern arises.

If I was you I would probably do 8 to 10 week cycles straight after blood tests ,that should give you time to get bloods stable for the next test ect ..as for your trt I would halve the injections maybe even two 50mgs shots a week for more stable levels , someone more experienced with trt may wanna chime in but what ive read with the cyp ester 2 weeks between shots is way to long ..also bro just read up on it all this site has a wealth of info ..tons of useful threads.

08-26-2015, 01:24 PM
What are your levels at when you go to check ups after doing 400 mgs month? Your levels will be way off and your doc will most likely figure out what your doing or at least drop your dosage... In my case, I stopped going to the doc and self medicate with 200-250 mgs per week while cruising which maintains my levels at around 900-1000 (while cruising). When I'm on cycle, my levels are around 3-4 x that. I wont tell you not to continue to see your doc, but just be prepared for what is going to inevitably happen when you do.

08-26-2015, 05:50 PM
thanks all who have answered so far. i like to hear everyones honest opinion. i have my diet down pretty well considering i am usually 11% BF and under at all times. i take in about 4500 calories a day and that basically to stay were i am without growth. I have a freakish metabilism.
But as said above, i am looking to do another cycle, genetic potential or not, i wanna grow lol. But i truely do respect all that has been said so far.
I think i will go with a simple cycle like the 500mg week. i have read this is the basic cycle for most to start on.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying about you having your diet down so I'm going to add this - when people talk about having your diet down it refers to understanding how to manipulate your caloric intake and adjust your macros to get different results. If you're eating 4500 calories at 6ft1 190lbs and 10% bf then try eating 5000 calories and if you still aren't growing then eat 5500 calories - eventually you're going to start putting on weight. If you take any steroids before you figure out what YOUR true BMR is and what you need to eat above that, they will NOT work and you'll just be wasting your money.

08-26-2015, 06:26 PM
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying about you having your diet down so I'm going to add this - when people talk about having your diet down it refers to understanding how to manipulate your caloric intake and adjust your macros to get different results. If you're eating 4500 calories at 6ft1 190lbs and 10% bf then try eating 5000 calories and if you still aren't growing then eat 5500 calories - eventually you're going to start putting on weight. If you take any steroids before you figure out what YOUR true BMR is and what you need to eat above that, they will NOT work and you'll just be wasting your money.

So when should someone use AAS? Once they have confirmed their BMR, and met the calorie ceiling to which they can't gain any more weight?

08-26-2015, 08:20 PM
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying about you having your diet down so I'm going to add this - when people talk about having your diet down it refers to understanding how to manipulate your caloric intake and adjust your macros to get different results. If you're eating 4500 calories at 6ft1 190lbs and 10% bf then try eating 5000 calories and if you still aren't growing then eat 5500 calories - eventually you're going to start putting on weight. If you take any steroids before you figure out what YOUR true BMR is and what you need to eat above that, they will NOT work and you'll just be wasting your money.

:0wOVuPrp3oNHLhxP.jpI don't even know what my "BMR" is and AAS work just fine for me??? Not a waste at all! I think you need to get off your soap box brother!

08-26-2015, 09:29 PM
:0wOVuPrp3oNHLhxP.jpI don't even know what my "BMR" is and AAS work just fine for me??? Not a waste at all! I think you need to get off your soap box brother!

It's not a soap box you idiot, it's calling giving someone some honest genuine help and advice that will benefit him - so back the fuck up!!!!! Just because you don't understand what I'm talking about or how it will benefit someone doesn't mean you should interfere and try to inhibitor them from Learning!

08-26-2015, 09:46 PM
So when should someone use AAS? Once they have confirmed their BMR, and met the calorie ceiling to which they can't gain any more weight?

Once again you feel the need to try to challenge what I say and I'm really getting tired of it!! Why don't you get your head out of your ass and go back and reread what I wrote - it has nothing to do with waiting to take ASS until you find your BMR and reach your caloric ceiling to where you can't gain any more weight.

08-26-2015, 09:55 PM
Once again you feel the need to try to challenge what I say and I'm really getting tired of it!! Why don't you get your head out of your ass and go back and reread what I wrote - it has nothing to do with waiting to take ASS until you find your BMR and reach your caloric ceiling to where you can't gain any more weight.

Because you regurgitate the same scare tactic bullshit as half the internet out there. Do you even know what AAS do in your body? They make everything we do more effective. Moderation is important as well as safety protocols. Yelling at people to stay away from AAS doesn't help anyone here.

Yes, I agree people should have a well rounded knowledge of their body and proper training to get the desired effect out of usage. But to put bench marks like basic metabolic rate and calorie consumption for someone asking cycle advice is just asinine. If you continue your scare tactics I will continue to rebuttal your statements.

08-26-2015, 10:54 PM
It's not a soap box you idiot, it's calling giving someone some honest genuine help and advice that will benefit him - so back the fuck up!!!!! Just because you don't understand what I'm talking about or how it will benefit someone doesn't mean you should interfere and try to inhibitor them from Learning!

It sounds like a soap box and you better be careful with the name calling... I didn't call you a fucking clown did I? Who the fuck do you think you are anyway? You've been a member on this board for the exact same amount of time as me, and you only have 170 posts??? You should probably let your balls drop before you start spouting off your mouth and calling ACTIVE members on here names.... Go back to wherever you came from.... Bro!

08-27-2015, 12:13 PM
WHOA THERE BULK_CUT WHY THE HOSTILITY???? NO NAME CALLING! LOLOL Why so cranky today???!?!!! Didn't we already talk about your crazy thinkin before in anotha thread?


remember...................NOBODY and I repeat NOBODY SHOULD EVER run Deca LMFAO HAHAHAHAHA i couldn't even type that out without laughing.....and ridiculous amounts of an AI are .5-1mg every 3 days LMAO oh dear God.

you never want anyone to run a cycle unless they have 64 years of experience and 14 test only cycles under there belt lolol

like i said before you read to damn much. get your head out of a book and inject some shit and get real world experience before you start calling people idiots.

good lord i guess we will have to deal with this the entire time you are staying here right? well after your name calling i dont think that will be to much longer so keep it up.

never in my life have i been on a steroid board found someone so anti gear....lol....

you do realize some of the people here are pros in this sport and live this life and not just sitting here reading a book to give advice right? please tell the pros here getting ready for the stage to stop using deca and that they are doing everything wrong.

like i said in my post in the other thread there is no point in posting this anyway...... i vote we open a pro talk forum and bulk_cut can chime in for all the pros and let them know what they are doing wrong.... sheesh..... I am all for thinking outside the box but Jesus man. Some of your posts are ridiculous.

sorry for cluttering up this thread like this........... listen to what the other guys said about a real cycle. time to go take some deca for you bro...i gotta go lie down and read your posts so I can re-think my cycles :HOEi8pEMClQdbsgAiZ.

08-27-2015, 04:54 PM
So....getting back to the original post (poor guy's thread just got hijacked!)

Wook's advice up above sounds pretty solid...12 weeks of a long ester test like cyp or enanthate, 250mg 2X per week sounds like a great start. Then start adding in a second and/or third compound (like deca or npp, and/or dbol or anavar depending on your goals) in subsequent cycles. Use and AI like arimidex or aromasin throughout, and have your pct (most guys here recommend clomid and nolvadex) ready to go when you come off. Give it a rest before starting up your next cycle (time on = time off).

If you're on cyp now for TRT, maybe it makes sense to stay on cyp, but increase it to a bodybuilding dose of 250mg 2x per week. Some of the other guys will have to weigh on "blast and cruise" if you're not gonna come off completely after your cycle's over.

Eat for your goals, and you'll be golden.

08-27-2015, 05:55 PM
So....getting back to the original post (poor guy's thread just got hijacked!)

Wook's advice up above sounds pretty solid...12 weeks of a long ester test like cyp or enanthate, 250mg 2X per week sounds like a great start. Then start adding in a second and/or third compound (like deca or npp, and/or dbol or anavar depending on your goals) in subsequent cycles. Use and AI like arimidex or aromasin throughout, and have your pct (most guys here recommend clomid and nolvadex) ready to go when you come off. Give it a rest before starting up your next cycle (time on = time off).

If you're on cyp now for TRT, maybe it makes sense to stay on cyp, but increase it to a bodybuilding dose of 250mg 2x per week. Some of the other guys will have to weigh on "blast and cruise" if you're not gonna come off completely after your cycle's over.

Eat for your goals, and you'll be golden.

You are right, I shouldn't have let the dude get under my skin like I did... I didn't mean to jack your thread over that bullshit... Sorry GoProp!

08-27-2015, 06:06 PM
What are your levels at when you go to check ups after doing 400 mgs month? Your levels will be way off and your doc will most likely figure out what your doing or at least drop your dosage... In my case, I stopped going to the doc and self medicate with 200-250 mgs per week while cruising which maintains my levels at around 900-1000 (while cruising). When I'm on cycle, my levels are around 3-4 x that. I wont tell you not to continue to see your doc, but just be prepared for what is going to inevitably happen when you do.

I have only been on HRT for 9 months now. so only had two blood tests so far. the only reason i dont self medicate with my own test is that i have a legal means of use if i was to ever get caught lol. And my test levels were at 230 when i first got tested before starting my HRT.

08-27-2015, 06:40 PM
You are right, I shouldn't have let the dude get under my skin like I did... I didn't mean to jack your thread over that bullshit... Sorry GoProp!

Your all good bro, this is kinda entertaini g reading you all argue!!! glad to have good advice.

08-27-2015, 06:55 PM
Your all good bro, this is kinda entertaini g reading you all argue!!! glad to have good advice.

That's just it, we usually don't argue on here... Drama Free! But sometimes shit happens! LOL

08-28-2015, 01:25 PM
my cycle looks like this .75 d-rol 75 dianabol 450 tren 200 tesp prop I will be adding in some winny and var at the end but I am hoping for good results

09-12-2015, 04:11 AM
my cycle looks like this .75 d-rol 75 dianabol 450 tren 200 tesp prop I will be adding in some winny and var at the end but I am hoping for good results

Looks like a nice run, gonna keep you nice and dry as long as the diet stays clean. Most people say you always look bloated on Dbol, but you eat right and take your AI and you should have a problem.

09-12-2015, 11:04 PM
just keep it simple.
500 test pw
400 deca
if you must throw in some dbol to kick start.
try not to do any anti e during cycle.
