View Full Version : Restart PCT or wait it out longer?

09-09-2015, 07:32 AM
Hey guys,

I've been on cycle for quite sometime, around 4 months. I knew running so long would be risk HRT but I'm giving it a go to restart my own HPTA.
I'm 6 weeks into PCT, I did similar protocol to Dr Scully Power PCT but it seems like it failed. I think HCG I had was no good at the time or just simply shut me down even further due to large amounts of HCG i was using.

Atm I feel okay, my levels were crashed at the time of the test and fellt like ass obviously.
I tested on 4th week of PCT to see if i was getting anywhere but obviously not.


FSH 0.1 iu/L - Normal ranges <10
LH 0.2 iu/L - Normal ranges <9
Test 4.3 nmol/L - Normal ranges <11 - 40

I wanted ask if i should ride it out or do HCG and PCT again?

09-09-2015, 05:03 PM
What compounds were u using and how long for?

09-10-2015, 01:05 AM
Was 4 months, ran decca/test along with tren cut up on during that time. Total of 1g of both a week

09-10-2015, 01:46 AM
Deca can and will keep you shut down for a LONG time, that's why I don't suggest anyone who's not on TRT use it. If you want to use Nandrolone and do PCT then NPP is the best choice next time!!! If you're set on coming off then you may have to wait a little longer and try the power PCT again. I know it's expensive and a pain in the ass but I've never heard of it not working for aanyone.

Good luck!!

09-14-2015, 10:04 AM
These are atrocious numbers. You are still shutdown. But word of warning in future bloods to be taken 8 weeks post pct not during not 4 or 6 minimum 8 .

Clark Kent
09-14-2015, 12:21 PM
Yes absolutely HCG at 5000 iu ew until you are back to normal and then 50 mgs of clomid eod for maintaining! Thats what my doc put me on and worked like a charm!

09-14-2015, 02:28 PM
Thanks for input guys!
I think I will redo PCT.

Clark Kent - Did you fail your HCG+PCT before hand and redid with 5000iu wk and 50mg clomid eod? I'm asking because I've heard HCG can make my HPTA even worse if its already not responding, I fear blasting HCG could just cause further shutdown.

09-14-2015, 06:08 PM
Yeah definitely use hcg and recycle nolva and clomid as they all increase test. (Damage limitation). Hcg blast 250 iu - 500 iu ed pre pct (before using clomid and nolva as well).

09-15-2015, 01:07 AM
Follow the power pct exactly as its written. The hcg is run for the first 16 days then you start the clomid, and nolva. Hcg can be suppressive, and thats why I dont think its good for pct. The one exception being Dr. Scally's power pct. Its very effective, and I haven't heard of anyone complaining it didnt work.

Apex Peptides
09-17-2015, 03:15 AM
You might be in for a ride. Stay tough brother. Keep us updated.

Clark Kent
09-26-2015, 01:46 PM
Thanks for input guys!
I think I will redo PCT.

Clark Kent - Did you fail your HCG+PCT before hand and redid with 5000iu wk and 50mg clomid eod? I'm asking because I've heard HCG can make my HPTA even worse if its already not responding, I fear blasting HCG could just cause further shutdown.

That is completely false. HCG will trigger your testes to begin producing testosterone. Which in turn will increase your sperm count as well as raise base testosterone levels. I didnt fail with my first PCT. this is actually the PCT my doctor put me on. This was because my blood work and semen analysis were completely crashed after She started me at 5000iu ew for six weeks and tested again it was drastically improved but not at conceivable levels so we repeated for another 6 weeks and When I tested I was within all normal ranges. I was fully recovered although she want me to take 50 mgs clomid eod for maintenance. She did however say that taking clomid in doses higher than 50 mgs eod or 25mgs ed can shut you down. So be careful with clomid. I think people dont use it correctly and hinder their recovery! If you have any questions man please feel free to PM me at anytime always here to help.