10-17-2015, 01:52 PM
been experimenting for a minute with tren prop and d -bol and d-rol also threw some dnp in there and this is what I got .so to start my cycle I was coming off my dnp cycle so 2 weeks before dnp stop I did 1 cc of tren and prop with 50 mg d-rol and 50 mg of d-bol I found that I was able to consume more calories then usual without gaining weight si I can have sufficient energy at the gym and I was able to eat twice as much then normal was able to really pack on size without having to be calorie deficient . now ima take some live 52 and drop all other orals and do m1t for 4 weeks on 4 weeks off I take aromisin eod 12,5 mcg . this stuff is a godsend I love it so far this run has been great now I am off dnp back to a restricted diet and still having great results I find that 400 mgs of dnp is enough to turn the heat on and mix with tren with out any ill side effects it really worked well for me so much I just ordered 3 more cycles of dnp .I also upped tren to 2 cc and test to 1 cc eod doing well so far no bad sides yet im a lil more aggressive but nothing I can't control .making huge gains at the gym . has any one tried this ? if so please feel free to add input

10-19-2015, 04:48 PM
Can you break that up in to sentences and paragraphs? I am having trouble reading it as it all blurs together for me.

10-19-2015, 06:30 PM
lmaoo @sybrsage... r u takin tren e or ace drac??