View Full Version : Crash (A Hate Story)

10-19-2015, 10:34 PM
So ever since I have been cycling AAS, I have always used some form of PCT...whether it be Nolva or Adex. I have never tried going off cycle without. So the last cycle that I was on I decided to go without PCT to see how I would feel after...and since my brother and I work out together, he dared me to do it and I caved in like a juvenile which is the main reason I did it. I went on a 12 week cycle of Test Cyp (500mg per week) , followed by 12 weeks of doing nothing. Not watching what i eat, not working out, and almost zero exercise other than getting my steps in to the mailbox. Here is what happened when my body introduced me to estrogen...

Cons: After the first 2 weeks i could tell i was starting to lose some water, but was staying somewhat defined and feeling good. After 3 weeks I lost most if not all of the water weight and looked pretty good in the mirror...still felt ok but slowing down a bit. Week 4, labido came to a screeching halt, sex felt like more of a chore and didnt really want any...week 6 i started getting headaches (a migraine or two even). Also, the back and chest acne (somewhat painful to the touch) started to show up. Weeks 7 and 8, gains started diminishing drastically and zero sex drive. I felt dehydrated all the time and didn't even feel like drinking water which I have to force myself to do. By week 9 I was having severe back, neck, and shoulder pain (most likely from my muscles suffering from atrophy of not being normally active); my mental disposition was not good at all...depressive. I had to keep reminding myself that its temporary and part of the crash. By week 10, I was skinny, no body fat accept a little in my stomach area (the hardest to lose). Still had all the other symptoms, however my labido started to return some which made me a little less depressed. By weeks 11 and 12...atrophy is still there but i slowly started putting on some weight...not muscle mass. Also, I must admit, since about week 7 i started the habit of snoring, and started suffering a bit from objective apnea. This means that the pharyngeal muscles in the back of my throat also started to weaken, causing me to stop breathing normally at night and waking myself up to breath (very dangerous actually). This made me wake up with small headaches in the morning as well as make me lethargic for the rest of the day, making it very hard to stay focused on my work.
It is now the end of my 12th week and I do feel somewhat recovered from my crash...at least I can get a healthy erection from thinking about sex. I have 1 pimple left on my chest. I'm not as depressed and I physically feel a little better than a 50 year old man who just finished hand digging trenches all day (I have to use bengay at least twice a week on my neck and shoulders). I'm 38 years old.

Pros: I was able to binge watch All seasons of Ray Donovan, Game of Thrones, and Californication. How sad!!!

I'm going to start my diet and exercise program this weekend, ease back into the living again. This is something I wish I never done as I wasted 12 weeks of my life doing it. But if someone learns from it, all is not lost.

Moral of the Story: Although I took this to the extreme by doing absolutely nothing (going from one end of the spectrum to another); Do yourself a fucking favor and do PCT!! Crashing is no fun.

10-19-2015, 11:25 PM
Thanks for putting this out there brother. The bros that don't know need to know how important pct really is and you showed that well. Again thanks.

12-15-2015, 04:27 AM
Dang! What did you do to your brother to deserve such a dare?!?! I can't help but wonder how much different it would have been had you continued lifting...

Thanks for sharing.

12-23-2015, 02:24 AM
This happened to me except I broke my foot and was too depressed from that to do much of anything but sit on the couch. The crash hit me very hard, bye-bye erections for 2 months!