View Full Version : What is the worst advice you've gotten/heard someone get regarding bodybuilding?

11-20-2015, 07:31 PM
This should be funny to hear.....

Just yesterday I was at the gym and I heard some 150lb future Mr O doofus trying to give advice to his 135lb protege. He said and I quote "Decline benching is more effective because all of your testosterone is stored in your leg muscles and when you elevate your legs it allows more test to flow through your system." I was mid squat and almost had to forfeit my set. I've heard many ridiculous things over the years but this one was just too much for me.

What are some ridiculous things you've been told, or heard someone say regarding bodybuilding or lifting in general?

11-20-2015, 07:36 PM
OMFG that is the stupidest thing I think I have ever heard!!!!

I'm torn between laughing my ass off and feeling sorry for those kids!!! I've heard some dumb stuff over the years but nothing that compares to that!!!!

11-20-2015, 07:50 PM
This should be funny to hear.....

Just yesterday I was at the gym and I heard some 150lb future Mr O doofus trying to give advice to his 135lb protege. He said and I quote "Decline benching is more effective because all of your testosterone is stored in your leg muscles and when you elevate your legs it allows more test to flow through your system." I was mid squat and almost had to forfeit my set. I've heard many ridiculous things over the years but this one was just too much for me.

What are some ridiculous things you've been told, or heard someone say regarding bodybuilding or lifting in general?


11-20-2015, 07:53 PM
It always bugs me when I hear dudes being told to take way more gear than they need to! And I almost never hear anyone referring them to PCT!

11-20-2015, 09:45 PM
Yep that could very well be the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. I can see them now, going home and keeping their legs elevated, going to bed with their legs elevated, sex with legs elevated. Absolutely ridiculous!!

11-20-2015, 10:54 PM
Woa were to they come with this shit?

I had some young fella ask me to spot his bench the other day. He hit his 8 reps that he wanted without to much help form me so im like common bro pump out a couple more and hes like 'no i didnt get much sleep last night i dont want to go to hard'

Eh? Shook my head

11-20-2015, 10:57 PM
They always do it while we're in mid squat too!

Its usually that group of 3-5 that have been training together for 6 months, with 10% body fat yet can squat bodyweight.. They have the classic advice

One thing that kills me is when they instruct the worst deadlift form as if they actually know what they are talking about.. So many slipped discs so many injuries

11-20-2015, 11:38 PM
It always bugs me when I hear dudes being told to take way more gear than they need to! And I almost never hear anyone referring them to PCT!

This is true ....everything with gym gear heads is tren and sust lmfao ......no fuckin e blockers......

11-21-2015, 12:13 AM
there was a kid at my gym talkin to this other kid about steroid usage, sayin that wen he starts to inject only in glutes,bein that there mostly fat and that wat absorbs the gear n gives u gains.... i died laughin after i walked off...u kno hes probly never touched it in his life lol

Chad Ray
11-21-2015, 05:11 AM
That is ridiculous but not surprising! People are freaking idiots!! What ever happened to getting an experienced lifter to give advice?! Geez!! Maybe that's why some lifters have such skinny legs and developed tops that do not match! They sat upside down too long!! ROFLAO!

Bulking whippet
11-21-2015, 05:31 AM
This thread made my day ,that's some funny shit hey...these cats can't be serious?are they

11-21-2015, 06:07 AM
"Take tren your first cycle" little wana be big guy to the beginner

11-21-2015, 06:10 AM
Or..."Why come off cycle bro?! You don't need to come off cycle look at me and I never have"
Who need balls when you have biceps!lol

11-21-2015, 06:44 AM
Or..."Why come off cycle bro?! You don't need to come off cycle look at me and I never have"
Who need balls when you have biceps!lol
I have actually heard that shit!! Lmao!! Little fucker prolly couldn't spell gear!

11-21-2015, 01:12 PM
1. Approximately seventeen years ago I was informed that deca only was a great cycle, I learned the hard way on that one.
2. The way you know if your taking enough dbol, is you should have a small amount of blood in your urine. I didn't try this.
I'm still unsure if the guy giving me this knowledge had a sick sense of humor, or was just dumb as a box of rocks.

Kzoo Detector
11-21-2015, 03:50 PM
This should be funny to hear.....

Just yesterday I was at the gym and I heard some 150lb future Mr O doofus trying to give advice to his 135lb protege. He said and I quote "Decline benching is more effective because all of your testosterone is stored in your leg muscles and when you elevate your legs it allows more test to flow through your system." I was mid squat and almost had to forfeit my set. I've heard many ridiculous things over the years but this one was just too much for me.

What are some ridiculous things you've been told, or heard someone say regarding bodybuilding or lifting in general? I wonder how he would explain the guys who come back after military service with their legs blown off, but still have strong bench press power. Did the testosterone miraculously start to store in their torsos? God damn the shit people come up with...

11-23-2015, 01:19 AM
I seen a guy on another forum say to inject hcg directly into your nuts! Holy dumb fuck batman!!!

11-23-2015, 11:20 AM
I seen a guy on another forum say to inject hcg directly into your nuts! Holy dumb fuck batman!!!
Woa, even if this did work who would b crazy enough to try it? Thats hardcore

11-23-2015, 01:50 PM
For me it was working out every muscle twice a week.not for me I actually think in made me smaller.the only muscle that was handling it was my back muscles.I even started to lose strength.my bud does it with success???

11-23-2015, 01:54 PM
And of coursehttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/11/23/d6cc612224f3b035837ba9d421b7e51c.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/11/23/903cab2250345009a003ba0930a08deb.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/11/23/0e66c569065f8c963002a93bb3b98176.jpg

11-23-2015, 05:48 PM
the guy that did my first cycle for me has a friend and I was researching ml and cc at the time I wasn't good with the conversions so his friend told me on my fisrt cycle to run 2 cc's of prop every other day alonf with deca every three days after 4 days I felt like shit had no energy coulnt think right I was fucked up for almost a week when I asked him what happened he almost beat dudes ass because he could have killed me lol no I do my own research fuck advice

11-23-2015, 07:29 PM
I was told about 20+ years ago that deca was an estrogen blocker and could be ran by itself. I thankfully was not injecting at that time in my life. I really get a kick out guys and gals doing partial rep squats with as much weight as they can.

11-24-2015, 09:31 AM
Old but a gold: The one that gets me all the time is "carbs before bed (even eating before bed) will just turn to fat"...yeah ok, because the Fricking insulin / fat fairy comes after like, 10pm, and stores all your calories as fat bro. Face palm....

11-24-2015, 10:26 AM
Just remembered when i was younger. Trainer at tge gym had me on the exercise bike, low resistance, high speed cardio. Mind you i had very low body fat. And he tells me "this is how you get huge bro"

Bloody troll

12-30-2015, 10:03 PM
Just saw one on another forum where the guy was telling someone else he didn't need post cycle therapy for his 4 week test e dbol cycle. 4 weeks of test e and dbol won't shut you down.

This was one of the gurus of the site.

Shaking my head.

12-31-2015, 02:48 AM
This should be funny to hear.....

Just yesterday I was at the gym and I heard some 150lb future Mr O doofus trying to give advice to his 135lb protege. He said and I quote "Decline benching is more effective because all of your testosterone is stored in your leg muscles and when you elevate your legs it allows more test to flow through your system." I was mid squat and almost had to forfeit my set. I've heard many ridiculous things over the years but this one was just too much for me.

What are some ridiculous things you've been told, or heard someone say regarding bodybuilding or lifting in general?

Yes that's about right.... LMAO!

12-31-2015, 03:11 AM
OK I bought 3 10ml vials for my first cycle, 2 test cyp and one test E. I said I only wanted a 6 week cycle the guy who sold them to me just
divided even to where you have 12 equal pins and pin twice a week for 6 weeks.....I wound up giving myself a blood clot

12-31-2015, 04:15 AM
OK I bought 3 10ml vials for my first cycle, 2 test cyp and one test E. I said I only wanted a 6 week cycle the guy who sold them to me just
divided even to where you have 12 equal pins and pin twice a week for 6 weeks.....I wound up giving myself a blood clot
So you pinned 3 cc twice a week and got a blood clot?

01-07-2016, 05:42 AM
Not really steroid related but the PT I saw once many moons ago said "You are catabolic, you want to be like me, anabolic. My muscles are anabolic which means they are growing". Dude must love the mirror.

01-19-2016, 01:27 AM
When I first started I was shooting with 18g and 20g lawn darts lol. I didn't know anything bout them and was told that was the size I needed. Can you say ouch!! Lucky I was running long esters.

01-19-2016, 01:38 AM
When I first started I was shooting with 18g and 20g lawn darts lol. I didn't know anything bout them and was told that was the size I needed. Can you say ouch!! Lucky I was running long esters.
Yeah my first cycle was Mexican sustanon and halo.the sustanon came with needles for horses ....lmao
What a dumb kid I was.....

01-19-2016, 01:58 AM
Yup the redijects. They were brutal

01-19-2016, 02:07 AM
Prescription primotesten still comes with 19g needle for injects

01-19-2016, 02:28 AM
About 20yrs ago for me with deca was told after I pd a shit ton for it to run 800mg a week wow I gained nothing but water and the depression that set it afterwards because I had no test in my system was making think of hurting myself. People don't realize that some advice might really hurt someone.

01-19-2016, 10:32 AM
When I first started I was shooting with 18g and 20g lawn darts lol. I didn't know anything bout them and was told that was the size I needed. Can you say ouch!! Lucky I was running long esters.


01-22-2016, 12:19 AM
This should be funny to hear.....

Just yesterday I was at the gym and I heard some 150lb future Mr O doofus trying to give advice to his 135lb protege. He said and I quote "Decline benching is more effective because all of your testosterone is stored in your leg muscles and when you elevate your legs it allows more test to flow through your system." I was mid squat and almost had to forfeit my set. I've heard many ridiculous things over the years but this one was just too much for me.

What are some ridiculous things you've been told, or heard someone say regarding bodybuilding or lifting in general?

Are you saying that sleeping up side down like a bat wont push extra testosterone from my legs to chest and arms and get them bigger while I sleep... I need to go back to the drawing board :)

01-22-2016, 01:31 AM
The jackass that sold me my first cycle set me up with "prescription" test e and deca. To kick off my first cycle he dosed me at 400mg deca w 600 mg test e w with 21g pin, the only place to pin was the side center of the glute. Not only did I bleed profusely every pin I couldn sit cause I hurt so bad and had lemons under the skin. Now I was a big fatty, my ass was a great twerking shaker! Lol, I don't even think I hit the muscle, but "in the fat was where I wanted it". Ahh fuck it's a great thing I found BOP, these brothers probably saved my like! Frank the tank set my ass straight many times!

01-22-2016, 01:36 AM
Just saw one on another forum where the guy was telling someone else he didn't need post cycle therapy for his 4 week test e dbol cycle. 4 weeks of test e and dbol won't shut you down.

This was one of the gurus of the site.

Shaking my head.

Good grief!

01-25-2016, 09:54 PM
How about the one about making your Johnson smaller.Nuts yea but that's what people think.Then theres the guys that think they'll blow up on dbol only with no test.Lol people don't realize the diet and work involved they think you can take a magic pill and blow up.