View Full Version : Flathead's Take on Squat Day

08-09-2011, 01:39 PM
I ain’t for shit on doing write-ups so bare with me here. Over the next few months I’m going to attempt to do a separate write-up on Squats, Deads, Bench, & will touch on Military Press. Each one of these write-ups will include some solid accessory (options) exercises in regards to building these core lifts. Along with periodization, this is all based on the quality of time spent in the gym versus quantity. I invented none of this stuff & learned by the school of hard knocks. It’s been just recently that I’ve been able to string it all together. That being said, hopefully this will help some of you avoid some of the same mistakes I’ve made.

The layout of all of this can be incorporated in just about any routine> Wendler, Westside, 5x5, EDT, Texas method, Strongman, etc, etc.

Core Exercise = Squats (Sets/intensity are routine dependent)
~ I don’t care if you do high/low back, narrow/wide stance, box or ass to the floor, this will be your staple movement of the day. This is where most of your effort & time needs to be spent.
~ No single compound exercise will give you the overall growth that a squat will. So please give it your undivided attention!!
~ You hear me preach all the time about going heavy. Your form will be the number one indicator if you’ve taken it too far & essentially where you need to be.

Core Accessory = Pick 2 (5 sets ea.)
~ Hack Squats
~ Good Mornings
~ Squats with Bands/Chains
~ Front Squat
~ Zerchers Squat
~ Barbell Lunge

Support Accessory = Pick 1 (5 sets)
~ Glute-Ham Raises “Weighted
~ Back Raises “Weighted”

Support Accessory = Pick 1-2 (6 sets total)
~ Decline Sit up “Weighted
~ Reverse Glute-Ham Raises “Weighted”
~ Rope Cable Crunches
~ DB Side Bends
~ Hanging Leg Raises

Support Accessory = Pick 1 (5 sets)
~ Machine Seated Calf Raises
~ Machine Standing Calf Raises
~ Standing Barbell Calf Raises

Grip Work = Pick 2 (8 sets total)
~ Weight Plate Pinches
~ Farmers Walks
~ Wrist Roller
~ Barbell Finger Rolls

Note: It's always a good idea to switch up your core accessories every 3-4wks. This shocks your CNS & promotes constant growth.

08-22-2012, 06:36 PM
good stuff

08-24-2012, 08:21 PM
Good post. I've always seen so many people through the years simply blow off squats, and try to justify replacing with leg presses and the other leg stuff. I believe they won't squat simply because they feel it's just "too much work". Unfortunately the results (or lack therof) shows when they look top-heavy!

08-29-2012, 02:23 AM

Great post FH.

08-29-2012, 02:45 AM
Great strenght program, will pack on some mass as well as long as diet is good...nice post

07-22-2019, 12:28 PM
I believe they won't squat simply because they feel it's just "too much work". Unfortunately the results (or lack therof) shows when they look top-heavy!