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12-31-2015, 04:51 PM
Alright my brothers, it is time to do this. (I pinned last night, but didn't have time to post this until now)

Here is the plan:

12 week cycle with 500 Test E per week, split into two injections 3.5 days apart. (Touchdown on everything, including PCT, arrived yesterday. Boy was that exciting)

50mg Proviron daily (icing on the cake)
20mg Nolva daily

10 days after last injection start PCT. PCT will consist of the recommendations from ANABOLICS, so:

HCG 2000IU EOD for 20 days
50mg Clomid 2XD for 30 days
20mg Nolva 2XD for 45 days

Current stats:
13-15% BF
30 years old
Lifting four years

Pre-cycle labs have been completed and recorded.

I'll post measurements sometime in the near future, as that is what I'll primarily use to track progress.

I typically lift six days a week. Those days consist of:


Cardio EOD

Caloric intake will increase from maintenance of 3200/day to 4500/day (all clean, of course.) The 4500 will consist of:

40% carbs (450g)
30% protein (338g)
30% fat (150g)

Also taking:
Multivitamin (Universal)
2000IU/day Vitamin D
4000mg/day fish oil
1 serving lipid stabil/day

Any feedback for improvement would certainly be appreciated. There is a wealth of knowledge/resources here and I'm confident that my research and studying has only scratched the surface of the available information.

I also have a question about the addition of Anavar. My wife has decided to run a var-only (bikini competitor. She's placed in a couple shows and taken first at one) cycle at 5-10mg/day. (I'm still trying to get her to join up and create a log herself.) I went ahead and ordered a surplus to avoid wasting the suppliers time with such a small order. Having all this extra on hand I then started thinking about possibly adding var to my cycle for the last 6-8 weeks as I really like the idea of what it provides for lean muscle and vascularity, but I would only consider adding it after making sure everything is lined out as far as sides are concerned with the test and Proviron. (Liver support would be added in this case, of course) Any thoughts on that? It's easy to get ambitious, but I definitely don't want to screw this up and I'm perfectly fine keeping it simple.

Thanks in advance brothers. This is very exciting.

Bullseye Forever
12-31-2015, 05:26 PM
Nice man!!! Very nice

12-31-2015, 05:30 PM
Looks like u have it locked in brother good cycle hope u achive all ur goals

12-31-2015, 06:15 PM
That is very reassuring. Thanks guys.

Any thoughts on the Anavar addition at the end?

Pudin Head
01-02-2016, 08:45 AM
Looks like you have it covered well. I highly recommend the Anavar. I chucked in 60mg per day of var for the last 4 weeks of my cycle and it was awesome. Im looking forward to your log.

01-02-2016, 11:10 AM
Good job planning everything out and getting everything you needed before starting your cycle

01-02-2016, 12:19 PM
Thank you brothers. Currently I'm starting to second guess the PCT, there is a lot of conflicting information out there, especially with regard to the use of HCG.

Time for breakfast and then it's off to the gym!

01-02-2016, 12:41 PM
Looks like you have it covered well. I highly recommend the Anavar. I chucked in 60mg per day of var for the last 4 weeks of my cycle and it was awesome. Im looking forward to your log.

Since I'll have the stuff on hand anyway, as long as I'm feeling okay and have everything under control, I'll probably do the same.

Bullseye Forever
01-02-2016, 04:41 PM
Thank you brothers. Currently I'm starting to second guess the PCT, there is a lot of conflicting information out there, especially with regard to the use of HCG.

Time for breakfast and then it's off to the gym!

I like the idea of Anavar at the end,I've used it several times at 80-100mg at the last 6-8 weeks of some cycles and it really helped me!! Loved the outcome

01-02-2016, 04:45 PM
Excellent. Thanks again for the responses my brethren. You're certainly helping me feel more confident about my decisions and plans.

Bullseye Forever
01-02-2016, 04:46 PM
Excellent. Thanks again for the responses my brethren. You're certainly helping me feel more confident my decisions and plans.

You have the right plan brother!! I will be 50 real soon and I'm planning my next one myself

01-02-2016, 08:09 PM
Definitely keep us posted!

Bullseye Forever
01-02-2016, 08:31 PM
Definitely keep us posted!

Yes man I will I'm gonna do a log myself

01-03-2016, 03:28 PM
Second pin this morning. I'm confident that eventually the feeling of excitement will wear off, but I've been looking forward to this morning like a kid waiting for Christmas.

We took all measurements the other day, and I'll take them every two weeks (with exception of my belly. I'd like that to remain the same. If it grows I'll consider dropping the calories to a small degree) and note improvement on this thread.

So far no sides, but it's only been 3.5 days.

Oh, and wife started taking her Var yesterday. She won't be joining the forum (she doesn't like social-media, despite my telling her this place is drama-free as long as your first post isn't about a well-known lab shutting down) so maybe I'll start a separate thread for her.

Thanks again for the support bros!

01-03-2016, 03:35 PM
Also- So far the increase of calories has been a bit of a challenge, especially since I'm keeping my sugar allowance the same as it was before. More salads has been useful, since I can use each half of an avocado for two meals instead of just one like I previously did.

01-06-2016, 08:20 PM
Update after one week:

So far I haven't noticed much as far as feeling any different, with the exception that I might become hot easier than I used to. I have yet to see where I'm at on strength, but deadlifting today at 405 felt incredibly easy.

Weight came in at 221 this morning, and that has been fairly consistent.

Third pin tonight!

Bullseye Forever
01-06-2016, 09:43 PM
Update after one week:

So far I haven't noticed much as far as feeling any different, with the exception that I might become hot easier than I used to. I have yet to see where I'm at on strength, but deadlifting today at 405 felt incredibly easy.

Weight came in at 221 this morning, and that has been fairly consistent.

Third pin tonight!

That's great man!! I'm starting one myself on my 2nd pin tonight

01-06-2016, 09:45 PM
Did you start a log?

Bullseye Forever
01-06-2016, 09:45 PM
Did you start a log?

I'm going to Monday when I finally get everything together

01-09-2016, 02:53 AM
Little update on the Proviron:

That shit seems to have kicked in! Morning wood every morning and a breeze seems to be all that's needed to harden things up, haha!

01-20-2016, 10:58 PM
Doc wanted blood drawn the morning before my seventh pin, so I had that done today. Should have results next week. It was nice having insurance pay for it. They also paid for my TRT script. (Those are sure cute little vials at 1ml each.) Previously I wasn't going to do labs until two weeks after starting the Var, so this will be a pretty cool experiment to see the difference.

Training is going well. Not visually seeing any huge differences yet, which is to be expected, but the scale is slowly climbing. Weighed in at 230 this morning. I have started to lose some abs, and if that continues too much I'll drop the carbs down a tad.

02-02-2016, 02:35 PM
Labs came back yesterday. Results are:

Test serum: •>1500 with a reference range of 348-1197. I'll ask for my next set to have no cap on levels.

Free test: •>50 with a reference range of 8-25.

E2: 86.1 with a reference range of 7.6-42. I'm not seeing any sides associated with elevated estrogen, but I'll probably go ahead and drop the Nolva and swap over to letro or aromasin.

Unfortunately the doc didn't order lipids, but he is fine with ordering another panel here soon with new parameters and lipid profiles as well.

Doctor cracked me up when he called. "I think we should go ahead and drop that test down a little." Super nice guy.

02-15-2016, 07:18 PM
Halfway point update:

I'm having a difficult time getting past 230. I hit that 232-233 number for a bit but the last few weeks have been consistently at 230. However, that is only one piece of data, so I took the measurements I could by myself. So far we have:

Bicep has increased by 1 1/8"
Calve has increased by 3/4"
3" from top of kneecap has increased 1"
10" from top of kneecap has increased ~ 7/8"
I'll try to get the rest of the measurements later.

Still have great vascularity and no evidence of increased water retention.

One of those little handheld bf% thingies measured me out at 14.7%, so I'm pretty happy with that. (And now I have an additional point to compare at the end.)

Very excited for the next six weeks.

02-15-2016, 07:48 PM
Oh yeah, and I've only increased around the navel by a 1/2"

03-10-2016, 04:17 PM
Cycle update:

Been running letro (couldn't get aromasin) at .5 E3D for the last few weeks. (When the letro first came in I ran it E2D, but I think it was a bit much as I lost my sec drive and my tendons started to hurt.) To get the order to meet the minimum, I threw in some mastE. Well, since I had the mast and I had stopped the Var, I figured what the hell, I'll stretch the cycle out and start the mast too. So I've been running the mast at 500/week for the last few weeks as well. Bloods were pulled yesterday and I'm interested to see where my E2 and lipids stand.

04-05-2016, 04:54 PM
Bloods came back last week. For some reason the doc didn't order a hormone panel, only lipids. I was really hoping to see what I had done to the E2 with the letro, but I guess there is always next time.

As far as lipids are concerned, my baseline with no kind of lipid supplement was:

Total cholesterol 168 (100-199 reference range)

HDL 42 (above 39 RR)
LDL 101 (0-99 RR)

As stated in the beginning, I ran LipidStabil throughout the cycle. Running the test, mast, and letro my levels were:

HDL 20 (above 39 RR)
LDL 150 (0-99 RR)
The doc recommended trying Red Yeast Rice for lipid control in the future, adding COQ10 if energy levels start to fall. Based on what I've seen from some of the other posts, I was expecting much worse on my lipids, so I'm pretty content with the results.

Hemoglobin and hematocrit still within a good range. Doc was surprised to see that with how much test I was taking. We both agreed that the 4 grams of fish oil/day seemed to be working.

04-05-2016, 04:58 PM
Also, I just started the TRT dosage until my next blast. Running 1ml/week cypionate and will be getting more labs done at the end of the month. I'll post measurement changes here in a couple weeks once the long esters have worn off. So far my belly diameter has decreased, lifts are all up, and my weight has been a pretty consistent 228. Water retention doesn't seem to have been as issue with this particular cycle.

04-20-2016, 05:16 AM
Final numbers:

Gained 1" on biceps
Gained 1/8" around shoulders
Gained 1 1/2" around the pecs (tape under the arms)
Gained 1/2" at top of quad (and stretch marks for the first time in my life. Might be a measuring error there)
Gained 2" a few inches above the knee.
Lost 1/2" around the belly

Weight is still hanging around the 225-228 range and I still have pretty decent vascularity in the shoulders.

All in all I'm pretty happy with the results (except for the calves. But my wife tells me they look bigger. I recognize there is some variance to measurements though) I didn't have any issues with acne until I started the Mast E. And it's still hanging around.

I really hope this log is helpful to any other new guys lookin to start a cycle. The only things I would have done differently would be:

Eat more. Like, 1000 calories more per day.
Used aromasin instead of letro for AI. Found out after the fact when talking to TRT doc that letro can kill libido in some individuals. I happen to be some individual. Dammit!
Probably not run the mast. I used it to get to the minimum for an order and I could've spent that money on better stuff, like more Proviron. That stuff is the bomb. Especially after killing your sex drive with letro. Proviron brings that back up in a jiffy!
Maybe increase the Anavar to 75 or 100 after the first couple of weeks.

04-20-2016, 06:52 AM
Nice post! Thanks for the info.

04-20-2016, 09:59 AM
I take it The Masteron Didn't Make Much Of A Difference For You. Also could You Tell A Big Difference When You Were Taking The Var And Test Versus Just The Test?

04-20-2016, 01:57 PM
I take it The Masteron Didn't Make Much Of A Difference For You. Also could You Tell A Big Difference When You Were Taking The Var And Test Versus Just The Test?

From what I could tell I didn't notice anything from the masteron except that I became more easily annoyed by things that I would have normally brushed off. And the damn acne. Nothing on my back really, just my chest and arms. Perhaps my body fat wasn't low enough to really see the difference.

The biggest thing I noticed with the var was getting ridiculously vascular. My blood vessels had blood vessels! The only water retention I had was in that first couple weeks where I was up to 233-235, but I never noticed my face looking rounder or anything. The Proviron and Anavar really helped my muscles to pop and keep water retention down.

Edit for water retention addition

04-20-2016, 03:32 PM
Nice post! Thanks for the info.


04-20-2016, 05:44 PM
Good Log Man, I appreciate The Info As I Am Going To Start My First Cycle Soon. I Believe Im Going To Run 500mg Test Only Since It Is My First Cycle And Would Like To See How My Body Responds To Just Test, Although I Am Thinking About Adding Anavar Towards The End Of The Cycle. Going To Keep Arimidex On Hand If Estrogen Related Sides Pop Up. For Your PCT Did The HCG And Nolva Work Out Pretty Good?

04-20-2016, 05:52 PM
Good Log Man, I appreciate The Info As I Am Going To Start My First Cycle Soon. I Believe Im Going To Run 500mg Test Only Since It Is My First Cycle And Would Like To See How My Body Responds To Just Test, Although I Am Thinking About Adding Anavar Towards The End Of The Cycle. Going To Keep Arimidex On Hand If Estrogen Related Sides Pop Up. For Your PCT Did The HCG And Nolva Work Out Pretty Good?

Thanks man!

I ended up not running pct as I'm on scripted TRT due to my lower levels before ever touching a steroid. (Saw the doctor with my pre-cycle labs roughly two weeks after starting the cycle) So since I had the HCG anyway I ran it at 250iu E3.5D for the last eight weeks just to get rid of the testicular atrophy. I still have the Nolva and Clomid on hand just in case I ever need to come off for some reason, but hopefully that doesn't happen.